Training Videos

Training Videos Lab Safety Video Autoclave Use and Safety Centrifuge Use and Safety Dishwasher Use and Safety


Safety Training For help with the EHS Safety Training System, please see the following videos:

Petra Rohrbach - Publications

Reiling SJ & Rohrbach P (2015) Monitoring PfMDR1 transport in Plasmodium falciparum. Malar J 14:270....

Robin Beech - Publications

Blanchard A, Gégnard F, Charvet C, et al. (2018) Deciphering anthelmintic targets from parasitic nematodes: when the model becomes the exception. PLOS Pathogens Submitted: ...

Elias Georges - Publications

Fallatah O and Georges E (2017) Apigenin-induced ABCC1-mediated efflux of glutathione from mature erythrocytes inhibits the proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum. Int J Antimicrob Agents 50: ...

Seminars 2007-2008

Seminar Series, Fall 2007 Raymond 4-047 Friday 11:30 am

Graduate Admission

** Information on the Non-Thesis MSc programs in Biotechnology can be found here **


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