McGill Cares Webcast - Responding to Challenging Behaviour

Join us on June 17 at noon for the next webcast in our new weekly series, McGill Cares, designed to support informal caregivers. During candid, 30-minute interviews with leading experts, Claire Webster, Alzheimer Care Consultant and Founder of the McGill Dementia Education Program, will explore topics related to caring for a loved one with dementia.
Responding to Challenging Behaviour
Dr. Donald Doell practices geriatrics at the McGill University Health Centre and is an Assistant Professor in the McGill Faculty of Medicine. He is particularly interested in dementia care and has worked with many of the leading experts in neurology, psychiatry and geriatrics in Canada. He will provide insight into some of the challenging behaviours caused by dementia and look at the ways they can be addressed.
This webcast is free and open to the public.
Click here beginning at 12:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, June 17, to tune in live.