Medical Student Electives

Medical students interested in vascular surgery as a career, or wish to gain additional exposure to the field are welcome to apply for a clinical elective. Elective are 4 weeks in duration and can be accommodated at the teaching sites below. Senior medical students function as the junior resident during the elective and divide their time between the operating room, emergency department and ward.

For additional information on the elective application process for McGill and visiting medical students, please refer to the the McGill Undergraduate Medical Electives website.

Jewish General Hospital: Vascular/Thoracic Surgery

Supervisor Dr. Daniel Obrand                                                 Telephone (514) 340-8222, Local 23324                                        
Coordinator Pamela Phillips Telephone (514) 340-8222, Local 24648     
Fax (514) 340-8649
E-mail pphillips [at]

Available to one student. The student who selects this elective will function as an integral member of the team in the work-up and management of patients with vascular and thoracic diseases. His/her daily activities will take him to the vascular radiology lab, the interventional radiology department, the intensive care unit as well as to the operating room where he/she will be part of the surgical team. He/she will be closely supervised by a member of the Thoracic and Vascular Departments. Requests for electives of less than 4 weeks duration are not considered.


Royal Victoria Hospital: Vascular Surgery

Chief of Service Dr. Oren Steinmetz                                         Telephone (514) 934-1934, Local 31918                                          
Fax (514) 843-1730
E-mail oren.steinmetz [at]
Coordinator Kathy Roussis E-mail [at]

The division and in-patient elective service is located at the Royal Victoria Hospital. The service provides consultative and emergency service for both the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Montreal General Hospital.

Electives would be available to 2 students per rotation. In the elective, the student will function as an integral part of the Vascular Surgery Service. The elective student can expect direct access and teaching from the vascular staff in a series of ambulatory clinics, on weekly ward rounds, during the weekly McGill Vascular Surgery Conference and in the operating room. This elective is the only clinical service available in medicine or surgery that is primarily dedicated to disease of the vascular system (arterial, venous, lymphatic) in all parts of the body (cerebrovascular, thoracic, abdominal and peripheral vascular).

The student will learn the key elements of clinical, non-invasive and invasive assessment of vascular disease. The service has a busy operative schedule for those interested in operative exposure; however, this does not have to be the focus of an elective student. The student should expect to leave the elective with a solid understanding of diseases involving the vascular system that would be applicable in many other fields of medicine. The student will also be exposed to many common medical conditions (diabetes, heart disease, renal disease, pulmonary disease) which will require management during the period of surgical intervention. Clinical research projects can also be arranged during the elective period if the elective student wishes. Requests for electives of less than 2 weeks duration are not considered.


Mileu de Formation en région: Chirurgie vasculaire

Coordonnatrice Stages en région Formation décentralisée

Samantha Hanley Telephone (514) 398-5666
Courriel [at]
CSSS DE GATINEAU (Hôpital de Gatineau)
Superviseur Dr. Frédéric Côté Telephone (819) 966-6100
Personne ressource  Lucille de Rainville  Telephone (819) 966-6171, poste 3241
Courriel [at]

Durée de stage : 4 semaines

Ce stage combine une exposition au bloc opératoire et des suivis en clinique ambulatoire et à l’urgence.  L’externe apprendra à examiner, investiguer et traiter les pathologies courantes du système locomoteur. 

Le stage se déroulera en clinique externe et au bloc opératoire sous la supervision directe d’un chirurgien spécialiste (orthopédie, neurochirurgie et chirurgie vasculaire).  L’externe sera invité à participer aux procédures pré et postopératoires. Il assistera le chirurgien lors des interventions en fonction de son niveau. L’horaire sera déterminé lors de la première journée de stage et peut comprendre des périodes de garde.

Le CSSS Gatineau (CSSSG) compte parmi les plus importants centres de santé au Québec et regroupe 2 hôpitaux (500 lits) offrant une gamme complète de services à plus de 220 000 personnes à Gatineau ainsi que des services spécialisés et ultraspécialisés à la population de l’Outaouais et du nord ouest du Québec.

Pour les stages de 4 semaines en région : Veuillez noter que le logement pour les stagiaires inscrits dans une faculté de médecine au Québec est  fourni par l’établissement.    Ces stagiaires bénéficient également d’allocations  forfaitaires pour le déplacement et les frais de séjour selon le cadre de gestion du Programme de formation médicale décentralisée du MSSS.   Les allocations sont payées par l’établissement et envoyées par chèque aux stagiaires quelques semaines après la fin du stage.

Note :  (Les stages en région s’effectuent en français)
En raison de la capacité d’accueil limitée, toutes les demandes de stages à option dans les milieux de formation en région doivent être soumises par courriel à Samantha Hanley au [at]

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