In a short time, our research group has produced a dynamic research agenda, with concrete outcomes. Since 2012, our team has been awarded 10 joint grants totaling 3.8 million dollars. We have collaborated on over 40 publications and presentations on children’s rights, war, global health, youth and community engagement, and arts-based methods.
The following publications reflect a growing collaboration between and among our team members. For a review of publications by theme, please navigate using the links on the left.
Books & Edited Collections
Denov, M., & M. C. Shevell (Eds.) (2019). Social work practice with war-affected children and families: the importance of family, culture, arts, and participatory approaches. London, UK: Routledge Taylor Francis.
Denov, M. (2010). Child soldiers: Sierra Leone's revolutionary united front. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Denov, M., & Akesson, B. (Eds.) (2017). Children affected by armed conflict: Theory, method and practice. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
Denov, M., Maclure, R., & Campbell, K. (Eds.) (2011). Children's rights and international development. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Mitchell, C. (Eds.) (2019). Memory mosaics: Artful professional learning research. New York, NY: Springer.
Mitchell, C., & Moletsane, R. (2018). Disrupting shameful legacies: Young people engaging in the arts and visual practice to address sexual violence. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Brill/Sense.
Mitchell, C., & Sommer, M. (2017). Participatory visual methodologies in global public health. London, UK: Routledge Taylor Francis.
Kirmayer, L. J., Guzder, J., & Rousseau, C. (Eds.) (2014). Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care. New York, NY: Springer.
Arts Based Research
• Green, A., & Denov, M. (2019) Mask-Making and Drawing as Method: An Arts-based Approach to Data Collection with War-affected Children. International Journal of Qualitative Research, 18:1-13.
• Mitchell, C., Linds, W., Denov, M., D’Amico, and Cleary, B. (2019) Beginning at the Beginning in Social Work Education: A Case for Incorporating Arts-based Approaches to Working with War Affected Children and Their Families. Journal of Family Social Work, 22, 1.
• D’Amico, M., Denov, M., Khan, F., Linds, W., Akesson, B. (2016) Research as intervention? Exploring the health and well-being of children and youth facing global adversity through participatory visual methods. Global Public Health, 11, 5-6: 528-545.
• Akesson, B., D’Amico, M., Denov, M., Khan, F., Linds, W., Mitchell, C. (2014) Stepping back as researchers: How are we addressing ethics in arts-based approaches to working with war-affected children in school and community settings. Educational Research for Social Change, 3, 1: 74-88.
• Denov, M., Doucet, D., & Kamara, A. (2012) “Engaging War-Affected Youth Through Photography: Photovoice with Former Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone”. Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 10, 2: 117-133.
Children Born of War
• Denov, M., & Kahn, S. (in press, 2019) “They Should See Us as a Symbol of Reconciliation”: Youth Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda and the Implications for Transitional Justice. Journal of Human Rights Practice.
• Denov, M. & Piolanti, A. (in press, 2019) Mothers of Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda: Implications for Mental Health, Well-Being and Psycho-Social Support Interventions. Women’s International Health Care.
• Denov, M. (2019) Children Born of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Within Armed Groups: A Case Study of Northern Uganda. In Drumbl, M. and Barrett, J. (eds.) Research Handbook on Child Soldiers. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Kahn, S. and Denov, M. (2019) “We are Children Like Others”: Pathways to Mental Health and Healing for Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda. Transcultural Psychiatry, 1-19.
• Denov, M., Blanchet-Cohen, N., Bah, A., Uwababyeyi, L., & Kagame, J. (2018). Co-creating space for voice: reflections on a participatory research process with war-affected youth living in Canada. In I. Berson., & M., Berson. (Eds). Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voices and agency. Research in global child advocacy series. Volume 7: Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voice and agency.
• Denov, M., Green, A., Lakor, A.A., & Arach, J. (2018) Mothering in the Aftermath of Force Marriage and Wartime Rape: The Complexities of Motherhood in Post-war northern Uganda. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, 9, 1: 156-174.
• Denov, M., & Lakor A.A. (2018) Post-War Stigma, Violence, and “Kony Children”: The Responsibility to Protect Children Born in Lord’s Resistance Army Captivity in Northern Uganda. Global Responsibility to Protect, 10: 217-238.
• Eramian, L., and Denov, M. (2018) Is it Always Good to Talk? The paradoxes of truth-telling by Rwandan youth born of rape committed during the genocide. Journal of Genocide Research, 20, 3. 10.1080/14623528.2018.1459240.
