Angeles | Attia | Baliga | Cortelezzi | Frost | Habashi | Higgins | Hubert | Kovecses | Lee J.H.S. | Lee T. | Lessard | Mateescu | Misra | Mongrain | Mydlarski | Nadarajah | Nahon | Nemes | Ostoja-Starzewski | Paidoussis | Pasini | Price | Radziszewski | Sharf | Thomson | Timofeev | Vengallatore | Zsombor-Murray |
Chapters in books:
Al-Widyan, K. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The robust design of Schonflies-motion generators, in , LenarEiE, J. and Galletti, C. (editors), On Advances in Robot Kinematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.339--350
Ghuneim, T.G., Angeles, J. and Bai, S.P., 2004, 'The design of a novel pitch-roll wrist with spherical cam-roller pairs, in LenarEiE, J. and Galletti, C. (editors), On Advances in Robot Kinematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.381-388
Larochelle, P.M., Murray, A.P. and Angeles, J. ,2004, "SVD and PD based projection metrics on SE(n)", in LenarEiE,, J. and Galletti, C. (editors), On Advances in Robot Kinematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.13-22
Journal Publications:
Parsa, K., Angeles, J. , and Misra, A.K., 2004, "Rigid-body pose and twist estimation using an accelerometer array,' Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 3-4, pp. 223-236
Montagnier, P.,Spiteri, R. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The control of linear time-periodic systems using Floquet-Lyapunov theory", Inf. J. Control, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp.472-490
Angeles, J. , 2004, "The qualitative synthesis of parallel manipulators", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 617-624
Zhang W. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "A parametric study of planar cam-roller speed reducers, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2A, pp. 263-275
Ostrovskaya, S. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The kinematics of mobile robots with orientable single and dual wheels rolling on a plane, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2A, pp. 251-262
Chen C. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The conceptual design of epicyclic cam trains, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2A, pp. 125-138
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
Renotte, J., Chablat, D. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The design of a novel prismatic drive for a three- dof parallel-kinematics machine", Proc. ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 28-Oct. 2, DETC2004-57168.
Figliolini, G. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "Algorithms for involute and octoidal bevel-gear generation", Proc. ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 28--0ct. 2, DETC2004-57268.
Al-Widyan, K. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The synthesis of robust spherical motion generators", Proc. ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 28-Oct. 2, DETC2004-57422.
Hernandez S., Bai., S.P. and Angeles, J. , 2004 "The design of a chain of spherical Stephenson Mechanisms for a gearless pitch-roll wrist", Proc. ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 28-Oct. 2, DETC2004-57424.
Chen, C., Ostrovskaya, S. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The kinematics of wheeled mobile robots with dual-wheel transmission units", Proc. ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Sept. 28--0ct. 2, DETC2004-57575.
Angeles, J. , Britton, R., Chang, L., Charron, F., Gregson, P., Gu, P., Lawrence, P., Stiver, W., Strong, D., Stuart, P. and Thompson, B., 2004, "The engineering design competency", Proc. CDEN Design Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 29-30.
Morozov, A, and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The design of an innovative large scale Schonflies-motion generator", Proc. the CDEN Design Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 29-30,
Salemo, A., Perlin, R. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The embodiment design of a two-wheeled self- balancing robot", 2004, Proc. CDEN Design Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 29--30.
Angeles, J. , Asimakopulos, M., McKnight, D. and Morozov, A., "DBDB: A database for design bibliography", 2004, Proc. CDEN Design Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 29-30.
Salemo, A. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The control of semi-autonomous self-balancing two-wheeled quasiholonomic mobile robots, Proc. 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2004), Montreal, Canada. June 14-18
Nasrallah, D., Angeles, J. , Michalska, H., 2004, "Modelling of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot Moving on an Uneven Road Profile, Proc. 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2004), Montreal, Canada, June 14-18
Hernandez, S., Bai, S.P. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The Dimensional Synthesis of A Spherical Stephenson Mechanism", Proc. CSME Forum 2004, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-4, pp. 750-757
Theingi, Chen, I-Ming, Li, C., and Angeles, J. , 2004, "Managing Singularities of 3-DOF Planar Parallel Manipulators Using Joint-Coupling", Proc. 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, April 1-4, pp. 1966-1970.
Salemo,A., Ostrovskaya, S. and Angeles, J. , 2004, "The Dynamics of a Novel Rolling Robot Analysis and Simulation, Proc. 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, April 1-4, pp. 1956-1 960.
ATTIA, M. Helmi
Journal Publications
Attia, M.H. , and Kops, L., 2004, "A New Approach to Cutting Temperature Prediction Considering the Thermal Constriction Phenomenon in Multi-layer Coated Tools, Annals of CIRP, pp. 47-52.
Fraser, S., Attia, M.H. , and Osman, M.O.M., 2004, "Control-Oriented Modeling of Thermal Deformation of Machine Tools Based on Inverse Solution of Time-Variant Thermal Loads with Delayed Response," Trans. ASME, J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, pp. 286-296.
Attia, M.H. , 2004, "Fretting Wear of Zr-alloy Pressure tubes Under the Combined Effects of In- : Plane and Out-of-Plane Flow Induced Vibrations," accepted for publication in the Wear Journal.
Attia, M.H. , 2004, "Fretting Fatigue and Wear Damage in the Nuclear Industry- Fitness for Service and Life Management Perspective," accepted for publication in the Journal of Tribology International.
Referred Conference Proceedings
Fraser, S., Attia, M.H. , and Osman, M.O.M., 2004, "Real-Time Adaptive Modeling Approach to Compensate the Thermal Deformation of Nonlinear Machine Tool Structure, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Symposium on Control of Manufacturing Machines, Processes and Systems, Vol3, pp. 1-13.
