Publications 1991-1995
- Hess, R.F. (1995). Amblyopia: a tale of two approaches. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 15(5). 395-397.
- Hess, R.F. & Badcock, D.R. (1995). Metric for separation discrimination by the human visual system. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12, 3-16.
- Hess, R.F. & Field, D.J. (1995). Contour integration across depth. Vision Res. 35, 1699-1711.
- Hess, R.F. and Doshi, M. (1995). Adaptation to spatial offsets. Perception, 24; 1407-1426.
- Keeble, D.R.T, Moulden, B. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (1995). The perceived orientation of aliased lines. Vision Res. 35, 2759-2766.
- Keeble D.R.T, Kingdom F.A.A, Moulden B. & Morgan M.J. (1995). An orientational filter model for texture perception. Vision Res. 14, 1991-2005.
- Kingdom, F.A.A. & Mullen, K.T. (1995). Separating colour and luminance information in the visual system. Spatial Vision, 9, 191-219.
- Kingdom F.A.A., Keeble D. & Moulden B. (1995). Sensitivity to orientation modulation in micropattern-based textures. Vision Res. 35, 79-91.
- Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. Color and luminance spatial tuning estimated by noise masking in the absence of off-frequency looking. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 12, 250-260, 1995.
- Simmons, D.R. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (1995). Differences between stereopsis with isoluminant and isochromatic stimuli . J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 12, 2094-2104.
- Snowden, R.J., Hess, R.F. & Waugh, S.J. (1995). The processing of temporal modulation at different levels of retinal illuminance. Vision Res. 35, 775-789.
- Wilcox, L.M. & Hess, R.F. (1995). Dmax for stereopsis depends on size, not spatial frequency content. Vision Res. 35, 1061-1069.
- Baker, C.L. (Jr.) & Cynader, M.S. (1994). A sustained input to the direction selective mechanism in cat striate cortex neurons. Visual Neuroscience 11, 1083-1092.
- Barbur, J.L, Hess, R.F. & Pinney, H.D. (1994). Pupillary function in human amblyopia. J. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 14, 139-149.
- Hess, R.F. & Field, R.F. (1994). Is the spatial deficit in strabismic amblyopia due to loss of cells or an uncalibrated disarray of cells? Vision Res. 34, 3397-3406.
- Hess, R.F. & Hayes, A. (1994). The coding of spatial position by the human visual system: effects of spatial scale and retinal eccentricity. Vision Res. 34, 625-643.
- Hess, R.F. & McCarthy, J. (1994). Topological disorder in peripheral vision. Visual Neurosci. 11, 1033-1036.
- Hess R.F. & Wilcox, L.M. (1994). Linear and non-linear filtering in stereopsis. Vision Res. 34, 2431-2438.
- Hess, R.F., Dakin, S.R.G. & Badcock, D. (1994). Localization of element clusters by the human visual system. Vision Res. 34, 2439-2451.
- Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. (1994). The spatial tuning of chromatic mechanisms identified by simultaneous masking. Vision Res. 34, 331-341.
- Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. (1994). Evidence for separate pathways for color and luminance detection mechanisms. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 11, 3136-3151.
- Sankeralli, M.J. (1994). A quantitative analysis of normal post-receptoral chromatic mechanisms and its application to visual dysfunction. M.Eng. Thesis, McGill University.
- Simmons D.R. & Kingdom F.A.A. (1994). Contrast thresholds for stereoscopic depth identification with isoluminant and isochromatic stimuli. Vision Res. 34, 2971-2982.
- Smith, A.T., Hess, R.F. & Baker, C.L.(Jr.) (1994). Direction identification thresholds for second order motion in central and peripheral vision. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 11(2), 506-514.
- Waugh, S.J. & Hess, R.F. (1994). Suprathreshold temporal-frequency discrimination in the fovea and the periphery. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11(4), 1199-1212.
- Zhou, Y-X. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1994). Envelope-responsive neurons in Area 17 and 18 of cat. J.Neurophysiol. 72, 2134-2150.
- Boulton, J.C. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1993). Different parameters control motion perception above and below a critical density. Vision Res. 33, 1803-1811.
- Boulton, J.C. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1993). Dependence on stimulus onset asynchrony in apparent motion: Evidence for two mechanisms. Vision Res. 33, 2013-2019.
- Field, D.J., Hayes, A. & Hess, R.F. (1993). Contour integration by the human visual system: evidence for a local "association field". Vision Res. 33, 173-193.
- Friend, S.M. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1993). Spatio-temporal frequency separability in Area 18 neurons of the cat. Vision Res. 33, 1765-1771.
- Hess, R.F. & Anderson, S.J. (1993). Motion sensitivity and spatial undersampling in amblyopia. Vision Res. 33, 881-896.
- Hess, R.F. & Field, D. (1993). Is the increased spatial uncertainty in the normal periphery due to spatial undersampling or uncalibrated disarray? Vision. Res. 33, 2663-2670.
- Hess, R.F. & Hayes, A. (1993). Neural recruitment explains "Weber's Law" of spatial position. Vision Res. 33, 1673-1684.
