Scholarly Works



Peer-Reviewed Publications

Khoury, B., Vergara, R.C., & Spinelli, C.* (accepted). Compassion Questionnaires: Scales Development and Validation. Cognitive Therapy and Research (IF 3.1)


Palii, V., Velykodna, M., Pereira, M., McElvaney, R., Bernard, S., Klymchuk, V., Burlachuk, O., Lupis, A.A., Diatel, N., Ireland, J.L., McNeill, K., Scarlet, J.L., Jaramillo-Sierra, A.L., Khoury, B., Sánchez Munar, D.R., Hedlund, S.L., Flanagan, T., LeBlanc, J., Agudelo Velez, D.M. and Gómez-Maquet, Y. (2023), "The experience of launching a psychological hotline across 21 countries to support Ukrainians in wartime", Mental Health and Social Inclusion.


Fuchs, D. E.*, Fleischmann, M. H.*, Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2023). The relationship between mindfulness facets, self-compassion, and aggression in young adult women. Current Psychology (IF 2.4).


Cinalioglu, K., Lavin, P., Bein, M., Lesage, M., Gruber, J., Se, J., Bukhari, S., Sasi, N., Noble, H., Bruneau, M-A, Launay, C., Sanders, J., Gauthier, S., Rosa-Neto, P., Lifshitz, M., Battistini, B.J., Beauchet, O., Khoury, B., Bouchard, S., Fallavollita, P., Vahia, I.V., Rej, S., Sekhon, H. (2023). Effects of Virtual Reality Meditation in Older Adults: The protocol of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology (IF 4.3), 14.


Khoury, B., Manova, V.*, Adel, L., Dumas, G., Lifshitz, M., Vergara, R.C., Sekhon, H., & Rej, S. (2023). Tri-Process Model of Interpersonal Mindfulness: A Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology (IF 4.3), 14.


Manova, V*, & Khoury, B. (2023). Interpersonal perfectionism and social anxiety: The mediation of mindfulness. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science (IF 1.6).


Spinelli, C.*, Ibrahim, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2023). Cultivating ambiguity tolerance through mindfulness: an induction RCT. Current Psychology (IF 4.3), 42(15), 12929–12947.


Anand, L.*, Per, M.*, Sadowski, I.*, & Khoury, B. (2023). Mindful parenting: A meta-analytic review of outcomes from a developmental perspective. Current Psychology (IF 4.3), 42(10), 8367-8383.


Heshmati, R., Khoury, B., Azmoodeh, S., Zerang, M., Sadowski, I.* (2023). The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotional Flexibility and Ambivalence Over Emotional Expression in Divorced Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (IF 2.7), 211(4), 298-305.


Khoury, B., Vergara, R.C., Sadowski, I.*, & Spinelli, C.* (2023). Embodied Mindfulness Questionnaire: Scale Development and Validation. Assessment, 30(2), 458-483. (IF 4.7).


Mettler, J.*, Khoury, B., Zito, S., Sadowski, I.*, & Heath, N. L. (2023). Mindfulness-based programs and school adjustment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of School Psychology (IF 4.3), 97, 43-62.


Sekhon, H., Lavin, P., Vacaflor, B., Rigas, C.*, Cinalioglu, L., Su, C-L., Bodenstein, K.*, Dikaios, E.*, Goodman, A., Raymond, F.C., Ibrahim, M.*, Bein, M., Gruber, J., Se, J., Sasi, N., Walsh, C., Nazar, R., Hanganu, C., Berkani, S., Royal, I., Schiavetto, A., Looper, K., Launay, C., McDonald, E.G., Seitz, D., Kumar, S., Beauchet, O., Khoury, B., Bouchard, S., Battistini, B., Fallavollita, P., Miresco, M., Bruneau, M-A., Vahia, I., Bukhari, S., & Rej, S. (2022). Isolating Together during COVID-19: Results from the Telehealth Intervention Program for Older Adults (TIP-OA). Frontiers in Medicine (IF 7.2), 9.


Sadowski, I.* & Khoury, B. (2022). Nature-Based Mindfulness-Compassion Programs Using Virtual Reality for Older Adults: A Narrative Literature Review. Frontiers in Virtual Reality (IF NA), 3.


Manova, V.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Perfectionism in University Students During Emerging Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood (IF 1.6).


Renault, R.*, Laurin, J, Khoury, B., & Spinelli, C.* (2022). The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Trait Mindfulness and Psychological Distress. Counselling Psychology Quarterly (IF 2.9).


Tran, M.A.Q.*, Khoury, B., Nguyen, N.T.C., Manh, V.P., Thien, A.D.N., Vinh, T.N., Thuy, N.T., Trang T. M., Anh, K. L. D. (2022). The Role Of Self-Compassion On Psychological Well-Being and Life Satisfaction Of Vietnamese Undergraduate Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Hope as A Mediator. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (IF 2.0).