Attia, M.H, and Kops, L., 2004, "Thermal Consideration of the Design of Multi-layer Coated Tools for High Speed Machining", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Symposium on Mechanics and Tribology of High Sped Machining, Vol3, pp. 1-11(Best Paper Award of 2004- ASME Manufacturing Division Symposia).
Gessesse, Y., Attia, M.H. , and Osman, M.O.M., 2004, "A Generalized Impact-Sliding Fretting Wear Model Based on Fracture Mechanics Approach," ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Tribology Symposium, Vol 1,pp. 1-11.
Attia, M.H. , 2004, "Emerging Manufacturing and Demanufacturing Paradigms- A Product Life Cycle Perspective", invited Keynote Paper, Proc. 8th ASME-Sponsored Inf. Conf. Production, Design and Control, Alexandria, Egypt
Schaff, M.J., Rech, J., Wang, T., and Attia, M.H. , 2004, "Influence of Cutting Edge Radius on the Wear Resistance of PM-HSS Milling Inserts, 7thClRP Intl, Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Cluny, France, pp. 1-5.
Journal Publications
Costa, V.A.F., Oliveira, L.A., Baliga, B.R. , and Sousa, A.C.M., "Simulation of Coupled Flows in Adjacent Porous and Open Domains Using Control-Volume Finite-Element Method, Numerical Heat Transfer- Part A: Applications, Vol. 45, pp. 675 -698, 2004.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
Oliveira, L.A., Costa, V.A.F., and Baliga, B.R. , "A Lagrangian Model for the Dispersion of Solid Particles, in Three-Dimensional Flow, Using a CVFEM for the Prediction of the Continuous Phase, Proc. ROOMVENT 2004, International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, pp. 1-6, Coimbra, Portugal, September 5 -8,2004.
Scott, D.A. and Baliga, B.R. , "Thermophysical Properties of a Slurry of Distilled Water and Microencapsulated Phase-Change Materials", Proc. 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE'04), Paper No. IMECE2004-61337, pp. 1-8, Anaheim, California, November 13 -19, 2004.
Journal Publications
Cortelezzi, L., Pong, A. and Paidoussis, M.P., (2004), "Flutter of Rotating Shells with a Co- Rotating Axial Flown, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vo1.71(1).
Cortelezzi, L., Duquette, J., Nigam, N., Larouche, F. and Stansfield, B., (2004), "The Role of Bernard-Maragoni Instability on the Nucleation and Growth of Carbon Nanotubes” Bulletin of American Physical Society, Vol. 49(9).
Journal Publications
Frost, D. L. and Zhang, F., (2004) "Nonideal blast waves from heterogeneous explosives, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 465-466, pp. 421-426.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Goroshin, S., Frost, D. L., Levine, J., and Zhang, F., (2004), "Optical Pyrometry of Fireballs of Metalized Explosives, "Proceedings of 18'h International Symposium on the Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, Bad Reichenhall, Germany, Sept. 27 -Oct. 1, 2004.
Frost, D. L. and Zhang, D. L., (2004), "Nonideal Blast Waves from Heterogeneous Explosives," Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena, Kumamoto, Japan, March, 2004.
Levine, J., Tanguay, V., Goroshin, S., Frost, D. L., and Zhang, F., (2004), "Optical Pyrometry of Fireballs from Heterogeneous Explosives” , The Combustion Institute, Canadian Section, Annual Meeting, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, May 9-12,2004.
Brandstadt, K., Frost, D. L., and Kozinski, J. A., (2004), "Thermal Behaviour of Nano-and Micrometer-Scale Aluminum Powders in Carbon Dioxiden, The Combustion Institute, Canadian Section, Annual Meeting, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, May 9-12! 2004.
(see also Mydlarski, L.)
Journal Publications
H. Beaugendre, F. Morency and W.G. Habashi , "Development of a Second Generation In-flight lcing code", In Press, Special Issue of the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering , February 2004.
D. Stanescu, D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, W.G. Habashi and M. Robichaud, "Spectral Element Method for Linear Fan Tone Noise Radiation, AlAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2004.
M. Remaki and W.G. Habashi , "A Discontinuous Galerkin/HLLC Solver for the Euler Equations", International Joumal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 43, pp. 1391-1405, 2004.
Keynote Address
F. Suerich-Gulick, C.Y. Lepage and W.G. Habashi "Automatic Mesh Adaption : Towards User- Independent CFD", Keynote Lecture, The 4th lnternational Conference on Engineering Computational Technology , Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004.
W.G. Habashi , Keynote Address, "Mesh Adaptation, from Qualitative to Quantitative CFD", Pacinq -CFD, Stanford University, November 2004.
W.G. Habashi , Keynote Address, "In-flight Icing, Pacing CFD", Pacing CFD, Stanford University, November 2004.
W.G. Habashi et al "Le maillage adaptatif: vers une CFD de qualité Keynote Address, CFT'04: Colloque Franco-Tunisien sur les Methodes Numeriques Appliquees aux coulements et aux Transferts, pp. 1-8, 23-24 avril 2004, Monastir, Tunisie.
W.G. Habashi et al 'Róle de la CFD dans la simulation du givrage en vol", Keynote Address, CFT'04: Colloque Franco-Tunisien sur les Methodes Numeriques Appliquees aux Ecoulements et aux Transferts, pp. 15-22, 23-24 avril 2004, Monastir, Tunisie.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
F. Suerich-Gulick, C.Y. Lepage and W.G. Habashi , "Anisotropic 3-D Mesh Adaptation for Turbulent Flows, AlAA Paper 2004-2533, 34th AlAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, July 2004.
C.Y. Lepage, A. St-Cyr and W.G. Habashi , "Parallel Unstructured Mesh Adaptation on Distributed Memory Systems, AlAA Paper 2004-2532, 34th AIM Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, July 2004.
