Career Development Office - Alternative Careers Presentation by Prof. Angela Campbell

25 Sep 2024 13:00
Event only open to McGill law students - 

Professor Campbell will present the highlights of her career after obtaining her law degree from McGill and provide any tips to our students. She is currently Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) at McGill University. Her presentation will be followed by a Q & A session

General Law Admissions Information Session

25 Sep 2024 16:00

Our annual general admissions workshop is presented by the Faculty of Law’s Assistant Dean, Admissions and Recruitment, who will be joined by a student ambassador and members of the Student Affairs Office and the Admissions Office.  

 Admissions Drop-In Advising Session

1 Oct 2024 12:00

The Admissions Drop-In Advising Session will provide you with an opportunity for an open conversation with a member of our Admissions Office to discuss any element of the BCL/JD admissions process.  

Workshop for Re-Applicants to the BCL/JD program 

2 Oct 2024 16:00

Hosted by the Assistant Dean, Admissions and Recruitment, who will be joined by a student ambassador and a member of the Student Affairs Office, this information session is designed specifically for re-applicants.  

International Human Rights Internships - Info Session

4 Oct 2024 12:30

Join us for the International Human Internships Info Session hosted by McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism. This event is a great opportunity to hear from previous program participants about their experiences and insights. Learn more about how these internships offer practical experience in the field of human rights and gain valuable global perspectives.

Vancouver Law School Fair

8 Oct 2024 14:00

Registration required:  

Bâtonnière Claveau, le Barreau du Québec et le Jeune Barreau de Montréal – la Santé Mentale en droit (en tant qu'étudiants et professionnels)

9 Oct 2024 13:00
Event only open to McGill law students - 

Bâtonnière Claveau along with representatives from the Barreau du Québec (Me Mylène Lemieux-Ayotte, Vice President - Montréal) and the Young Bar Association de Montréal (Me Andrée-Anne Dion, who is also an Alumna of the faculty!) are making their annual tour of law faculties. This year's theme will be mental health among law students.

Admissions Drop-In Advising Session  

9 Oct 2024 18:00

The Admissions Drop-In Advising Session will provide you with an opportunity for an open conversation with a member of our Admissions Office to discuss any element of the BCL/JD admissions process.  

Law School Application Workshop at Concordia University

16 Oct 2024 11:00

Learn about McGill Law's admission process and discover tips on how to make a strong application. Guest speakers from McGill University will be present. 

This event will be co-facilitated by Kristel Kabigting and by the Assistant Dean (Admission & Recruitment), Faculty of Law, McGill University. 

Admissions Drop-In Advising Session

17 Oct 2024 15:00

The Admissions Drop-In Advising Session will provide you with an opportunity for an open conversation with a member of our Admissions Office to discuss any element of the BCL/JD admissions process.  

LSAC Digital Law School Forum

23 Oct 2024 17:00

Remote platform; registration mandatory. 

The McGill Law admissions team will be attending the LSAC Digital Law School Forum. Come visit the virtual McGill booth to find out more about our unique BCL/JD, get important information and answers to any questions you may have, and learn how to apply for admission at McGill Law. 

Admissions Drop-In Advising Session

25 Oct 2024 13:00

The Admissions Drop-In Advising Session will provide you with an opportunity for an open conversation with a member of our Admissions Office to discuss any element of the BCL/JD admissions process.  

Open House 2024 - Faculty of Law

27 Oct 2024 10:00

Registration required. 

Visit the Faculty of Law during McGill Open House. 

Meet the Admissions team and McGill Law students and take a guided tour of the Faculty of Law. The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Recruitment will host several information sessions throughout the day. 

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