- Moulden B., Kingdom F. & Wink B. (1993). Colour pools, brightness pools, assimilation, and the spatial resolving power of the human colour-vision system. Perception, 22, 343-351
- Zhou, Y-X. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1993). A processing stream in mammalian visual cortex neurons for non-Fourier responses. Science 261, 98-101.
- Allen, D. & Hess, R.F. (1992). Is the visual field temporally homogeneous? Vision Res. 32, 1075-1084.
- Boulton, J.C. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.)(1992). Spatial frequency selectivity of motion mechanisms in optic neuritis: a detailed study of two cases. Clinical Vision Sciences 7, 357-370.
- Cameron, E.L., Baker, C.L.(Jr.). & Boulton, J.(1992). Spatial frequency selective mechanisms underlying (Jr.) the motion aftereffect. Vision Res. 32, 561-568.
- Harrad, R. & Hess, R. (1992). A model for suppression in amblyopia. In: Transactions, Vol. 20, European Strabismological Association, Ed. Herbert Kaufman, pp. 113-118.
- Harrad, R.A. & Hess, R.F. (1992). Binocular integration of contrast information in amblyopia. Vision Res. 32, 2135-2150.
- Hess, R.F. & Holliday, I.E. (1992). The coding of spatial position by the human visual system: effects of spatial scale and contrast. Vision Res. 32, 1085-1097.
- Hess, R.F. & Holliday, I.E. (1992). The spatial localization deficits in amblyopia. Vision Res. 32, 1319-1339.
- Hess, R.F. & Snowden, R.J. (1992). Temporal properties of human visual filters: number, shapes and spatial covariation. Vision Res. 32, 47-59.
- Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T. & Nordby, K. (1992). Mutual rod-cone suppression within the central visual field. J. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 12(2), 183-188.
- Kingdom F. & Moulden B. (1992). A multi-channel approach to brightness coding. Vision Res. 32, 1565-1582.
- Kingdom F., Moulden B. & Collyer S. (1992). A comparison between colour and luminance contrast in a spatial linking task. Vision Res. 32, 709-717.
- Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. (1992). Absence of smooth motion perception in colour vision. Vision Res. 32, 483-488.
- Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. (1992). Interactions between color and luminance contrast in the perception of motion. J. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 12, 201-205.
- Snowden, R.J. & Hess, R.F. (1992). Temporal frequency filters in the human peripheral visual field. Vision Res. 32, 61-72.
- Anderson, S.J., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. (1991) Human peripheral spatial resolution for achromatic and chromatic stimuli: limits imposed by optical and retinal factors. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 442, 47-64.
- Baker, C.L. (Jr.), Friend, S. & Boulton, J.C. (1991) Optimal spatial displacement for direction selectivity in cat striate cortex neurons. Vision Res. 31, 1659-1668.
- Baker, C.L. (Jr.), Hess, R.F. & Zihl, J.(1991) Residual motion perception in a "motion-blind" patient, assessed with limited-lifetime random dot stimuli. J. Neuroscience 11, 454-461.
- Boulton, J.C. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.)(1991). Motion detection is dependent on spatial frequency not size. Vision Res. 31, 77-87.
- Hess, R.F. (1991) The site and nature of suppression in strabismic amblyopia. Vision Res. 31, 111-118.
- Hess, R.F. (1991) The site and nature of suppression in squint amblyopia. Vision Res. 31, 111-117.
- Kingdom F. & Moulden B. (1991) White's effect and assimilation. Vision Res. 31, 151-159.
- Kingdom F. & Moulden B. (1991) A model for contrast discrimination with incremental and decremental test patches. Vision Res. 31, 851-858.
- Moulden B. & Kingdom F. (1991). The local border mechanism in brightness induction. Vision Res. 31, 1999-2008.
- Mullen, K.T. (1991). Colour vision as a post receptoral specialization of the central visual field. Vision Res. 31, 119-130.
Book chapters
- Mullen K.T. & Kingdom F.A.A. (1991). Chromatic contrast and form perception. In Perception of Color, edited by P. Gouras, Vol. 6 of Vision and Visual Dysfunction, edited by J. Cronly-Dillon, MacMillan Press, Oxford, pp. 198-217.
- Hess, R.F. (1993). Assessing human retinal function beyond the receptors. In: Proceedings on Contrast Sensitivity: from Receptors to Clinic. "Contrast Sensitivity", Vol. 5, Shapley, R. & Lam, D.M.K. (eds.), MIT Press, pp 289-308.
- Baker, C.L. (Jr.) & Boulton, J.C. (1994). Neurobiological mechanisms of cortical direction selectivity. In: Computational Vision Based on Neurobiology, Ed. T.B. Lawton. S.P.I.E. Proc., vol. 2054.
- Boulton, J.C. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1994). Psychophysical evidence for both a "quasi-linear" and a "nonlinear" mechanism for the detection of motion. In: Computational Vision Based on Neurobiology, Ed. T.B. Lawton. S.P.I.E. Proc., vol. 2054.
Book reviews
- Mullen, K.T. 'Mullen on Davidoff': a review of 'Cognition through Colour'. Perception, 22, pp249-250, 1993.
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