W.G. Habashi , M. Aube, G. Baruzzi, F. Morency, P. Tran, J.C. Narrarnore, P. Petersen and M. Liggett, "FENSAP-ICE: Full-3D In-Flight lcing Simulation System for Aircraft, Rotorcraft and UAVsn, -ICAS, Yokohama, Japan, August 2004.
L. Remaki and W.G. Habashi , "Optimal Initial Grid Generation for Subsonic and Transonic Viscous Flows, CFD 2004, Ottawa, June 2004.
F. Suerich-Gulick, C. Lepage and W.G. Habashi , "Anisotropic Adaptation for 3-D Unstructured Meshes for Turbulent Flows, CFD 2004, Ottawa, June 2004.
F. Taghaddosi, W.G. Habashi , G.G. Guevremont and A. St-Cyr, '3D Computation of Noise Propagation from Ducted Fans, using a Spectral Element Method", AlAA Paper 2004-0520, 42" AlAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 2004.
L. Remaki, C. Lepage and W.G. Habashi , "Efficient Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation on Weak and Multiple Shocks, AIAA Paper 2004-0084, 42nd AlAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , Reno, January 2004.
P. Tran, G. Baruzzi, F. Trernblay, W.G. Habashi P. Petersen, M. Liggett, J. Vos, "FENSAP-ICE Applications to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)", AIM Paper 2004-0402, 42ndAIAA Aerospace Sciences Meetinq, Reno, January 2004.
P. Lagace, C. Lepage, W.G. Habashi and M. Fortin, "Automatic CAD Reconstruction for CAD- Based Anisotropic Mesh Smoothing and Adaptation, AlAA Paper 2004-0085, 42" AIM Aerospace Sciences Meetinq, Reno, January 2004.
Journal Publications
Tanguay, V. , and Higgins, A.J., "The Channel Effect: Coupling of the Detonation and the Precursor Shock by Precompression of the Explosive," Journal of Applied Physics, 96(9),2004, pp. 4894-4902.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Kiyanda, C.B., Chaput, P., Higgins, A.J., and Lee J.H.S., "Investigation of Imploding Shock Waves Using the Hydraulic Analogy," 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW), Beijing, China, July 11-16, 2004.
Jiang, L., Goroshin, S., Higgins, A.J., and Ashrit, P., "Gasless Combustion-Driven Heating Elements for Materials Experiments in Space," 2nd International Symposium on Physical Sciences in SpacelSpacebound 2004, Toronto, May 23 -27,2004.
Journal Publications
Odegard, G.M., Hubert, P. , Pipes, R.B. and Gates, T.S., (2004), "Comparison of Two Models of SWCN Polymer Composites", Journal of Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 64, pp. 101 1- 1020
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Grirnsley, B., Cano, R., Hubert, P. , Loos, A., Kellen, C. and Jensen, B., (2004) "Preform Characterization in VARTM Process Model Development ", 36fh International SAMPE Technical Conference, San Diego, CA
Li, C., Johnston, A. and Hubert, P. , (2004), Material Characterization for a High Temperature VARTM Epoxy Resin System, 3Phlntemational SAMPE Technical Conference, San Diego, CA
Hubert, P. and Ashrafi, B., (2004), "Modeling the Properties of Carbon Nanotube Ropes", 367h International SAMPE Technical Conference, San Diego, CA
Ashrafi, B. and Hubert, P. , (2004) "Modelling the Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Arrays and Their Composites", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD & D Exposition, Anaheim, CA
Petrescue, L., Hubert, P. , Gordon, S. and Johnston, A., (2004) "Characterization of Defects in Low-Cost Resin-Infused Aeronautical Structures" International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, (FPCM-7), Newark, DE
Song, X., Loos, A.C., Grimsley, B.W., Cano, R.J. and Hubert, P. , (2004), "Simulation of the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding", International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, (FPCM-'I), Newark, DE
Pazdzior, P., Hubert, P. , Djokic, D. and Johnston, A., (2004), "In-situ Monitoring of Residual Stress Development during E-Beam Processing", 49" SAMPE International Symposium, Long Beach, CA
Song, X., Loos, A.C., Grimsley, B.W., Cano, R.J. and Hubert, P. , (2004), "Modeling the VARTM Composite Manufacturing Process", 4thSAMPE International Symposium, Long Beach, CA.
Journal Publications
Kevecses, J. and Cleghorn, W.L., 2004, "Impulsive Dynamics of a Flexible Am: Analytical and Numerical Solutions. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 269, pp. 183-195.
Journal Publications
Lee, T. and Gerontakos, P. (2004)", An experimental analysis of the flow over an oscillating airfoil," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 512, pp. 313-341.
Birch, D. and Lee, T. (2004) ", The structure and induced drag of a tip vortex," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 41, NO. 5, pp. 1138-1 145.
Lee, T. , Gerontakos, P. and Birch, D. (2004) ", Vortex shedding mode and spacing with cylinder rotary oscillation," AlAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1268-1272.
Lee, T. , Gerontakos, P. and Birch, D. (2004) ", Testing of unmanned aerial vehicles, "lEEE Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 32-37.
