Join the team
If you are interested in joining SAPP, please contact Dr. Körner at annett.korner [at], or Dr. Drapeau at martin.drapeau [at]
Students interested in working with Dr. Körner should email her indicating their interest in joining the lab and attach their CV and unofficial transcripts. It is not necessary to email Dr. Körner informing her that you will be applying to the MA or PhD program. In that case, simply indicate her name along with the names of other colleagues as potential supervisor when you submit your application to McGill. This will ensure that she reviews your application.
Students interested in working with Dr. Drapeau should simply send him an email indicating their interest in joining the lab. There is however no point in sending Dr. Drapeau a copy of your resume or of your transcripts when applying for the MA or the PhD program; Dr. Drapeau will only review applications to the program once they are submitted. SAPP welcomes applicants from everywhere, regardless of their background. Admission is based on merit and academic performance.
What we value
- We value diversity, equity and inclusion without division, shaming, or resentment
- We value curiosity, open inquiry and viewpoint diversity. We believe universities are where we should have difficult conversations
- We value intellectual rigour and science, not mysticism
- We value facts. One’s idiosyncratic emotions are not as a substitute for truth
- We value free speech as this is how we improve and refine our beliefs and reasoning
- We value effort and good will
- We value each individual as an individual, in all their complexity; no one can be reduced to the group(s) they belong to
- We value modesty and intellectual humility
- Our lab adheres to the principles of Heterodox Academy and of Colloquia, and to the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, which states that psychologists are required to …
I.1 Demonstrate appropriate respect for the knowledge, insight, experience, areas of expertise, and cultural perspectives and values of others, including those that are different from their own
III.8 Acknowledge the limitations, and not suppress disconfirming evidence, of their own and their colleagues’ methods, findings, interventions, and views, and acknowledge alternative hypotheses and explanations
III.21 Encourage and not interfere with the free and open exchange of psychological knowledge and theory between themselves, their students, trainees, colleagues, team members and other collaborators, and the public.
What we expect of our students
- When you make a point, rely on evidence. Psychology was born in a lab, in science
- Be intellectually charitable and assume others might know a thing or two you don’t
- Be humble and constructive. We can all learn from one another
- Allow yourself to make mistakes—that’s how we learn—and forgive others for making mistakes—that’s how we educate
- Be yourself
Suggested readings and resources
Interested in thinking about difficult issues? Take a look at!
- The Rise of Victimhood Culture by Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning
- The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
- The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff
- The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense by Gad Saad
- Living Room Conversations
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Open Mind
- Navigating Moral Disagreements
- Heterodox Canada
- Fair for All
- The Village Square
Science and Practice in Psychology Research Lab
ECP - McGill University
Suite B131
3700 McTavish Street
Montréal, QC
H3A 1Y2
Fax: 514-398-6968