Xie, Q.*, Manova, V.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). How do dispositional mindfulness and self-compassion alleviate loneliness? The mediating role of rejection sensitivity. Current Psychology (IF 4.3).


Tran, M. A.Q.*, Tan, V.T., Khoury, B., Mohammad, S., Nguyen, N.N.C. (2022). Self-compassion, Mindfulness, Stress, and Self-esteem among Vietnamese University Students: Psychological well-being and Positive Emotion as Mediators. Mindfulness, 13, 2574–258.


Geoffroy, M-C., Bouchard, S.*, Per, M.*, Khoury, B., Chartrand, E., Renaud, J., Colman, I., & Orri, M. (2022). Prevalence of suicidal ideation and self-harm behaviors in children aged 12 years and under: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry (IF 77.1), 9(9), 703-714.


Kern, A.*, Khoury, B., Frederickson, A.*, & Langevin, R. (2022). The associations between childhood maltreatment and pregnancy complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research (IF 3.0), 160, 110985.


Khoury, B., Vergara, R.C., & Spinelli, C.* (2022). Interpersonal Mindfulness Questionnaire: Scale Development and Validation. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 13(4), 1007-1031.


Shireen, H.*, Khanyari, S.*, Vance, A.*, Johannesson, H.*, Preissner, C.*, Dor-Ziderman, Y., Khoury, B., & Knäuper, B. (2022). Paying Attention to the Self: a Systematic Review of the Study of the Self in Mindfulness Research. Mindfulness, 13(6), 1373-1386 (IF 4.7).


Bajaj, B., Khoury, B., & Sengupta, S. (2022). Resilience as Mediator in the Relationship of Mindfulness to Happiness, and Stress. Frontiers in Psychology. (IF 3.0), 13.


Per, M.*, Schmelefske, E., Brophy, K.*, Austin, S.B.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). Mindfulness, self-compassion, self-injury, and suicidal behaviour: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 13(4), 821-842.


Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). Which Emotion-Regulation Strategies Explain the Negative Relationship Between Dispositional Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Eating to Cope? Appetite (IF 3.9), 172, 105912.


Khoury, B. & Dionne, F. (2022). Les dimensions incarnée et interpersonnelle de la compassion. Annales Medico-Psychologiques (IF 0.3), 180(6, Supplement), S57-S65.


Schmelefske, E.A.*, Per, M.*, Khoury, B., & Heath, N. (2022). The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on suicide outcomes: A meta-analysis. Archives of Suicidal Research (IF 2.3), 26(2), 447-464.


Per, M.*, Simundic, A.*, Argento, A.*, Khoury, B., & Heath, N. (2022). Examining the Relationship Between Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Emotion Regulation in Self-Injury. Archives of Suicidal Research, (IF 2.3) 26(3), 1286-1301.


Fleischmann, M. H.*, Manova, V.*, Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). Mindfulness facets and self-compassion as moderators of the relationship between occupational stressors and mental health symptoms in Canadian police officers. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 54(4), 347–353.


Sadowski, I.*, Böke, N., Mettler, J.*, Heath, N., & Khoury, B. (2022). Naturally mindful? The role of mindfulness facets in the relationship between nature relatedness and subjective well-being. Current Psychology, 41(8), 5358-5373.


Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2022). Mindfulness facets, self-compassion, and drinking to cope: How do associations differ by gender in undergraduates with harmful alcohol consumption? Journal of American College Health, 70(6), 1704-1710.


Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2021). Specific Emotion-Regulation Processes Explain the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Coping-Motivated Alcohol and Marijuana Use. Addictive Behaviors (IF 3.6), 112, 106590.


Spinelli, C.*, Paradis-Gagne, E., Per, M.*, Fleischmann, M. H.*, Manova, V.*, Wallace, A.*, and Khoury, B. (2020). Evaluating the use of mindfulness and yoga training on forensic inpatients: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF 3.5), 11(1447).


Gill, L.-N.*, Renault, R.*, Campbell, E.*, Rainville, P., & Khoury, B. (2020). Mindfulness induction and cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Consciousness and Cognition (IF 2.0), 84, 102991.


Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2020). Is Self-Compassion Negatively Associated with Alcohol and Marijuana-Related Problems Via Coping Motives? Addictive Behaviors (IF 3.6), 111, 106554.


Khoury, B. (2020). The root causes of COVID-19 screech for compassion. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 11(8), 1910-1913.


Khoury, B., Dionne, F., & Grégoire, S. (2020). La dimension interpersonnelle de la pleine conscience. Annales Medico-Psychologiques (IF 0.3), 178(3), 239-244.