Journal Publications
Mazaheri, K., Hashemi, S.A., Lee, J.H.S., (2004), "Numerical Study of Detonation Instability for a Two-Step Kinetics Model, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 11, pp. 292-301
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "Safety Issues of Hydrogen Economy, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, China
Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "Current status of detonation theory: The propagation mechanism of cellular detonation, Plenary lecture, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China
Chao, J. and Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), 'The interaction of a detonation with a perforated platen, Proceedings of the 24fi International Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China
Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "Explosion Safety Issues of Hydrogen, Plenary Lecture, Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May, 2004 t
Mamen, J., Laviolette, J.P., Goroshin, S., Lee, J. and Sacksteder, K., (2004), "Ground-Based and Microgravity Study of Flame Quenching Distance in Metal Dust Suspensions, Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario
Botros, B.B., Ng, H.D., Yang, J.M. and Lee, J.H.S. , (2004)) "Gasdynamic Flow Fields Produced by the Frontal Collision of a Detonation with a Shock Wave, Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May
Noble, G., Chao, J., and Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "The Interaction of a Detonation with a Perforated Plate", Proceedings of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario
Lee, J.H.S. , "Explosion Properties of Hydrogen-Air Mixture (2004), Third NRlFD Symposium, International Symposium on Safety in the Manufacture, Storage, Use, Transport and Disposal of Hazardous Material, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1-21.
Ng, H.D., Nikiforakis, N. and Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "Head-on Collision Between a Detonation and a Shock Wave, Proceeding of 24fiInt. Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China
lnvited Review Articles, Chapters of Books
Yiguang, J. and Lee, J.H.S. , (2004), "Instability of Combustion Waves in Gaseous Mixture", Encyclopedia of Non-Linear Science. Ed. Alwyn Scott., New York: Routledge
--(see also Higgins, A.)
Journal Publications
Shojaei, A., Trochu, F., Ghaffarian, S. R., Karimian, S. M. H., Lessard, L. , 2004, "An Experimental Study of Saturated and Unsaturated Permeabilities in Resin Transfer Molding Based on Unidirectional Flow Measurements,"-J. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Vol. 23, No. 14, pp. 1515-1536.
Shokrieh, M., Hasani, A., Lessard, L. , 2004 "Shear Buckling of a Composite Drive Shaft Under Torsion, "Composite Structures Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 63-69.
Conference publications
Thouin, M., Lessard, L. , 2004 "Design of a Carbon Fiber Bicycle Stem using Resin Transfer Molding", 5th Canada/Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Yonezawa, Japan, , pp. 103- 115.
Thouin, M., Lessard, L ,2004 "Design of a Carbon Fiber Bicycle Stem using an Internal Bladder and Resin Transfer Molding", ECCM/I”, European Conference on Composite Materials, Rhodos, Greece, CD ROM.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
D. Mateescu and M. Abdo, Aerodynamic analysis of airfoils at very low Reynolds numbers. Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 42nd AIM Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2004, AIM Paper 2004-1053, pp. 1-1 1.
D. Mateescu . Efficient methods for 2D and 3D steady and unsteady confined flows based on the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (Keynote Paper). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics, Timisoara, October 2004, pp. 37-48.
D. Mateescu . Efficient solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations for external flows Invited Paper). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics, Timisoara, October 2004, pp. 49-64.
D. Mateescu and E. Zuppel. Numerical analysis and flow visualization of unsteady viscous flows with separation regions ( Invited Paper ). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace 2004 -sponsored by AIAA, Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Aerospace Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, June 2004 (14 pages).
A. Hemami and D. Mateescu . A performance overview of drag-type wind turbines !or roof mounting in urban areas. Global Wind Power 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 2004, pp. 1-11.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Pizarro-Chong, A. and Misra, A.K. , (2004), "Dynamics of a multi-tethered satellite formation", AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, Paper No. AIAA- 2004-5308.
Wong, B. and Misra, A.K. , (2004), "Dynamics of a Tether Connected Formation Near the Second Sun-Earth Lograngian Point, 5P International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, Canada, Paper No. IAC-04-A.5.09.
(--see also Angeles, J. & Paidoussis, M.)
Journal Publications
Nguyen T., Mongrain R. Biadillah Y., Simultaneous matching of refractive index and viscosity for pulsatile PIV studies in scaled flow models, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 126, (4), 529635,2004
Brunette J., Mongrain R. Tardif JC., A Realistic Coronary Artery Phantom for Particle Image Velocimetry, Featuring Injection-Molded Inclusions and Multiple Layers, Journal of Visualization, 7, (3), 241-248,2004
Bertrand OF, De Larocheliere R., Joyal M, Bonan R, Mongrain R. , Tardif J.C., Incidence of stent under- deployment as a cause of in-stent restenosis, The Intern. J. of Cardiovasc. Imaging, 20, (4), 279-284, 2004
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Galaz Mendes R., Biadillah Y., Cartier, R., Large Displacement 3D Structural Analysis of an Aortic Valve Model with Non-Linear Material Properties, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 28, (3),95-103,2004
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Biadillah Y., Cartier R., A compliant dynamic FEA model of the aortic valve with hyperelastic material properties, ASME International Mechanical Engineering and R&D Expo, Anaheim, USA, abstract # 62404,2004
Mongrain R. , Bulman-Fleming N., Bertrand O.F., 3D Numerical Simulations of drug eluting Stents Using Realistic Stent and Vascular Wall Structures, Les Dix-septiemes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Nano-biointerfaces pour les dispositifs intelligents,Oct 7-8, Montreal, 2004
Galaz R., Mongrain R. , Ranga A., Brunette J., Bertrand O.F., Tardif J.-C., FEA Structural Analysis of a Coronary Stent Interacting with a Hyperelastic Arterial Wall, Les Dix-septiemes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Nano-biointerfaces pour les dispositifs intelligents, Oct 7-8, Montreal, 2004
