Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to access OSVRSE services?

  • We offer support to all members of the McGill community (students, faculty, and staff) who have been impacted by sexual violence whether it be sexual harassment or assault, gender-based or intimate partner violence, or cyberviolence.  

  • You can access OSVRSE services whether you have experienced, witnessed or are supporting someone affected by sexual or gender-based violence.  

  • Services are provided regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, age, citizenship or immigration status. 

  • Services are provided regardless of when or where the incident of sexual or gender-based violence occurred (e.g. on campus, off campus, online, before coming to McGill). 

Is there a cost to accessing the OSVRSE?

  • All OSVRSE services are free and are available in French and in English. 

  • Students do not need to have paid student fees to access OSVRSE services.

Is an appointment with OSVRSE confidential?

Our interactions and what you tell us will be kept confidential within OSVRSE. With your consent, we will disclose information necessary to coordinate services and/or accommodations with other individuals or offices at McGill. 

The limits to confidentiality are as follows: 

  • If there is an imminent threat of death or serious physical harm to yourself or another person; 

  • If a minor’s security or development is or may be compromised; 

  • If a judge subpoenas your records. 

If one of these situations occurs, you will be informed and supported at every step. 

Do I need to report what happened to me to access OSVRSE services?

You can access OSVRSE services without being required to make a formal report or complaint to the university or the police.  If you have questions about reporting or about safety without reporting, we can discuss this during an appointment.

What if I have accessibility needs?

We strive to create accessible and inclusive spaces. 

  • The building is wheelchair accessible via the main entrance on Sherbrooke. 

  • One accessible and gender neutral washroom is available within our office.

  • Face masks are available for free at our reception desk.

  • This space is scent-reduced to minimize risk for people with chemical sensitivities, allergies, and asthma. Please refrain from wearing scented products, such as perfume, cologne, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hairspray or gel, laundry detergent, fabric softener, or lotion. 

If you require additional accommodations to access our office or participate in our events, please indicate this in your booking reservation.

What information do I need to provide to book an appointment?

We only require the information necessary to schedule an appointment. Please provide the following:  

Booking by phone: 

  • Name  

  • Phone number 

  • Please indicate if we can leave a voice message or not when we call back.  

Booking by email:  

  • Name 

  • Phone number (optional) 

Booking online:  

  • Name 

  • Email address 

  • Phone number (optional) 

If you are requesting an appointment to discuss an accommodation with an upcoming deadline, please indicate the type of accommodation and upcoming deadline in your message (phone, email). If you are booking online, but there are not appointments available before the upcoming deadline call 514-398-3954 or email us at osvrse [at]

What if I was recently sexually assaulted and require immediate help?

If you were sexually assaulted within the last 5 days and need immediate help, you can access services at designated centers that are open 24/7.  The services are available to people of all genders and include: testing for sexually transmitted infections, blood tests, vaccinations, morning-after contraception, HIV prophylaxis, a forensic examination, and psychological support. Click here to find a designated center or call 1-888-933-9007 and they will direct you to the one nearest you. 

What if I need help accessing an accommodation with an upcoming deadline?

If you are booking online, but there are not appointments available before the upcoming deadline call 514-398-3954 or email us at osvrse [at] Please indicate the type of accommodation and the deadline in your message (phone, email) when you initially reach out.

Is there a waitlist to get an appointment at OSVRSE?

We will do our utmost to provide an appointment within a week of your reaching out.   

  • If you try to book online but cannot meet at the times available or require a meeting before the next available time, call 514-398-3954 or email us at osvrse [at] with your availabilities.   

  • If you email OSVRSE, you can expect a response within 2 working days.  

What if I need support outside of office hours?

If you are in crisis or seeking support outside of business hours, you can call the provincial sexual violence helpline at 1-888-933-9007, which is available 24/7 in English and French.


McGill is located on unceded lands which have traditionally served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst diverse indigenous peoples. The Kanien’kehá:ka, a founding nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Anishinabeg are recognized as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is located. Learn more about the land you’re on by following this link, and commit to taking action to support the ongoing resistance and thriving of local Indigenous communities.


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