Carletto, S., Cavalera, C., Sadowski, I.*, Rovaris, M., Borghi, M., Khoury, B., Ostacoli, L., & Pagnini, F. (2020). Mindfulness-based interventions to improve psychological and physical functioning in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychosomatic Medicine (IF 4.0), 82(6), 600-613.


Per, M.*, Spinelli, C.*, Sadowski, I.*, Schmelefske, E.*, Anand, L.*, & Khoury, B. (2020). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Incarcerated Populations: A Meta-Analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior (IF 1.5), 47(3), 310-330.


Khoury, B. (2019). Compassion: Embodied and Embedded. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 10(11), 2363-2374.


Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2019). Mindfulness Facets and Self-Compassion as Predictors for Internally-Motivated Drinking, Problematic Consumption, and Alcohol-Related Problem. Mindfulness (IF 3.6), 10(10), 2073–2081.


Poissant, H., Mendrek, A., Talbot, N., Khoury, B., & Nolan, J. (2019). Behavioral and Cognitive Impacts of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review. Behavioural Neurology (IF 2.1), 16.


Spinelli, C.*, Wisener, M.*, & Khoury, B. (2019). Mindfulness training for healthcare professionals and trainees: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, (IF 3.3) 120, 29-38.


Khoury, B., Dionne, F., & Grégoire, S. (2019). L’embodiment, un concept unificateur entre les traditions orientales et occidentales de la pleine conscience. Annales Medico-Psychologiques (IF 0.3), 177(7), 633-640.


Carrière, K.*, Khoury, B., & Knäuper, B. (2018). Author response to ‘Effects of mindfulness on weight loss’ by Dr. Kristina Bergman. Obesity Reviews (IF 8.5),


Carrière, K.*, Khoury B., Günak, M.* & Knäuper, B. (2018). Effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews (IF 8.5) (19), 164–177.


Khoury, B. (2018). Mindfulness: Embodied and Embedded. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 9(4), 1037-1042.


Carsley, D.*, Khoury, B., & Heath N. L. (2018). Effectiveness of mindfulness interventions for mental health in school: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 9(3), 693-707.


Khoury B., Knäuper, B., Pagnini, F., Trent, N., Chiesa, A., & Carrière, K.* (2017). Embodied Mindfulness. Mindfulness (IF 4.7), 8(5), 1160–1171.


Khoury, B., Schlosser, M.*, Knäuper, B., Carrière, K.*, & Chiesa, A. (2017). Effectiveness of traditional meditation retreats: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research (IF 3.3). 92, 16-25.


Naeem, F., Khoury B., Munshi, T., Lecomte, T., Kingdon, D., & Farooq, S. (2016). Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for psychosis (BriefCBTp): A Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy (IF 0.6), 9(1), 73-86.


Khoury B., Sharma, M. Ruth, S. E., Fournier, C. (2015). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Stress Management Intervention for Healthy Individuals: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research (IF 3.3), 78, 519-528.


Naeem, F., Asmer, M. S., Khoury, B., Kingdon, D., & Farooq, S. (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for schizophrenia and related disorders (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (IF 7.9) (6).


Khoury B., Lecomte, T., Comtois, G., & Nicole, L. (2015). Third wave strategies for emotion regulation in early psychosis: A pilot study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry (IF 3.1), 9, 76-83.


Dionne, F., Blais, M-C., & Khoury B. (2014). TRANSDIAGNOSTIC CBT: A COMPLEMENT (OR AN ALTERNATIVE) TO THE DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH OF THE DSM-5. La revue québécoise de psychologie (IF NA), 35(3), 231-249


Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: Mindful Science or Mindless Power? A critical review. Frontiers in Psychology (IF 2.3), 5(602).


Khoury B., Lecomte, T., Fortin, G., Masse, M., Therien, P., Bouchard, V., Chapleau, M.-A., Paquin, K., Hofmann, S. G. (2013). Mindfulness-Based Therapy: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology Review (IF 8.9), 33(6), 763-771.


Khoury B., Lecomte, T., Gaudiano, B. A., & Paquin, K. (2013). Mindfulness interventions for psychosis: A Meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research (IF 4.6), 150(1), 176-184.


Tranulis, C., Lecomte, T., El Khoury, B., Lavarenne, A., & Brodeur-Côté, D. (2013). Changing the name of schizophrenia: patient perspectives and implications for DSM-V. PLoS ONE (IF 2.7), 8(2), e55998.


Khoury, B., & Lecomte, T. (2012). Emotional Regulation and Schizophrenia. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy (IF 0.6), 5(1), 67-76.

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