Nicolas Cowan
Canada Research Chair in Planetary Climate

- PhD Astronomy, University of Washington (2009)
- BSc Physics, McGill University (2004)
Exoplanets, Planetary climate, Remote sensing
- EPSC/PHYS-186 Astrobiology
- ATOC/PHYS-404 Climate Physics
Modelling the atmosphere of lava planet K2-141b: implications for low and high resolution spectroscopy, T. Giang Nguyen, Nicolas B. Cowan, Agnibha Banerjee, John E. Moores, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499, 4605, 2020.
Keeping M-Earths Habitable in the Face of Atmospheric Loss by Sequestering Water in the Mantle, Keavin Moore & Nicolas B. Cowan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, 3786, 2020.
A Universal Nightside Temperature on Hot Jupiters due to Nocturnal Clouds, Keating, D., Cowan, N. B., Dang, L.., Nature Astronomy, 3, 1092, 2019.
An empirical infrared transit spectrum of Earth: opacity windows and biosignatures, Macdonald, E. J. R., Cowan, N. B.., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, 196, 2019.
Three direct imaging epochs could constrain the orbit of Earth 2.0 inside the habitable zone, Guimond, C.M. & Cowan, N.B., Astronomical Journal, 157, 188, 2019.
Increased Heat Transport in Ultra-Hot Jupiter Atmospheres Through H2 Dissociation/Recombination, Bell, T. J. & Cowan, N. B., Astrophysical Journal Letters, 857, 20, 2018.
Detection of a Westward Hotspot Offset in the Atmosphere of Hot Gas Giant CoRoT-2b, Dang, L., Cowan, N. B., Schwartz, J. C., Emily Rauscher, Michael Zhang, Heather A. Knutson, Michael Line, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Drake Deming, Sundararajan, S., Jonathan J. Fortney, Ming Zhao, Nature Astronomy, 2, 220, 2018.