Publications 1996-2000


  • Achtman, R.L, Hess, R.F. & Wang, Y.-Z. (2000) Regional sensitivity for shape discrimination. Spatial Vision. 13(4), 377-391.
  • Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. (2000). Role of chromaticity, contrast, and local orientation cues in the perception of numerosity, 581-600.
  • Dakin, S.C. & Mareschal, I. (2000). Sensitivity to amplitude modulation depends on carrier spatial frequency and orientation. Vision Res. 40, 311-329.
  • Dumoulin, S.O., Bittar, R.G., Kabani, N.J., Baker, C.L.(Jr.), Goualher, G.Le, Pike, G.B., and Evans, A.C. (2000). Quantification of the variability of human area V5/MT in relation to the sulcal pattern in the parieto-temporo-occipital cortex: a new anatomical landmark. Cerebral Cortex 10:454-463.
  • Field, D.J., Hayes, A. and Hess, R.F. (2000). The role of polarity and symmetry in the perceptual grouping of contour fragments. Spatial Vision. 13, 51-66.
  • Hess, R.F., Dakin, S.C. & Kapoor, N. (2000). The foveal "crowding" effect: physics or physiology? Vision Res. 40, 365-370.
  • Hess, R.F., Dakin, S.C., Kapoor, N. & Tewfik, M. (2000). Contour interaction in fovea and periphery. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 17, 1516-1524.
  • Hess, R.F., Ledgeway, T. & Dakin, S.C. (2000) Improverished 2nd order input to global linking in human vision. Vision Res. 40, 3309-3318.
  • Hess, R.F. & Ziegler, L.R. (2000). What limits the contribution of second-order motion to the perception of surface shape? Vision Res. 40, 2125-2133.
  • Kingdom, F. A. A. & Simmons, D. R. (2000) The relationship between colour vision and stereoscopic depth perception (Invited Paper). Journal of the Society for 3D Broadcasting and Imaging, 1, 10-19. Kingdom, F. A. A. & Keeble, D. R. T. Luminance spatial frequency differences facilitate the segmentation of superimposed textures. Vision Res. 40, 1077-1087.
  • Ledgeway, T. & Hess, R.F. (2000). The properties of the motion-detecting mechanism mediating perceived direction in stochastic displays. Vision Res. 40, 3585-3597.
  • McColl, S.L., Ziegler, L.R. & Hess, R.F. (2000). Stereodeficient subjects demonstrate non-linear stereopsis. Vision Res. 40, 1167-1177.
  • Mullen, K.T., Beaudot, W.H.A. & McIlhagga, W.H. (2000). Contour integration in color vision: a common process for the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance mechanisms? Vision Res. 40, 639-655.
  • Rainville, S. J. M. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2000) The role of oriented spatial filters in the perception of mirror symmetry: psychophysics and modeling. Vision Research, 40, 2621-2644.
  • Sankeralli, M.J., Chen, J.C., Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. (2000). Evidence for mild blue-yellow colour vision deficits immediately following fluorescein angiography. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 20, 137-141.
  • Wilcox. L.M., Elder, J.H. & Hess, R.F. (2000). The effects of blur and size on monocular and stereoscopic localization. Vision Res. 40, 3575-3584.
  • Yoshizawa, T., Mullen, K.T. & Baker, C.L. (2000). Absence of a chromatic linear motion mechanism in human vision. Vision Res. 40, 1993-2010.
  • Ziegler, L.R., Hess, R.F. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (2000). Global factors that determine the maximum disparity for seeing cyclopean surface shape. Vision Res. 40, 493-502.
  • Ziegler, L.R., Kingdom, F.A.A. & Hess, R.F. (2000). Local luminance factors that determine the maximum disparity for seeing cyclopean surface shape. Vision Res. 40, 1157-1165. 


