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The Secret World Inside Us

20 Mar 2017

Recently, there’s been an influx of media attention on guts. More specifically, the microbes that live in your gut. Extensive research is being done on these little guys as they seem to be having a...

Marketing Appears to Trump Science on Antibacterials

20 Mar 2017

Store shelves these days sag under the weight of antibacterial soaps, cosmetics, socks, toys and even garbage bags. There’s no question that “antibacterial” on a label increases sales, but there...

Jerusalem Artichokes

20 Mar 2017

"But in my judgement, which way soever they be drest and eaten they stir up and cause a filthie loathsome stinking winde with the bodie, thereby causing the belly to be much pained and tormented,...

Antibiotics Linked to Childhood Obesity

20 Mar 2017

A newly published study in JAMA Pediatrics indicates that children who had had four or more courses of antibiotics by age two were at a 10% higher risk of being obese by age five.  Researchers from...

Oil your Problems Away!

20 Mar 2017

Oh my! Yet another sure-fire detox! This time it's "oil pulling." I'm not pulling your leg with this one. The claim is that you swish oil, usually sunflower, sesame or coconut, around your mouth...

Chicken requires careful handling

20 Mar 2017

Estimates are that some 55 million people in Canada and the U.S become ill every year from eating tainted food with more deaths attributed poultry than any other food. That of course is partly due...

Seeds of Hope: GMO eggplants

20 Mar 2017

Why would anyone oppose a technology that dramatically increases crop yields and protects farmers from excessive exposure to pesticides? Because of irrational fears about the technology involved,...

In the 16th Century Someone Tried to Poison Benvenuto Cellini, but Instead Cured his Syphilis... How?

20 Mar 2017

With mercuric chloride, also known as “corrosive sublimate.” People have been intrigued by mercury and its compounds for over 3500 years. Ko Hung, an ancient Chinese alchemist was one of the first...


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