Cloud Physics and Radar Meteorology
Atmospheric Chemistry Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Aerosols, Clouds and Climate Office: Burnside Hall 809 Tel.: (514) 398-7420 Fax.: (514) 398-6115 andreas.zuend [at] (E-Mail) Website
Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics Office: Burnside Hall 815 Tel.: (514) 398-3140 Fax.: (514) 398-6115 timothy.merlis [at] (E-Mail) Website
Dynamical Meteorology and Climatology Office: Burnside Hall 712 Tel.: (514) 398-6079 Fax: (514) 398-6115 jacques.derome [at] (Email)
Mesoscale Meteorology Daniel Kirshbaum Associate Professor, Ph. D. (Washington) Mesoscale Meteorology
Atmospheric Radiation and Physical Climatology Office: Burnside Hall 814 Tel.: (514) 398-8217 Fax.: (514) 398-6115 huang [at] (E-Mail) Website
High latitude climate and climate variability...
Cloud Physics and Dynamics Offices: Burnside Hall 944 | 818 Tel.: (514) 398-3719 Fax.: (514) 398-6115 peter.yau [at] (E-mail)