  • Arsenault, S. A., Wilkinson, F. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1999) Modulation frequency and orientation tuning of second-order texture mechanisms. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 16, 427-435.
  • Bex, P. and Baker, C.L.(Jr.): Motion perception over long interstimulus intervals. Perception and Psychophysics 61: 1066-1074 (1999).
  • Dakin, S.C. & Hess, R.F. (1999). Contour integration and scale combination processes in visual edge detection. Spatial Vision. 12, 309-327.
  • Dakin, S.C., Williams, C.B. & Hess, R.F. (1999). The interaction of first-and second- order cues to orientation. Vision Res. 39, 2867-2884.
  • Demanins, R., Hess, R.F., Williams, C.B. & Keeble, D.R.T. (1999). The orientation discrimination deficit in strabismic amblyopia depends upon stimulus bandwidth. Vision Res. 39, 4018-4031.
  • Demanins, R., Wang, Y.-Z. & Hess, R.F.(1999). The neural deficit in strabismic amblyopia: sampling considerations. Vision Res. 39, 3575-3585.
  • Fredericksen, R.F. & Hess, R.F. (1999). Temporal detection in human vision: dependence on spatial frequency. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 16, 2601-2611.
  • Hess, R.F. & Dakin, S.C. (1999). Contour integration in the peripheal field. Vision Res. 39, 947-959.
  • Hess, R.F., Baker, Jr. C.L. & Wilcox, L.M. (1999). Comparison of motion and stereopsis: linear and nonlinear performance. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 16, 987-994.
  • Hess, R. F., Kingdom, F. A. A. & Ziegler, L. R. (1999) On the relationship between the spatial channels for luminance and disparity processing. Vision Res. 39, 559-568.
  • Hess, R.F., Wang, Y.-Z. & Dakin, S.C. (1999). Are judgements of circularity local or global? Vision Res. 39, 4354-4360.
  • Hess, R.F., Wang, Y.-Z., Demanins, R., Wilkinson, F. & Wilson, H.R. (1999). A deficit in strabismic amblyopia for global shape detection. Vision Res. 39, 901-914.
  • Li, H-C. O. & Kingdom, F. A. A.. (1999). Feature specific segmentation in perceived structure-from-motion. Vision Research, 39, 881-886.
  • Keeble, D.R.T. & Hess, R.F. (1999). Discriminating local continuity in curved figures. Vision Res. 39, 3287-3299.
  • Kingdom, F. A. A. & Keeble, D. R. T. (1999). On the mechanism for scale invariance in orientation-defined textures. Vision Research, 39, 1477-1489.
  • Kingdom, F. A. A., Simmons, D. R. & Rainville, S. J. M. (1999). On the apparent collapse of stereopsis in random-dot-stereograms at isoluminance. Vision Research, 39, 2127-2141.
  • Mareschal, I. and Baker, C.L.(Jr.) (1999). Cortical processing of second order motion. Visual Neuroscience 16, 527-540.
  • Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. (1999). The spatial tuning of color and luminance peripheral vision measured with notch filtered noise masking. Vision Res. 39, 721-731.
  • Mullen, K.T. & Sankeralli, M.J. (1999). Evidence for the stochastic independence of the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance detection mechanisms revealed by subthreshold summation. Vision Res. 39, 733-745.
  • Rainville, S. J. M. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1999). Spatial-scale contribution to the detection of mirror symmetry in fractal noise. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 16, 2112-2122.
  • Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. (1999). A ratio model for suprathreshold hue discrimination. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 16, 2625-263.
  • Woodward T.S, Dixon, M.J., Bub, D.N., Mullen, K.T. & Christensen, K.M. (1999). Investigation of color agnosia: a focus on the analysis of confusions. Neurocase. 5, 95-108.
  • Ziegler, L.R. & Hess, R.F. (1999). Stereoscopic depth but not shape perception from second-order stimuli. Vision Res. 39, 1491-1507.


  • Allen, D., Hess, R.F. & Nordby, K. (1998). Is the rod visual field temporally homogeneous? Vision Res. 38, 3927-3931.
  • Baker, C.L. (Jr.) & Hess, R.F. Two mechanisms underlie processing of stochastic motion stimuli. Vision Res. 38, 1211-1222.
  • Baker, C.L. (Jr.), Boulton, J.C., & Mullen, K.T. (1998). A nonlinear chromatic motion mechanism. Vision Res. 38, 291-302.
  • Dakin, S.C. & R.F. Hess (1998). Spatial-frequency tuning of visual contour integration. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A.15, pp1486-1499.
  • Dakin, S.C. & A.M. Herbert (1998). The spatial region of integration for visual symmetry detection. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B265, pp659-664.
  • Fredericksen, R.E. & Hess, R.F. (1998). Estimating multiple temporal mechanisms in human vision. Vision Res. 38, 1023-1040.
  • Hess, R.F. & Demanins, R. (1998). Contour integration in anisometropic amblyopia. Vision Res. 38, 889-894.
  • Hess, R.F., Bex, P. J., Fredericksen, E.R. & Brady, N. (1998). Is human motion detection subserved by a single or multiple channel mechanism? Vision Res. 38, 259-266.
  • Hess, R.F., Dakin, S.C. & Field, D.J. (1998). The role of "contrast enhancement" in the detection and appearance of visual contours. Vision Res. 38, 783-787.
  • Keeble, D.R.T. & Hess, R.F. (1998). Orientation masks 3-gabor alignment performance. Vision Res. 38, 827-840.
  • Mareschal, I. and Baker , C.L. (Jr.) (1998). A cortical locus for the processing of contrast defined contours. Nature Neuroscience, 1(2) 150-154.
  • Simmons, D.R. & Kingdom, F.A.A. On the binocular summation of chromatic contrast. Vision Res. 38, 1063-1071.
  • Williams, C.B. & Hess, R.F. Relationship between facilitation at threshold and suprathreshold contour integration. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A.15, pp 2046-2051.
  • Wilcox, L.M. & Hess, R.F. (1998). When stereopsis does not improve with increasing contrast. Vision Res. 38, 3671-3679.


