Seminars 2023-2024

Throughout the academic year, McGill Vision Research and the Centre for Research in Neuroscience host the weekly BRaIN Seminar Series, as part of the RI-MUHC BRaIN Program. The topics cover numerous aspects of experimental neuroscience, and our speakers include international as well as local leaders in their respective fields. 

When : Wednesdays at 12 noon (unless otherwise stated).

Where: CRN seminar room, Montreal General Hospital, Livingston Hall, L7-140, with hybrid option

Are you interested in attending a virtual seminar? If so, contact the brain [at] (subject: Addition%20to%20email%20list) (BRaIN Program)  to receive the link.

Want a monthly email to notify you of upcoming seminars? Contact brain [at] (subject: Addition%20to%20email%20list) (BRaIN Program)



Speaker and topic   


Sept 27, 2023

@ 1:00pm

EDI Special Event
Title: "Picture a Scientist" screening and panelist discussion
Host: BRaIN Program EDI Committee

Oct 4, 2023

Matthew P. Gardner, PhD
Department of Psychology, Concordia University
Title: Orbitofrontal cortex involvement in updating decisions during economic choice
Host: Reza Farivar

Oct 11, 2023

Pouya Bashivan , PhD
Department of Physiology, McGill University and Associate member of the Quebec AI Institute (MILA)
Title: Reverse engineering the cortical topography
Host: Jesper Sjöström

Oct 18, 2023

Ciaran Murphy-Royal, PhD
Department of Neuroscience, Université de Montréal
Title: Shoot for the stars: Targeting astrocytes to reverse stress-induced behavioural dysfunction
Host: Wei-Hsiang Huang
Oct 25, 2023
Behzad Mansouri MD PhD
Neuro-ophthalmology clinic at iScope-Brain, Vision and Concussion 
Title: Digital medicine in eye-care
Host: Kathy Mullen

Nov 01, 2023

Stefanie Blain-Moraes, PhD
School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, McGill University
In-House Research Update

Nov 8, 2023

Mark Brandon, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Title: New insights into the mechanisms that govern attractor network state transitions to support cognition
Host: Jesper Sjöström

Nov 22, 2023

MiYoung Kwon, PhD
Department of Psychology, College of Science, Northeastern University
Title: Seeing through retinal ganglion cells: Insights into human pattern vision
Host: Alexandre Reynaud

Nov 29, 2023

Alexander Baldwin, PhD
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, McGill University
In-House Research Update

Dec 6, 2023

Natalie J. Michael, PhD
Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Laval
Title: Histaminergic neuron regulation of homeostatic functions
Host: Charles Bourque
Jan 25, 2024
Yoshiyuki Kubota , PhD
Section of Electron Microscopy, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
Title: Motor learning and thalamocortical synaptic network plasticity in the motor cortex: in vivo imaging and correlative light-electron microscopy
Host: Keith Murai
Jan 31, 2024
Pouya Bashivan , PhD
Department of Physiology, McGill University and Associate member of the Quebec AI Institute (MILA)
Title: Reverse engineering the cortical topography
Host: Jesper Sjöström
Feb 7, 2024
Yang Zhou, PhD
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University
Title: A role of an ASD-associated Gene in Reactive Gliosis in the Adult Brain
Host: Wei-Hsiang Huang

Feb 14, 2024


Giuseppe Iaria , PhD
Canadian Space Agency
Title: Investigating the effects of spaceflight on the human brain
Host: BRaIN Program
Feb 28, 2024
Don Van Meyel, PhD
Centre for Research in Neuroscience, McGill University
In-House Research Update
Mar 13, 2024
Mathieu Landry, PhD
Université de Montréal
Title: Unravelling exogenous and endogenous visuospatial attention during early visual processing combining neurophysiology, machine learning and mediation analyses
Host: Janine Mendola
Mar 27, 2024
Sacha Nelson ,M.D PhD
Department of Biology, Brandeis University
Title: Transcriptional control of developing cortical circuits and the role of clock genes in human disease
Host: Jesper Sjöström
Apr 10, 2024
Adil Khan ,PhD
Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London
Title: Neural circuits underlying cognitive behaviour
Host: David Stellwagen
Apr 17, 2024
    David Leopold, PhD
Section on Cognitive Neurophysiology and Imaging, National Institute of Mental Health
Title: Single-unit fMRI mapping: new perspectives on the face patch system
Host: Reza Farivar
Apr 24, 2024
    Timothy Mosca, PhD
Department Neuroscience, Thomas Jefferson University
Title:  Connecting Neurodevelopment and Neurodegeneration: How the Fly Can Teach Us About Synaptic Maturation
Host: Brian Chen
June 12, 2024
Postponed to a later date TBD
    Janine Mendola, PhD
McGill Vision Research, McGill University
In-House Research Update
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