• Woolner, L., Denov, M., and Kahn, S. (2018) “I Asked Myself if I Would Ever Love My Baby”: Mothering Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda. Violence Against Women.
• Denov, M., Woolner, L., Bahati, J., Nkusi, P., and Shyaka, O. (2017) The Intergenerational Legacy of Genocidal Rape: The Realities & Perspectives of Children Born of the Rwandan Genocide. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: 1, 22. 10.1177/0886260517708407
• Denov, M., and Lakor, A.A. (2017) When War is Better Than Peace: The Post-Conflict Realities of Children Born of Wartime Rape in Northern Uganda. Child Abuse and Neglect, 65: 255-265.
• Denov, M. (2015). Children born of wartime rape: The intergenerational complexities of sexual violence and abuse. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, 11: 61-68.
Child Soldiers
• Buccitelli, A., & Denov, M. (2017). Youth Reintegration, Power, and Okada Riding in Post-war Sierra Leone. In Harker, C., and Horschelmann, K. (eds.) Conflict, Violence, and Peace, Vol. 11, of Skelton, T. (editor-in-chief) Geographies of Children and Young People (Springer Singapore).
• Denov, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2016). Trajectories of Violence and Survival: Turnings and Adaptations in the Lives of Two War-affected Youth Living in Canada. Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, (22)3, 236-245.
• Denov, M., & Buccitelli, A. (2016). Child Soldiers: The Challenges and Opportunities in Addressing the Rights of Children Affected by War. In M. Ruck, M. Peterson-Badali, and M. Freeman (Eds.) Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Taylor and Francis.
• Denov, M., & Marchand, I. (2014). “One Cannot Take Away the Stain”: Rejection and Stigma Among Former Child Soldiers in Colombia. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 3: 227–240.
• Fraser, S., Denov, M., Rousseau, C., Daxhelet, M-L. (2015) From seeking truths to seeking stories: The contribution of social sciences in the exploration of the reality of former child soldiers. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 1, 3: 303-320.
• Marchand, I., & Denov, M. (2015). The Evolving Identities of Former Child Soldiers in Colombia. In Zeiger, S., and Aly., A. (eds.) Countering violent extremism: Developing an evidence-base for policy and practice. Perth: Curtin University.
• Denov, M., and Marchand, I. (2014) “I Can’t Go Home”: Forced Migration and Displacement Following Demobilization: The Complexity of Reintegration for Former Child Soldiers in Colombia. Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 12, 3: 1-14.
• Denov, M., & Ricard-Guay, A. (2013). “Girl Soldiers: Towards a Gendered Understanding of Wartime Recruitment, Participation and Demobilization”. Gender and Development, 21, 3: 473-488.
• Denov, M. (2011). “Child Soldiers and Iconography: Portrayals and (Mis)Representations” Children and Society. DOI: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00347.x
• Denov, M. (2010). Child Soldiers: Sierra Leone’s Revolutionary United Front. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Denov, M. (2010). “Coping with the Trauma of War: Former Child Soldiers in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone”. International Social Work, 53, 6: 791-806.
• Maclure, R., & Denov, M. (2006). “‘I Didn’t Want to Die So I Joined Them’: Structuration and the Process of Becoming Boy Soldiers in Sierra Leone”. Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, 18, 1: 119-135.
• Denov, M. & Maclure, R. (2006). “Engaging the Voices of Girls in the Aftermath of Sierra Leone’s Conflict: Experiences and Perspectives in a Culture of Violence”. Anthropologica, 48, 1: 73-85
Human Rights
• Denov, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). The Rights and Realities of War-affected Refugee Children and Youth in Quebec: Making Children’s Rights Meaningful. Canadian Journal for Children’s Rights, 1,18-43.
• Denov, M., & Fennig, M. (in press, 2019). Assessing the Rights and Realities of War-affected Refugee Children in Canada. In Waldock, T. (ed.) The Status of Children in Canada: A Children’s Rights Analysis. Halifax: Canadian Scholars Press.
Denov, M. (2008). “Girl Soldiers and Human Rights: Lessons from Angola, Mozambique, Northern Uganda and Sierra Leone.” International Journal of Human Rights, 12, 5: 811-833.
Reconciliation & Transitional Justice
• Blanchet-Cohen, N., & Denov, M. (2015). War-affected children’s approach to resettlement: Implications for child and family services. [Special issue: The role of anthropology in improving services for children and family]. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 39(2), 120-133.
• Denov, M., & Marchand, I. (2014). “I Can’t Go Home”: Forced Migration and Displacement Following Demobilization: The Complexity of Reintegration for Former Child Soldiers in Colombia. Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 12, 3: 1-14.
