Building from the previous version of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Strategic Research Plan (SRP) dating back to 2021, the 2024 update reflects the rapidly evolving nature of biomedical and health science research at McGill and globally. The plan is meant to complement the University’s SRP and those of our departments, schools and research institutes. Importantly, it does not encompass all research in the FMHS, but instead identifies certain foci.
The document emphasizes areas that would generate maximum impact for FMHS research as a whole, in terms of advancing knowledge, training the next generation of scientists and professionals, and improving the health of local and global populations.
The SRP guides the Faculty’s priorities regarding the allocation of resources, including the recruitment of faculty, staff and students, research and teaching space, infrastructure, and fundraising.
We are fortunate to have an incredible research community within the FMHS. We wish to build on this excellence in fundamental, clinical and populational research and promote interdisciplinary work that connects these strengths.
Strategic Research Plan Update 2024 (Web Version) (PDF Version)
Plan stratégique en recherche, version 2024 (PDF)