Faik I., Mongrain R. , Bertrand O.F., CFD and O-PIV Investigation of the Endothelial Shear Stress in a Stented Artery, Les Dix-septièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Nano-biointerfaces pour les dispositifs intelligents,Oct 7-8, Montreal, 2004
Faik I., Mongrain R. , Bertrand OF, Combined MicroPlV and CFD Characterization of the Endothelial Shear Stress in a Stented Artery, Conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Halifax, 2004 Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Cartier R., Dynamic Modeling of the Aortic Valve: A Numerical Approach, Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Calgary, October, 2004
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Biadillah Y., Cartier R., A Compliant Dynamic FEA Model of the Aortic Valve Wi Hyperelastic Material Properties, Conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Halifax, 2004
Nguyen T., Mongrain R. , Prakash S., Tardif JC., Development of a Blood Analog Microparticle Suspension for the Failure Mode Evaluation of Cardiovascular Devices, Conference of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Halifax, 2004
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Biadillah Y. Cartier R., A Compliant Dynamic FEA Model of the Aortic Valve with Hyperelastic Material Properties, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Faik I, Mongrain R. , Bertrand O., 3D Characterization of the wall Shear Stress in a Stented Artery Using MicroPlV and CFD, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Brunette J., Mongrain R. , Tardif JC., A Realistic Coronary Artery Phantom for Particle Image Velocimetry, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Yip R., Mongrain R. , Brunette J., Biadillah Y. Tardif JC., Development of Anatomically Correct Mock-Ups of the Aorta for PIV Investigations, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Nguyen T.T., Mongrain R. , Prakash S., Tardif J.C., Development of a Blood Analog for the Hernodynamic Efficiency Evaluation of Cardiovascular Devices, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Nguyen TT, Mongrain R. , Brunette J., Biadillah Y., Bertrand O., Tardif JC, A Method for Matching the Refractive Index and Kinematic Viscosity of a Blood Analog for Flow Visualization in Hydraulic Cardiovascular Models Using Optical Techniques, Canadian Design Engineering Network CDEN Conference, Montreal 2004
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Biadillah Y., Cartier R., A Compliant Dynamic FEA Model of the Aortic Valve With Hyperelastic Material Properties, IMECE 2004, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, November 13-1 9, Anaheim, California USA 2004
Choudhury, NZ; Leask, R; Mongrain, R, Regional characterization of human ascending Aorta tissue, 2004 Biomedical Engineering Society Fall Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (USA!, 13-16 Oct 2004 Melissa J., Meunier J., Tardif J.-C., Mongrain R. , Reconstruction of an IVUS Transducer Trajectory using Single-Plane Cineangiography, Proceedings of the 1" International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1, Abstract P-1, p 58, 2004
Nguyen T.T., Mongrain R. , Prakash S., Tardif J.-C., Development of a Blood Analog Microparticle Suspension for Hemolytic Potential Assessment of Cardiovascular Devices, Proceedings of the 1st International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1,Abstract P-4, p 61, 2004
Biadillah Y., Mongrain R. , Leask R., Cartier R., Flow Hemodynamics in the Aortic Arch, Proceedings of the 1st International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-11, Abstract P-6, p 63, 2004
Ranga A., Mongrain R. , Cartier R., Aortic Valve Modeling: A Tool for Prosthesis Design, Proceedings of the 1st Internationall New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1, Abstract P-8, p 65, 2004
Galaz R., Mongrain R. , Ranga A., Brunette J., Bertrand O.F., Tardif J.C., FEA Structural Analysis of a Coronary Stent Interacting with a Hyperelastic Wall, Proceedings of the 1st International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1,Abstract P-11, p 68,2004
Brunette J; Mongrain R. ; Ranga A.,Tardif JC., Development of a Realistic Coronary Artery Phantom for Flow Visualization using Particle Imaging Velocimetry and Numerical Simulations, Proceedings of the 15' International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-11, Abstract P-12, p 69, 2004
Yip R., Mongrain R. , Brunette J., Biadillah Y., Tardif J.-C., Cartier R., Design and Fabrication of Anatomically Correct Mock-ups of the Aorta for PIV Investigations, Proceedings of the 1st International New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1, Abstract P-14, p 71,2004
Faik I., Mongrain R. , Bertrand O.F., CFD And O-PIV Investigation of the Endothelial Shear Stress in a Stented Artery, Proceedings of the 1stInternationall New Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec City, Sept 10-1 1, Abstract P-16, p 73, 2004
Bulman-Fleming N, Mongrain R. , Faik I, Bertrand OF. Drug Delivery from Coronary Stents, Fluent News, Spring 2004: S6
Journal Publications
Beaulac, S. and Mydlarski, L. , 2004. Dependence on the initial conditions of scalar mixing in the turbulent wake of a circular cylinder. Physics of fluids, 16, pp. 3161-3172.
Tutkun, M. and Mydlarski, L. , 2004. Markov properties of the turbulent scalar field. New Journal of Physics, 6, Article 49, pp. 1-24. Invited article in a "Special Focus Issue on Turbulence."
Beaulac, S. and Mydlarski, L. , 2004. Inverse structure functions of temperature in grid-generated turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 16, pp. 21 26-21 29. < /p>
Refereed conference proceedings
Lavertu, T., Wahab, A. , Mydlarski, L. and Gaskin, S., 2004. Reynolds number dependence of differential diffusion in a turbulent jet. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 49, No. 9, p. 226.
Lavertu, T., Pohl, W., Gaskin, S. and Mydlarski, L. , 2004. Punctual and planar measurements of differential diffusion in a turbulent jet. Advances in Turbulence X: Proceedings of the Tenth European Turbulence Conference, pp. 91 -94.
Journal Publications
Nadarajah, S. , (2004), "Control Theory Approach to Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, NUS Institute of Mathematical Sciences Turbulence and Flow Control Journal, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Journal Publications
B. Buckham, F. R. Driscoll, and M. Nahon, 'Development of a Finite Element Cable Model for Use in Low-Tension Dynamics Simulation', ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 476485 JULY 2004.
