The physicist Roger Penrose identified three worlds and three mysteries pertaining to them. The worlds include physical reality, the world of consciousness (the mind), and mathematics. As fellow...
What is the relationship between doubt and faith in spiritual life? Sometimes we lack experience talking about doubt in spiritual contexts. When we participate in religious communities, it may...
Did you know that Saturday, October 22nd marks the beginning of Diwali, a five-day celebration of the Indian festival of lights? One of the most popular festivals in South Asian cultures, Diwali is...
October is Queer History Month at McGill and here at MORSL we are highlighting stories about queer people of faith and various religious communities. This article gives a glimpse into one of Canada...
Since 2018, McGill’s Queer History Month has aimed to shed light on the stories and social contributions of 2SLGBTQIA+ people (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and...