Jovan Nedic
Ph.D. Imperial College London
M.Eng. (Hons) Imperial College London
MECH 261/262: Statistics and Measurement Laboratory (3 credits)
MECH 532: Aircraft Performance, Stability, and Control (3 credits)
MECH 533: Subsonic Aerodynamics (3 credits)
Vortex Dynamics
- Limbourg, R., & Nedić, J. (2021). An extension to the universal time scale for vortex ring formation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915, A46.
- Limbourg, R., & Nedić, J. (2021). Formation of an orifice-generated vortex ring. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 913, A29.
- Limbourg, R., & Nedić, J. (2021). An extended model for orifice starting jets. Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 067109.
- Limbourg, R., & Nedić, J. (2021). On the asymptotic matching procedure predicting the formation number. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 117103.
- Caverly, D., & Nedić, J. (2022). Estimating wind velocity and direction using sparse sensors on a cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 34(9), 0951
- Goyal, A., & Nedić, J. (2021). Near field of a vortex generated by chevron-tipped flat plates. AIAA Journal, 59(2), 546-558.
- Nedić, J., & Vassilicos, J. C. (2015). Vortex shedding and aerodynamic performance of airfoil with multiscale trailing-edge modifications. AIAA Journal, 53(11), 3240-3250.
- Nedic, J., Ganapathisubramani, B., Vassilicos, J. C., Borée, J., Brizzi, L. E., & Spohn, A. (2012). Aeroacoustic performance of fractal spoilers. Aiaa Journal, 50(12), 2695-2710.
Fundamental Fluid Dynamics
- Pardo, R. M., Barua, N., Lisak, D., & Nedić, J. (2022). Jetting onset on a liquid surface accelerated past a submerged cylinder. Flow, 2, E36.
- Pardo, R. M., & Nedić, J. (2021). Free-surface disturbances due to the submersion of a cylindrical obstacle. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A1.
- Nedić, J., & Tavoularis, S. (2018). A case study of multi-structure turbulence: Uniformly sheared flow distorted by a grid. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72, 233-242.
- Nedić, J., Tavoularis, S., & Marusic, I. (2017). Dissipation scaling in constant-pressure turbulent boundary layers. Physical Review Fluids, 2(3), 032601.
- Nedić, J., Vassilicos, J. C., & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2013). Axisymmetric turbulent wakes with new nonequilibrium similarity scalings. Physical review letters, 111(14), 144503.
- Coherent vortical structures
- Multiscale turbulence
- Aircraft aerodynamics
- Unsteady fluid dynamics
Primary research theme: Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Research Labs and Groups: Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Our research interests lie in the broad area of fluid dynamics, specializing in fundamental and applied aspects of turbulent flows. Of primary interest is how the initial/upstream conditions determine the life-cycle of large-scale coherent vortical structures and small-scale turbulent properties of the turbulence field. Understanding the life-cycle of large-scale coherent vortical structures are of paramount importance as they are responsible for, amongst other things, drag force, noise generation and the spread of pollution. In order to better understand the effects of initial conditions on these vortical structures, we use multiscale (fractal) geometries and an array of experimental techniques (e.g. time-resolved PIV, hot-wire anemometry and time-resolved force/torque measurements) to gain insights into the underlying physics. In tandem with the fundamental aspects, we also consider engineering applications of such designs, targeted at the aerospace and renewable energy.