B. Buckham, R. Driscoll, M. Nahon and B. Radanovic, 'Torsional Mechanics in Dynamics Simulation of Low-Tension Marine Tethers', International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 218-226, September 2004.
J. Evans and M. Nahon, 'Dynamics Modeling and Performance Evaluation of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle', Ocean Engineering, Vol. 31, pp. 1835-1858, October 2004.
Refereed Conferences
G. Gilardi and M. Nahon, 'Stationkeeping and Slewing of a Multi-Tethered Aerostat', 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, St. Petersburg, June 2004.
C. Lambert, M. Nahon and D. Chalmers, 'Dynamics Model Validation for the LAR Multi-tethered Aerostat System', SKA04, Penticton, July 2004.
Journal Publications
Ragai, I., Lazim, D. and Nemes, J. , 2004, "Anisotropy and Springback in Draw-Bending of Stainless Steel 410": Experimental and Numerical Study, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (Accepted for Publication)
Milani A.S. and Nemes, J. , 2004, "On Identification of Material Models when Non-repatability of Test Data is Present: Application to Textile Composites," Journal Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 126, pp. 443-449.
Ma, X., Humphreys, A.O., Nemes, J. , Hone, M., Nickelotopoulus, N., Jonas, J.J., 2004, "Effect of Microstructure on the Cold Headability of a Medium Carbon Steel", ISlJ International, Vol. 44, pp. 905-913.
Milani A.S., and Nemes, J. , 2004, "An Intelligent Inverse Method for Characterization of Textile Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites Using a Hyperelastic Constitutive Model", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 64, pp. 1565-1576.
Milani, A.S., El-Lahham, C., and Nemes, J. , 2004, "Different Approaches in Multi-Criteria Optimization Using the Taguchi Method: A Case Study in a Cold Heading Process", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 53-68.
Refereed conference proceedings
Qu, J., Dabboussi, W., Nemes, J. , and Yue, S., 2004, "High Speed Deformation Behavior of a Dual Phase Steel", Material Science and Technology Conference, New Orleans pp. 153-1 61.
El-Lahham, C., Milani, A.S. and Nemes, J. , 2004, "A Crisp Solution in Multi-Criteria Optimization Using a Taguchi Approach: Application to a Cold Heading Process, NUMIFORM 2004 (8 pages).
Sabih A. and Nemes, J. , 2004, "The Workability Criteria for Adiabatic Shear Band Phenomena in the Dual Phase Steel Cold Heading Process, NUMIFORM 2004 (8 pages).
Milani A.S., and Nemes, J. , 2004, "On Effect of Material Parameters Used in Numerical Simulation of Forming Processes, NUMIFORM 2004 (8 pages).
El-Lahham, C., Milani, A.S., Nemes, J. , Nickolteopoulos N., and Hone, M., 2004, " Optimization of Cold Heading Preform Dies Using FEM Analysis and a Multi-Criteria Taguchi Approach, Wire Expo 2004 (9 pages).
Book Edited
Bravo-Castillero, J., Rodriguez-Ramos, R. and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , Eds, Applied Mechanics in the Americas -Proc. 8th Pan American congress of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10 2004.
Chapters in Books
Jasiuk, I. and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "From lattices and composites to micropolar continua," Chapter 7 in Micromechanics and Nanoscale Effects: MEMS, Multi-Scale Materials and Micro-Flows, eds. V.M. Hank and L.-S. Luo, pp. 175-212, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Journal Publications
Liszka, T., and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Effects of microscale material randomness on the attainment of optimal structural shapes," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 26(1-2), pp. 67-76.
Jaklewicz, M., Litak, A., and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Friction and scratch resistance of Polyamide 6 modified with ionomeric ethylenelmethacrylic acid copolymer," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 91 (6), pp. 3866-3870.
Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Fracture of brittle micro-beams," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 71, pp. 424-427.
Wang, G., and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004,"A numerical study of plume dispersion motivated by a mesoscale atmospheric flow over a complex terrain," Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 28, pp. 957-981.
Wang, G. and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Influence of topography on the Phoenix CO2 dome: a computational study," Atmospheric Science Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 103-107.
Jasiuk, I., and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Modeling of bone at a single lamella level," Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 3, pp. 67-74.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Jasiuk, I. and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Micromechanics of a lamella in bone," Applied Mechanics in the Americas -Proc. 8th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10, pp. 37-40, Havana, Cuba.
Shahsavari, H. and Ostoja-Starzewski, M. , 2004, "Vibrations of a helix," Applied Mechanics in the Americas -Proc. 8th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10, pp. 326-329, Havana, Cuba.
Journal Publications
Sarkar, A. and Paidoussis, M. , (2004), "A Cantilever Conveying Fluid: Coherent Modes versus Beam ode”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 39, pp. 467-481
Epureanu, B.I., Tang, L.S. and Paidoussis, M. P., (2004), "Coherent Structures and their Influence on the Dynamics of Aerolelastic Panels", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 39, pp. 977-991
Epureanu, B.I., Tang, L.S. and Paidoussis, M. P., (2004), "Exploiting Chaotic Dynamics for Detecting Parametric Variations in Aeroelastic Systemsn, AlAA Journal, Vol. 42, pp. 728-735
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Pa'idoussis, M.P., Karagiozis, K.N., Grinevich, E., Misra, A.K. and Amabili, M., (2004), "Stability of Cylindrical Shells with Supported Ends Conveying Fluid", Proceedings 8" Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, (eds J. Bravo Castillero, M. Ostoja-Starzewski & R. Rodriguez Ramos), Habana, Cuba, pp. 393-396.
Karagiozis, K.N., Pa'idoussis, M.P., Misra, A.K., Grinevich, E. and Amabili, M., (2004), "Non-linear Dynamics of Clamped Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Flow", Proceedings 8" lntl Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, (eds E. de Lang re & F. Axisa), Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 25-1 30.
