52 results in Math, computing and technology (remove filter), Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mathematics and statistics are omnipresent in today's world of information and technology. Their theories, models, and methods are integral to the way we analyze, understand, and build the world around us. Mathematics plays a...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Computer science is a stimulating, broad field of study that encompasses everything from theory to application. You can study diverse topics like software engineering, programming languages, robotics, compilers, databases,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Honours Mathematics and Physics program is a specialized and demanding program intended to help you develop a strong basis in both Mathematics and Physics in preparation for graduate work and a professional or academic...
Professional Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
A program that fosters the ideals of mentorship, the aim of the B.Ed in Secondary Mathematics Program is to prepare you for a career as a math teacher at the secondary school level. This integrated program combines...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Today, business professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs need to be able to leverage the power of data collected by organizations across the world.   The Business Analytics concentration bridges the gap between business ...
Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Statistics is motivated by the need to extract information from data, quantify uncertainty, and make predictions about random phenomena. Sophisticated mathematical and probabilistic techniques and computational tools are...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Electrical Engineers are experts in developing, testing and solving problems within electrical systems. McGill’s Major in Electrical Engineering offers a broad understanding of key principles in rapidly advancing fields like...
Joint Honours, Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This joint program brings together Mathematics and Computer Science, combining the mathematical skills of reasoning and problem solving, with the knowledge of algorithms and computing. These two disciplines and skillsets are...
Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behaviour through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Geophysics is also a natural science and it is concerned with the physical...
Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics and Computer Science are two complementary fields. Physics provides an analytic problem-solving outlook and basic understanding of nature, while computer science enhances the ability to make practical and marketable...


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