Student Research Day 2019

Student Research Day 2019 was held on November 8 at New Residence Hall. The event began with a presentation from guest speaker, Dr. Salman Qureshi, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine: "Medicine and Basketball: The Triple Threat"

Congratulations go out to the following award recipients:

Final Report Awards

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
Best Fall 2018 Research Report
Value: $500
Student/Program: Mandy Li, Medicine
Project: Acute postoperative pain trajectories and long-term outcomes in pediatric patients after surgery
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Ferland, Shriners Hospital for Children - Canada

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
Best Winter 2019 Research Report
Value: $500
Student/Program: Sonia Wu, Medicine
Project: Nutritional Assessment in the ICU: A Superior Alternative Method for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Supervisor: Dr. Kosar Khwaja, Montreal General Hospital

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
1st Place (Schools Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $1,000
Student/Program: Elizabeth Carolan, Speech-Language Pathology
Project: The relationship between amount of exposure and expressive language skills in bilingually-exposed children with autism: An analysis of natural language samples
Supervisor: Dr. Aparna Nadig, School of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
2nd Place (Schools Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $500
Student/Program: Alexandra Claveria, Nursing
Project: Anatomy Education Across the Health Professions: A Comparison of Student Perspectives on Body Donation
Supervisor: Dr. Geoffroy Noel, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
3rd Place (Schools Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $250
Student/Program: Kimberly Papp, Nursing
Project: Nutrition in Pediatric Oncology: Does it Make a Difference?
Supervisor: Dr. Ana Sant'Anna, Montreal Children's Hospital

William and Laura Victor Memorial Award
1st Place (Medicine Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $1,000
Student/Program: Caroline Najjar, Medicine
Project: Mobility Culture in Acute Care Cardiology: Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge and Current Practice Patterns
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Goldfarb, Jewish General Hospital

Ron and Marcy Prussick Award
2nd Place (Medicine Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $500
Student/Program: Jethro Beattie-Booth, Medicine
Project: Observational Study of the Instauration and Continuation of Nutrition Therapy and Thromboprophylaxis in the Intensive Care Unit
Supervisor: Dr. Jeremy Grushka, Montreal General Hospital 

Ettie Israel Bennett Award
3rd Place (Medicine Category), Top Summer 2019 Research Report
Value: $250
Student/Program: Anthony Debay, Medicine
Project: Association of location of intubation and number of tracheal intubation attempts with death or severe neurological injury among very preterm infants
Supervisor: Dr. Marc Beltempo, Montreal Children's Hospital 

Poster Presentation Awards

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
1st Place, Outstanding Poster Presentation 2019
Value: $500
Student/Program: Christophe Caron, Medicine
Project: Therapeutic Efficacy of Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Promoting Cell Preservation and Neovessel Formation in Human Cardiac Endothelial Cells
Supervisor: Dr. Renzo Cecere, Royal Victoria Hospital

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
2nd Place, Outstanding Poster Presentation 2019
Value: $300
Student/Program: Eli Paul Lerner, Medicine
Project: Interocular transfer of contrast adaptation is limited at suprathreshold contrast
Supervisor: Dr. Frederick Kingdom, Montreal General Hospital

Sir Edward W. Beatty Memorial Award
3rd Place, Outstanding Poster Presentation 2019
Value: $150
Student/Program: Alexandru Ilie, Medicine
Project: Identification of genetic drivers of chemotherapy resistance in acute leukemia using CRISPR-Cas9
Supervisor: Dr. François Mercier, Jewish General Hospital 


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