Updated: Wed, 10/09/2024 - 15:16

Oct. 10-11, campus is open to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Most classes are in-person. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Les 10 et 11 octobre, le campus est accessible aux étudiants et au personnel de l’Université, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. La plupart des cours ont lieu en présentiel. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.




Since 1998 the Health Care in Canada (HCIC) survey has served as Canada's Health Care Report Card, a trustable source of national data and peer reviewed health care research findings. The HCIC vision is to provide reliable evidence to inform and influence the improvement of Canadian health policy and care, through achievement of specific goals and objectives, utilizing:

•    Broad partnership / collegial governance;
•    Regular knowledge creation / dissemination;
•    Addressing relevant health issues / questions / experience;
•    Measurement / reflection of all stakeholders’ views;
•    Rigorous, cost-efficient sampling process; and,
•    Data-driven communication plan.

The thirteenth iteration of this unique survey was completed in 2018. Click here to access the most recent findings, as well as previous surveys' data.

By repeatedly polling nationally representative samples of the adult Canadian public and key professional groups (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and health administrators) over the last two decades, the HCIC survey initiative has revealed a wealth of knowledge regarding: the general health of the nation including perceptions on access, affordability and quality of health care; the burden of chronic diseases and their care, particularly gaps in evidence-based and team care; and, innovation opportunities to improve care and outcomes. This allows stakeholders to be better informed regarding what we're doing well, what we're doing not so well and what we should be doing next. The Report Card shows the way forward, where consensus and dissenting opinions lie, where multiple priorities are reconciled, where obstacles stand and where we need to overcome or steer around them.

We invite you to visit the Survey and Publications pages on the HCIC web site for recent results, past findings or to request HCIC data for your health policy or clinical practice decision making initiatives.

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Thank you for visiting the Health Care in Canada Survey website.
We anticipate you will find the content within informative and of value as together we strive
for the best possible Canadian health policy and care.  Things can be better!


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