67 results in Environment (remove filter)
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
If you choose to pursue a BA in Environment, you can complement your studies within the Economics and Earth’s Environment Domain. You’ll gain an understanding of how economics influence decision-makers' choices around resource...
Macdonald Campus
Are you interested in biodiversity and conservation? As the impact of industrialization and population growth on natural systems has become more severe, conservation has emerged as an important area of practical endeavour. In...
Macdonald Campus
In the Environmental Biology Major, you'll receive world-class training on the biology, conservation and ecology of plants, birds and mammals, insects, fungi and microbes.  Your courses will offer a foundation in endangered...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of environmental engineering is to make sure that societal development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This is done by managing resources so that environmental pollution and degradation...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
At the Bieler School of Environment, you will learn how to communicate and contribute effectively on a range of environmental issues. Benefit from an environment where ingenuity and openness to new ideas are encouraged – and ...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
As a student in the International Agriculture specialization, you will acquire a global and applied understanding of agriculture as a fundamental tool to help rural development, alleviate poverty and ensure food security,...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
If you're interested in the life sciences and engineering, Bioresource Engineering is the program for you. As world populations rise, so do our requirements for food, renewable energy and bio-materials. This growing demand...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Food insecurity and hunger are global issues, from urban and isolated communities in the developing world to cities in industrialized countries. Defeating hunger and food insecurity is possible, but it requires people with the...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) store, analyze and visualize data of geographic positions on the Earth's surface. The Minor concentration in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing allows you to develop...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Earth System Science (ESYS) concentrates on the links between the Earth's biological, chemical, physical and human subsystems. It examines the cycling of energy and matter through the biosphere, the atmosphere, the cryosphere...


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