Modarres-Sadeghi, Y., Pa'idoussis, M.P. and Semler, C., (2004), "Nonlinear Dynamics of Slender Flexible Cylinders Subjected to Axial Flown, Proceedings 8th lntl Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, (eds E. de Langre & F. Axisa), Paris, France, Vol. 1,pp. 131-136.
Amabili, M., Sarkar, A. and Pa'idoussis, M.P., (2004), "Reduced-Order POD Models for Nonlinear Vibrations of Fluid-Filled, Circular Cylindrical Shells" Proceedings 8" Intl Conference on Flow- Induced Vibration, (eds E. de Langre & F. Axisa), Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 209-213.
Pa'idoussis, M.P., (2004), "Some Unresolved Problems in Fluid-Structure Interactions", Proceedings 81h Intl l Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, (eds E. de Langre & F. Axisa), Paris, France, Vol. 1, p. 24.
Pa'idoussis, M.P., Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. and Semler, C., (2004), "Nonlinear Dynamics of Pinned- Pinned Cylinders in Axial Flown, Proceedings 21* ICTAM, Warsaw, Poland.
(--see also Cortelezzi, L.)
Book chapters
Pasini, D. and Burgess S.C., The structural efficiency of trees, in Optimisation Mechanics in Nature, edited by M. W. Collins, D.G. Hunt and M. A. Atherton, WIT Press, pp. 51-78, (2004) Department of Mechanical Engineering 2004/2005
Journal Publications
Burgess, S.C. and Pasini, D. , An analysis of the structural efficiency of trees, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol15, No 2, pp. 177-193, (2004)
Burgess, S.C., Pasini, D. and Alemzadeh, K., Improved visualisation of the design space using nested performance charts, Journal of Design Studies, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp 51-62, (2004)
Refereed conference Proceedings
Pasini, D. , Learning from trees to design engineering, CDEN Design Conference, Montreal, Canada (2004)
Journal Publications
Marsden, C.C. and Price, S.J., (2004), "Equivalent linear modal parameter estimation for a nonlinear aeroelastic system", Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 19, pp. 607-619 Refereed Conference Proceedings
Marsden, C.C. and Price, S.J., (2004), "The aeroelastic response of an airfoil with a structural freeplay nonlinearity: an experimental investigation", Proceedings of the 8fi International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, FIV2004, Paris, France
Akbari, M.H. and Price, S.J., (2004), "Numerical investigation of flow patterns for staggered cylinder pairs in cross-flow", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, FIV2004, Paris, France
Journal Publications
Radziszewski, P. , Caron, S. (2004), Towards AGlSAGlBall Mill On-Line Performance Monitoring, ClM Bulletin, Volume 97 No. 1084, pp 5.
Chenje, T., Radziszewski, P. (2004), Determining the steel media abrasive wear as a function of applied force and friction, Minerals Engineering, vol. 17, 1255-1258.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Chenje, T., Radziszewski, P. (2004), Determining the steel media abrasive wear as a function of applied force and friction, Comminution 2004, Perth, Australia.
Thakur, L.K., Radziszewski, P. (2004), Design, development and validation of an impact wear testing device for the minerals industry, CDEN Conference, Montreal, July.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Zhang, Y. and Sharf, I. ,2004, "Compliant Force Modeling for Impact Analysis," Proc. ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC20021MECH-34357, Best Paper Award Competition Finalist, pp. 1-10, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 28 -October 2.
Sharf, I. and Crymble, D., 2004, "RobotlAirship Facility for Autonomous Robotic Grasping of Objects in Space," poster presentation and paper at 1Qh /FAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 14-18.
Boivin, E., Sharf, I. , and M. Doyon, 2004, "Optimum Grasp of Planar and Revolute Objects with Gripper Geometry Constraints," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 326-332, New Orleans, LA, April 27-30.
Yu, R., Roberts, S., and Sharf, I. ,2004, "Model Order Reduction of Structural Dynamics of a Very Large Optical Telescope," poster paper presentation at SPlE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, pp. 1-1 2, Glasgow, Scotland UK, June 21-24.
Chapters in Books
Schiffauerova, A., Thomson, V., 2004. "Cost of Quality: A Survey of Models and Best Practices, Total Quality Management, Sarthak Kumar Rath, Ed., lCFAl BOOKS
Journal Publications
Bhuiyan, N., Gewin, D., Thomson, V., "Simulation of NPD Process and Performance", Management Science, 2004, vol50, no 12, pp 1690-1703
Bashir, H. A. and Thomson, V., "Estimating Design Effort for GE Hydro Projects", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46 (2004) 195-204
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Boulet B., DiRaddo R.W., Girard P., Thomson, V., "An Agent Based Architecture for Model Based Control", IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Oct04, The Hague. Thomson V., "Manufacturing in the 21s' Century", e-Manufacturing: Business Paradigms and Supporting Technologies, Pinto Ferreira, Jo3o Jose (Ed.), 2004, Springer, New York
Journal Publications
Hassan, T., Ezura, M., Timofeev, E.V., Tominaga, T., Saito, T., Takahashi, A., Takayama, K., Yoshimoto, T., 2004, "Computational simulation of therapeutic parent artery occlusion to treat giant vertebrobasilar aneurysmn, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vo1.25, pp. 63-68
Hassan, T., Timofeev, E., Saito, T., Shimizu, H., Ezura, M., Tominaga, T., Takahashi, A., Takayama, K., 2004, "Computational replicas: reconstruction of cerebral vessels as volume numerical grids using three dimensional angiography, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol. 25, pp. 1356-1 365
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Timofeev, E., Voinovich, P., Saito, T., Takayama, K., 2004, "Three dimensional unsteady reflection of a plane shock wave from an inclined cylinder", In: Milton, B., Saito, T., Sun, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research, ISISW, Matsushima, Sendai, Japan, March 22-24, 2004, Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research Center, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, pp. 498-51 7
Voinovich, P., Merlen, A., Timofeev, E., Saito, T., Takayama, K., 2004, "Two numerical models to simulate impulsive waves in heterogeneous elastic solids and liquids", In: Milton, B., Saito, T., Sun, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research, ISISW, Matsushima, Sendai, Japan, March 22-24, 2004, Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research Center Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, pp. 528-546
Timofeev, E.V., Tahir, R.B., Voinovich, P.A., Molder, S., 2004, "Adaptive unstructured simulations of diaphragm rupture and perforation opening to start hypersonic air inlets", CD-ROM Proceedings of the 12" Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, May 9-1 1, 2004, pp. 543- 548
Molder, S., Timofeev, E. , Tahir, R.B., 2004, "Flow starting in high compression hypersonic air inlets, AIM Paper, Nr. 2004-4130, 16p. Voinovich, P., Merlen, A,, Timofeev, E., Takayama, K., 2004, "A Godunov-type finite-volume scheme for elastodynamics on adaptive unstructured 2-D grids", CD-ROM Proceedings of the 24" Intl. Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, July 11-16, 2004, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Paper Nr. 3201,6p.