  • Bex, P.J. & Baker, C.L. (Jr.)(1997). The effects of distractor elements on direction discrimination in random Gabor kinematograms.Vision Res. 37, 1761-1767.
  • Dakin, S. & Hess, R.F. (1997) The spatial mechanisms mediating symmetry Perception.Vision Res. 37, 2915-2930.
  • Fredericksen, R.E. & Hess, R.F. (1997). Temporal detection in human vision: dependence on stimulus energy. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 14, 2557-2569.
  • Hess, R.F., Demanins, R. & Bex, P.J. (1997). A reduced motion aftereffect in strabismic amblyopia.Vision Res. 37, 1303-1311.
  • Hess, R.F. & Dakin, S.C. (1997). Absence of contour linking in pereipheral vision. Nature, 390, No. 6660, 602-604.
  • Hess, R.F., Hayes, A. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (1997). Integrating contours within and through depth.Vision Res. 37, 691-696.
  • Hess, R.F., McIlhagga, W. & Field, D.J. (1997). Contour integration in strabismic amblyopia: the sufficiency of an explanation based on positional uncertainty.Vision Res. 37, pp. 3145-3161.
  • Keeble, D.R.T., Kingdom, F.A.A. & Morgan, M.J. (1997). The orientational resolution of human texture Perception.Vision Res. 37, 2993-3007.
  • Kingdom, F.A.A. (1997). Invited editorial. Simultaneous contrast: the legacies of Hering and Helmholtz. Perception, 26, 673-677.
  • Kingdom, F.A.A., Blakeslee, B. & McCourt, M.E. (1997). Brightness with and without perceived transparency: When does it make a difference? Perception, 26, 493-506.
  • Kingdom, F.A.A., McCourt, M.E. & Blakeslee, B. (1997). In defence of "lateral inhibition" as the underlying cause of induced brightness phenomena. A reply to Spehar, Gilchrist & Arend.Vision Res. 37, 1039-1044.
  • McCourt, M.E., Blakeslee, B. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (1997). The effect of perceived transparency on brightness judgements. Proceedings of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology: Optics and Imaging in the Information Age, 42-50.
  • Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. (1997). Red-green and achromatic temporal filters: a ratio model predicts contrast dependent speed Perception. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 14, 984-996.
  • Mullen, K.T., Cropper, S.J. & Losada, M.A. (1997). Absence of linear subthreshold summation between red-green and luminance mechanisms over a wide range of spatiotemporal conditions.Vision Res. 37, 1167-1175.
  • Rainville, S.J.M. & Kingdom, F.A.A. (1997). The mechanisms for detecting compressively sampled gratings.Vision Res. 37, 3237-3254.
  • Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. (1997). Postreceptoral chromatic detection mechanisms revealed by noise masking in three-dimensional cone contrast space. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 14, 2633-2646.
  • Simmons, D. R. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1997). On the independence of chromatic and luminance stereopsis mechanisms.Vision Res. 37, 1271-1280.
  • Wang, Y.-Z., Hess, R.F., and Baker, C.L.(Jr.)(1997). Second-order motion Perception in peripheral vision: limits of spatial filtering. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 14, 3145-3154.
  • Wilcox, L.M. & Hess, R.F. (1997). Scale selection for second-order (Non-linear). stereopsis.Vision Res. 37, 2981-2992.
  • Ziegler, L.R. & Hess, R.F. (1997). Depth Perception during diplopia is direct. Perception, 26, 1225-1230.