• Marchand, I., Denov, M., & Ruiz Serna, D. (2017). Walking the Collective Path to Peace: A Community Engagement Strategy to Reconciliation in the Context of Armed Conflict in Colombia. In El Sayed, L., and Barnes, J. (eds.) Contemporary Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Research and Practice. Hedayah and Edith Cowan University
Social Work
• Blanchet-Cohen, N., Denov, M., Bah, A., Uwababyeyi, L., & Kagame, J. (in press). Rethinking the meaning of “family” for war-affected young people: Implications for social work education. Journal of Family Social Work.
• Denov, M., & Akesson, B. (2017). Approaches to Studying Children Affected by War: Reflections on Theory, Method and Practice. In Denov, M. and Akesson, B. (eds.) Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Theory, Method, and Practice. New York: Columbia University Press.
• Denov, M. and Shevell, M. C. (2019) Social Work Practice with War-affected Children and Families: The Importance of Family, Arts-based, and Participatory Approaches. Journal of Family Social Work, 22, 1. DOI:10.1080/10522158.2019.1546809
• Doucet, D., & Denov, M. (2012). “The Power of Sweet Words: Local Forms of Intervention with War-Affected Women in Rural Post-Conflict Sierra Leone”. International Social Work, 55: 612-628.
• Mitchell, C., Linds, W., Denov, M., D’Amico, and Cleary, B. (2019) Beginning at the Beginning in Social Work Education: A Case for Incorporating Arts-based Approaches to Working with War Affected Children and Their Families. Journal of Family Social Work, 22, 1.
• Rabiau, M. (2019) Culture, migration, and identity formation in adolescent refugees: a family perspective, Journal of Family Social Work, 22:1, 83-100, DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2019.1546950
War-affected refugees & Resettlement
• Buccitelli, A., & Denov, M. (2019) Addressing Marginality and Exclusion: The Resettlement Experiences of War-affected Refugee Young People in Quebec, Canada. Children, 6, 18, doi:10.3390/children6020018. Special Issue: “Children on the Move: The Health for Refugee, Immigrant and Displaced Children”
• Bilotta, N., & Denov, M. (2017) Theoretical Understandings of Unaccompanied Young People Affected by War: Bridging Divides and Embracing Local Ways of Knowing. British Journal of Social Work, 1-18. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcx130
• Blanchet-Cohen, N. and Denov, M. (2015) War-affected children’s approach to resettlement: Implications for child and family services. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 39, 2: 120-133.
• Blanchet-Cohen, N., Denov, M, Sarah, F., & Bilotta, N. (2017). The nexus of war, resettlement and education: War-affected youth’s perspectives and responses to the Quebec education system. International journal of Intercultural Relations, 60, 160-168.
• Denov, M., & Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2014). The Rights and Realities of War-affected Refugee Children and Youth in Quebec: Making Children’s Rights Meaningful. Canadian Journal for Children’s Rights, 1,18-43.
• Denov, M., & Fennig, M. (in press, 2019). Assessing the Rights and Realities of War-affected Refugee Children in Canada. In Waldock, T. (ed.) The Status of Children in Canada: A Children’s Rights Analysis. Halifax: Canadian Scholars Press.
• Denov, M., Fennig, M., Rabiau, M., and Shevell, M. (2019) Intergenerational Resilience in Families Impacted by War, Displacement and Migration: ‘It Runs in the Family’. Journal of Family Social Work, 22, 1. DOI:10.1080/10522158.2019.1546810.
• Denov, M. and Shevell, M. (2019) Social Work Practice with War-affected Children and Families: The Importance of Family, Arts-based, and Participatory Approaches. Journal of Family Social Work, 22, 1. DOI:10.1080/10522158.2019.1546809
• Fennig, M., & Denov, M. (2018) Regime of Truth: Rethinking the Dominance of the bio-medical model in mental health social work with refugee youth. British Journal of Social Work, 1-18 doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcy036.
• Fraser, S., Denov, M., Guzder, J., Bond, S., and Bilotta, N. (2016) Children of War: Quebec’s Social Policy Response to Children and Their Families. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 4, 7: 41-54.
• Denov, M., & Bryan, C. (2014) “Social Navigation and Resettlement: Separated Children in the Context of Canada”. Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees, 30, 1: 25-34.
• Denov, M., & Akesson, B. (2013) “Neither Here nor There: Placemaking in the Lives of Separated Children”. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 9, 2: 56-70.