
SIS Director Prof Kimiz Dalkir to collaborate on a project helping Canadian citizens critically assess and become resilient against harmful online disinformation

Published: 21 May 2020

Prof. Kimiz Dalkir will be part of a collaborative project to help Canadian citizens critically assess and become resilient against harmful online disinformation: ”Développement et expérimentation d’outils éducatifs pour contrer la désinformation en ligne chez les jeunes adultes”. The $205,742 project is funded for two years (2019-2021) by Canadian Heritage under the Digital Citizenship program and will be led by PI Prof. Colette Brin (Département d’information et de communication, Directrice, Centre d'études sur les médias) at Université Laval. Project team members include: Marc Ladouceur (MediaSmarts/HabiloMédias), Prof. Normand Landry (TELUQ), Valérie-Anne Mahéo (Post-Doc, McGill Political Science and Université de Montréal), Prof. Philip Jackson and Prof. Thierry Giasson (Université Laval). Given the current pandemic, we will focus on how to combat COVID19 pandemic misinformation received by young adults.

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