PB-2024-01 |
Neil Buhne. The Influence of the UN at the Country Level: The Case of Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2011
PB-2024-01 |
Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez. Climate Adaptation Finance: The Gap Between Needs and Resources Continues to Grow
PB-2023-01 |
Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez. Climate Adaptation in Africa: Locally Led and Nature Based Solutions
PB-2021-02 |
Brenden McKinney. Increasing Access to Affordable Agricultural Microinsurance in Sub-Saharan Africa
PB-2021-01 |
Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez. Climate Adaptation in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
PB-2020-03 |
Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Franque Grimard, and Kai Scott. Key Issues in the Myanmar November 2020 Elections
PB-2020-02 |
Jamal Saghir and Yasmina El Amine. Preparing for a Looming Water Crisis: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa Countries
[Policy paper]
PB-2020-01 |
Christian Novak. Increasing Aid and Development Financing Volumes for the Advancement of Education in Lower-Middle Income Countries |
PB-2019-07 |
Jamal Saghir. Water: A Key Driver for Sustainable Growth
PB-2019-06-SP |
Miguel Angel Carpio, Farhan Majid, Sonia Laszlo, Alan Sanchez y Zeljko Janzic. Programa de Transferencias Condicionadas JUNTOS Perú: Focalización Geográfica
[Policy Paper]
PB-2019-06 |
Miguel Angel Carpio, Farhan Majid, Sonia Laszlo, Alan Sanchez and Zeljko Janzic. Peru’s JUNTOS Cash Conditional Transfer Program: Geographic Targeting (2005-2017)
[Policy Paper]
PB-2019-05 |
Megan Bradley. The Return of Internally Displaced Persons: Patterns, Possibilities and Gaps in Knowledge
PB-2019-04 |
Franque Grimard and Christian Novak. Updating the DFIs' Operating Models and Methods Towards Helping Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
PB-2019-03 |
Francesco Amodio and Andreas Menzel. Working in Export Manufacturing: A Blessing or a Curse?
[Policy Brief]
PB-2019-02 |
Rachel Kiddell-Monroe and Celine de Richoufftz. Fleeing Violence in Central America: Time to Implement Canada's Resettlement Policy
PB-2019-01 |
Megan Bradley. Recognizing Natural Disasters as a Concern for Transitional Justice.
[Policy Brief]
PB-2018-06 |
Jamal Saghir and Khaled Agha. Scaling Up Energy Efficiency in Emerging Markets: Global Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities
PB-2018-05 |
Claire Paoli, Francesco Amodio and Angelo Martelli. The Effect of the Italian Support System for Refugees and Asylum Seekers on the Local Economy
[Policy Brief]
PB-2018-04 |
Natalia Aguilar Delgado and Paola Perez-Aleman. Vulnerable Non-State Actors in Transnational Regulation Decision- Making
[Policy Brief]
PB-2018-03 |
Yann le Polain et al. Understanding policy impact amidst controversy: Lessons from forest zoning in Argentina
[Policy Brief]

PB-2018-02 |
Jamal Saghir. Getting Africa's Urbanization Right
[Policy Brief]
Jamal Saghir. Water Security and Growth: The case of the Middle East and North Africa Countries.
[Policy Paper]
PB-2017-07 |
Kazue Takamura and Eric Kuhonta. Human rights of non-status migrants in Japan
PB-2017-06 |
Francesco Amodio and Michele Di Maio. Trade restrictions lead to lower wages and more violence.
PB-2017-05 |
Rachael Garret, Eric Lambin, and Yann le Polain de Waroux. To eliminate deforestation in South America, reduce differences in regulations across regions and actors
PB-2017-04 |
Maxime Honigmann. Fostering Sustainably Resilient Communities: What Works and What is Required?
[Policy Paper]
PB-2017-03 |
Maxime Honigmann. Moving Towards More Socially-Connected Educational Systems: From Theory to Practice.
[Policy Paper]
PB-2017-02 |
Jamal Saghir. Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Sub Saharan Africa: A View from the Ground
[Policy Paper]

PB-2017-01 |
Jamal Saghir and Hans Hoogeveen. Transforming Sub Saharan Africa Agriculture
[Policy Paper]