ISID Policy Briefs


Neil Buhne. PDF icon The Influence of the UN at the Country Level: The Case of Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2011


Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez.  PDF icon Climate Adaptation Finance: The Gap Between Needs and Resources Continues to Grow


Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez. PDF icon Climate Adaptation in Africa: Locally Led and Nature Based Solutions


Brenden McKinney. PDF icon Increasing Access to Affordable Agricultural Microinsurance in Sub-Saharan Africa


Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez.  PDF icon Climate Adaptation in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery


Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Franque Grimard, and Kai Scott. PDF icon Key Issues in the Myanmar November 2020 Elections

Governance and Society

Jamal Saghir and Yasmina El Amine.  PDF icon Preparing for a Looming Water Crisis: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa Countries

[Policy paper]

Environment and Sustainability
PB-2020-01 Christian Novak.  PDF icon Increasing Aid and Development Financing Volumes for the Advancement of Education in Lower-Middle Income Countries Poverty and Inequality

Jamal Saghir. PDF icon Water: A Key Driver for Sustainable Growth

Environment and Sustainability

Miguel Angel Carpio, Farhan Majid, Sonia Laszlo, Alan Sanchez y Zeljko Janzic.  PDF icon Programa de Transferencias Condicionadas JUNTOS Perú: Focalización Geográfica

[Policy Paper]


Miguel Angel Carpio, Farhan Majid, Sonia Laszlo, Alan Sanchez and Zeljko Janzic. PDF icon Peru’s JUNTOS Cash Conditional Transfer Program: Geographic Targeting (2005-2017)

[Policy Paper]


Megan Bradley.  PDF icon The Return of Internally Displaced Persons: Patterns, Possibilities and Gaps in Knowledge

Environment and Sustainability

Franque Grimard and Christian Novak. PDF icon Updating the DFIs' Operating Models and Methods Towards Helping Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Poverty and Inequality

Francesco Amodio and Andreas Menzel.  PDF icon Working in Export Manufacturing:  A Blessing or a Curse?

[Policy Brief]

Poverty and Inequality

Rachel Kiddell-Monroe and Celine de Richoufftz. PDF icon Fleeing Violence in Central America: Time to Implement Canada's Resettlement Policy


Poverty and InequalityGovernance and Society

Megan Bradley. Recognizing Natural Disasters as a Concern for Transitional Justice.

[Policy Brief]

Environment and Sustainability

Jamal Saghir and Khaled Agha. PDF icon Scaling Up Energy Efficiency in Emerging Markets: Global Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities


Environment and Sustainability

Claire Paoli, Francesco Amodio and Angelo Martelli.  PDF icon The Effect of the Italian Support System for Refugees and Asylum Seekers on the Local Economy

[Policy Brief]

Governance and Society

Natalia Aguilar Delgado and Paola Perez-Aleman. PDF icon Vulnerable Non-State Actors in Transnational Regulation Decision- Making

[Policy Brief]

Governance and Society

Yann le Polain et al. Understanding policy impact amidst controversy: Lessons from forest zoning in Argentina

[Policy Brief]

Environment and Sustainability  Governance and Society


Jamal Saghir. PDF icon Getting Africa's Urbanization Right

[Policy Brief]

Environment and Sustainability Governance and Society


Jamal Saghir. Water Security and Growth: The case of the Middle East and North Africa Countries. 

[Policy Paper]

   Poverty and Inequality

Kazue Takamura and Eric Kuhonta. PDF icon Human rights of non-status migrants in Japan

Governance and Society

Francesco Amodio and Michele Di Maio. PDF icon Trade restrictions lead to lower wages and more violence.

Poverty and Inequality

Rachael Garret, Eric Lambin, and Yann le Polain de Waroux. PDF icon To eliminate deforestation in South America, reduce differences in regulations across regions and actors

Governance and Society Environment and Sustainability

Maxime Honigmann. Fostering Sustainably Resilient Communities: What Works and What is Required?

[Policy Paper]

 Poverty and InequalityEnvironment and SustainabilityGovernance and Society

Maxime Honigmann. Moving Towards More Socially-Connected Educational Systems: From Theory to Practice.

[Policy Paper]

Poverty and Inequality Governance and Society

Jamal Saghir. Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Sub Saharan Africa: A View from the Ground

[Policy Paper]

Poverty and InequalityEnvironment and Sustainability

Jamal Saghir and Hans Hoogeveen. Transforming Sub Saharan Africa Agriculture

[Policy Paper]

Poverty and InequalityEnvironment and Sustainability


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