  • Badcock, D.R., Hess, R.F. & Dobbins, K. (1996). Localisation of element clusters: multiple cues. Vision Res. 36, 1467-1472.
  • Bex, P.J., Brady, N., Fredericksen, R.E. & Hess, R.F. (1996). Energetic motion detection. Nature. 378 670-671.
  • Cropper, S.J., Mullen, K.T. & Badcock, D.R. (1996). Motion coherence across different chromatic axes. Vision Res. 36, 2475-2488.
  • Demanins, R. & Hess, R.F. (1996). Effect of exposure duration on spatial uncertainty in normal and amblyopic eyes. Vision Res. 36, 1189-1193.
  • Demanins, R. & Hess, R.F. (1996). Positional loss in strabismic amblyopia: Inter-relationship of accuracy, bias, spatial scale and eccentricity. Vision Res. 36, 2771-2794.
  • Field, D.J. & Hess, R.F. (1996). Uncalibrated distortions vs undersampling. Vision Res. 36, 2121-2124.
  • Hess, R.F. (1996). Is ambloypia an impediment to binocular function? Eye. 10, 245-249.
  • Hess, R.F. & Holliday, I. (1996). Primitives used in the spatial localization of non-abutting stimuli: Peaks or Centroids. Vision Res. 36, 3821-3826.
  • Hess, R.F., Waugh, S.J. & Nordby, K. Rod temporal channels. (1996). Vision Res. 36, 613-619.
  • Kingdom, F. A. A. (1996). Pattern discrimination with increment and decrement Craik-Cornsweet-O'Brien stimuli. Spatial Vision, 10, 285-297.
  • Kingdom, F.A.A. & Keeble, D.R.T. (1996). A linear systems approach to the detection of both abrupt and smooth spatial variations in orientation-defined textures. Vision Res. 36, 409-420.
  • Kingdom, F. A. A. & Simmons, D. R. (1996). Stereoacuity and colour contrast. Vision Research, 36, 1311-1319.
  • Kingdom, F.A.A. & Whittle, P. (1996). Contrast discrimination at high contrasts reveals the influence of local light adaptation on contrast processing. Vision Res. 36, 817-829.
  • Lee, J. W. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1996). Mental visual imagery for symmetry perception in blind persons. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 52, 542-547.
  • Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. (1996). Temporal mechanisms underlying flicker detection and identification for red-green and achromatic stimuli. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 13, 1969-1980.
  • McCourt, M. E. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1996). Facilitation of luminance grating detection by induced gratings. Vision Research, 36, 2563-2573.
  • McIlhagga, W.H. & Mullen, K.T. (1996). Contour integration with color and luminance contrast. Vision Res. 36, 1265-1279.
  • Mullen, K.T. & Kingdom, F.A. (1996). Losses in peripheral color sensitivity predicted from 'hit & miss' post-receptoral cone connections. Vision Res. 36, 1995-2000.
  • Mullen, K.T., Sankeralli, M.J. & Hess, R.F (1996). Color and luminance vision in human amblyopia: shifts in isoluminance, contrast sensitivity losses and positional deficits. Vision Res. 36, 645-653.
  • Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. (1996). Estimation of the L-, M- and S-cone weights of the post-receptoral detection mechanisms. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 13, 906-915.
  • Wilcox, L.M. and Hess, R.F. (1996). Is the site of non-linear filtering in stereopsis before or after binocular combination. Vision Res. 36, 391-399.
  • Zhou, Y-X., and Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1996). Spatial properties of envelope responses in Area 17 and 18 of the cat. J. Neurophysiol. 75, 1038-1050.

Book chapters

  • Kingdom, F. A. A. & Rainville, S. J. M. (1996). The detection of compressively sampled gratings. SPIE Proceedings: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 2657, 205-215.
  • McCourt, M. E., Blakeslee, B. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (1997). The effect of perceived transparency on brightness judgements. Proceedings of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology: Optics and Imaging in the Information Age, 42-50.
  • McIlhagga, W.H. & Mullen, K.T. (1997). The contribution of colour to contour detection. Invited chapter in Colour Vision Research: Proceedings of the John Dalton Conference, edited by C.M. Dickenson, I. Murray & D. Carden. London: Taylor & Francis. pp 187-196.
  • Baker, C.L. (Jr.) (1999). Central neural mechanisms for detecting second-order motion. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 9:461-466.
  • Kasrai, R., Kingdom, F. A. A. & Peters, T. M. (1999) The perception of transparency in medical images. Proceedings 2nd International Conference in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI '99, 726-733.
  • Hess, R.F. & Fields, D.J. (1999). Integrating Contours. In: Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Elsevier Sciences Ltd 3 (12) 480-486. 
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