Kleine, H., Timofeev, E., Takayama, K., 2004, "Reflection of blast waves from straight surfaces, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 24Ih Intl. Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, July 11-16, 2004, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Paper Nr. 2952,6p.
Tahir, R., Timofeev, E., Voinovich, P., Molder, S., 2004, "Simulation of inviscid, unsteady flows in hypersonic air inlets using an adaptive, unstructured, multi-block method", Book of Abstracts of the 3"' International Conference in CFD, Toronto, Canada, July 12-16,2004, 2p.
Journal Publications
Peles, Y., Vengallatore, S., Harrisori, T.S., Protz, C., Mracek, A., and Spearing, S.M., 2004, "Fluidic Packaging of Microengine and Microrocket Devices for High-Pressure and High- Temperature Operation," IEEUASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 13, pp. 31 -40.
Vengallatore, S., Turner, K.T., le, T.Y.A. and Spearing, S.M., 2004, "Structural Design Considerations for Micromachined Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 125, pp. 62 -69.
Vengallatore, S., Peles, Y., Arana, L., and Spearing, S.M., 2004, "Self-Assembly of Micro- and Nanoparticles on Internal Micromachined Silicon Surfaces," Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 113, pp. 124 -131. (Also selected for inclusion in OTAS: Virtual Journal on Micro Total Analysis Systems, Vol. 12,23 June 2004, Elsevier)
Baertsch,C.D., Jensen, K.F., Hertz, J.L., Tuller, H.L., Vengallatore, S., Spearing,S.M. and Schmidt, M.A., 2004, "Fabrication and Structural Characterization of Self-Supporting Electrolyte Membranes for a Micro Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell," Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 19, pp. 2604 -2615.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Shim, D. -J., Sun, H. -W., Vengallatore, S., and Spearing, S. M., 2004, "Damage and Failure Mechanisms in High Pressure Silicon-Glass-Metal Microfluidic Interconnections," Micro- and Nanosystems, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 782, ed. D. LaVan, M. McNie, A. Ayon, M. Madou, and S. Prasad, pp. A3.3.1- A3.3.6.
Journal Publications
O'Leary, P. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) "Direct and Specific Least-Square Fitting of Hyperbolz and Ellipsesn, J. Electronic Imaging, v. 13, n. 3, pp.492-503.
Hayes, M.J.D., Zsombor-Murray, P.J. & Chen, C. (2004) "Unified Kinematic Analysis of General Planar Parallel Manipulators", ASME J. Mechanical Design, v. 26, n. 5, pp.866-874.
Zsombor-Murray, P.J. , Hayes, M.J.D. & Husty, M.L. (2004) "Extreme Distance to a Spatial Circle", CSME Trans., v. 28, n. 2A, pp.231-235.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
O'Leary, P., Harker, M. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2005) "Incremental Matrix Orthogonalization with an Application to Curve Fittingn, IS&T/SPIE Symp. Electronic Imaging, San Jose, 05-01,7pp.
Harker, M., O'Leary, P. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) 'Incremental Matrix Orthogonalization with an Application to CUM Fitting, Proc. 4th Indian Conf. on Computer Vision, Graphics & lmage Processing, Calcutta, 04-1 2,7pp.
O'Leary, P., Harker, M. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) "Fitting Coupled Geometric Objects for Metric Vision, Proc. Irish Machine Vision & lmage Processing Conf, Dublin, 04-09,6pp.
Harker, M., O'Leary, P. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) "Direct & Specific Fitting of Conics to Scattered Data", Proc. 17" Inf. Conf on Paffem Recognition, Cambridge, 04-08, 13pp.
Zsombor-Murray, P.J. & O'Leary, P. (2004) The Inertia Matrix in Least-Squares Fitting, Proc. of 11" Conference on Geometry & Graphics, ISBN 5-8037-0184, Guangzhou, 04-08, pp.101-107.
Hayes, M.J.D.& Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) "Towards Integrated Type & Dimensional Synthesis of Mechanisms for Rigid Body Guidancen, Proc. of CSME Forum 2004, London, 04-06, pp.53-61.
Wei, W. & Zsombor-Murray, P.J. (2004) "Translational Parallel Manipulator Kinematics Using Algebraic & Projective Line Geometry Elements , Proc. of CSME Forum 2004, London, 04-06, pp.44-52. [ TopOfPage(); ]