Congratulations to all 2023 Graduates!
DMD Class of 2023 | |
Aya Abdelkarim | Lisa Ma |
Massilia Abibsi | Martin Mangoni |
Ziad Al Asmar | Ashish Nair |
Angel Azizi | Tu Anh Nguyen |
Vita Bardal | Sam Psycharis |
Sophie Benhamron | Rehka Whyshnavy Raveendrakumar |
Sabrina Bouferguene | Cindy Robillard |
Yasmine Chibane | Joelle Rogozinsky |
Pearly Dason | Hisham Sabri |
Hannah Evans | Vivian Song |
Elana Fogel | Assia Tsyvian-Dzyabko |
Sydney Hetherington | Tatiana Tuccinardi |
Amir Jalayer | Tiffany Wang |
Sara Kamali | Yifei Wang |
Bushra Khan | Fares Yaziji |
Niloufar Koohestanian | George Yaziji |
Albert Le | Han Wen Yu |
James Lee | Toka Zaini |
Tom Lee |
The convocation ceremony was held on May 30, 2023. Check out the program and the recording of the ceremony, as well as a photo album from our awards ceremony.
Vitaliya Bardal, Tiffany Wang, Fares Yaziji, George Yaziji - Awarded in recognition of students who are in the top 10% of the class.
DMD Student Awards
Ziad Al Asmar
*Prix de l'Académie dentaire du Québec - Prix de professionnalisme - Awarded to a student for outstanding qualities of respect for others, compassion and dedication and initiative in providing oral health care to the community.
Vitaliya Bardal
Dr. A.W. Thornton Medal - Awarded to the student with the highest overall standing in the four years of the undergraduate program.
Dr. A. Gerald Racey Prize - Awarded to the student who has excelled in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery
Prix d'excellence Jean-Robert Vincent- donated by the Quebec Association for Special Care Dentistry, awarded for exceptional commitment to geriatric dentistry.
Dr. Soo Kim Lan Prize in Dentistry - Awarded to an outstanding graduating student who is entering a Residency Program.
*American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Award - Awarded to a student for exemplary aptitude and achievement in oral and maxillofacial pathology.
*American Academy of Periodontology Student Award - Awarded to a graduating student who has displayed the highest level of academic and clinical achievement related to Periodontics.
*Dr. E.J. Rajczak Student Scholar Award for Restorative Excellence - highest standing in the disciplines of both Operative and Prosthodontics.
*Dr. Marvin and Mandy Werbitt Award in Periodontics - Awarded to a graduating student who has completed the DMD program and who has demonstrated outstanding personal initiative and a strong academic standing in Periodontology throughout the four-year undergraduate program.
Sophie Benhamron
*American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Award - Awarded to a student who has shown the most promise in pediatric dentistry.
Elana Fogel
*American Association of Public Health Dentistry Award - Awarded to a student in recognition of special interest and achievement in Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health.
Sydney Hetherington
*Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Norman Levine Undergraduate Dental Student Award - Awarded to a student who demonstrates aptitude and passion for the field of pediatric dentistry and dentistry for persons with special needs
Bushra Khan
*Prix de la Fondation de l'Ordre des dentistes du Québec - Awarded to a student who demonstrates compassion in providing oral health care to disadvantaged people within the community and who understands and values the importance of the FODQ mission.
Niloufar Koohestanian
*American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Award - Awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated special interest and accomplishment in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
Dr. A.L. Walsh Prize - Awarded for meritorious achievement in Oral Medicine throughout the clinical years.
Albert Le
*American College of Dentists' Outstanding Student Leader Award - Awarded to a student for outstanding scholastic performance and demonstrated leadership.
Prix Micheline-Blain – ACDQ Prize - Donated by l'Association des chirurgiens dentistes du Québec, is awarded to the student who has best served the interests of his/her colleagues throughout the university years.
Tom Lee
Canadian Dental Association Student Leadership Award - Awarded to a student who has shown outstanding qualities of leadership, scholarship, character and humanity.
Lisa Ma
*American Association of Orthodontists Award - Awarded to dental student who has demonstrated exceptional interest in the development of the Oro-Facial Complex.
Ashish Nair
Dr. W.G. Leahy Prize - Awarded for meritorious achievement in Clinical Dentistry.
*American Academy of Implant Dentistry Undergraduate Dental Student Award - Awarded to a student who demonstrates the most interest, academically and clinically, in implant dentistry.
*American Association of Endodontists' Student Achievement Award in Endodontics - Awarded to a student who has the highest level of achievement related to Endodontics.
*Dr. André Charest Prize - Donated by the Quebec Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, awarded to a student in the final year who has attained the highest standing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
*Canadian Academy of Periodontology Award for Excellence - Awarded to an outstanding student in the field of Periodontology.
Tu Anh Nguyen
Dr. James McCutcheon Medal - Awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, scholarship and professional achievement throughout the four years.
Dr. Paul A. Marchand and Maurine McNeil Marchand Prize - Awarded to a student who has demonstrated the highest degree of professionalism in patient management
Cindy Robillard
*American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons' Dental Student Award - Awarded to a graduating student for outstanding performance in undergraduate study and clinical training in oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesiology.
*American Dental Society of Anesthesiology's Horace Wells Senior Student Award - Awarded for proficiency in the field of dental anesthesiology excellence in the academic and clinical aspects of the DMD program.
Vivian Song
*American College of Prosthodontists Predoctoral Achievement Award - Awarded to an outstanding graduating student for excellence in prosthodontics.
Tatiana Tuccinardi
*Pierre Fauchard Academy's Senior Student Award of Recognition - Awarded to a student who has excelled in the academic and clinical aspects of the DMD program.
Tiffany Wang
Dr. J.K. Carver Award - second highest overall standing in the four years of the dental undergraduate program.
Fares Yaziji
McGill Alumnae Society Prize - Presented to a distinguished student for excellence and high academic standing
George Yaziji
*American Academy of Oral Medicine Certificate of Merit in Oral Medicine - Proficiency in the clinical management of medically complex patients
* Awards given by various associations and not official McGill University awards.
Graduate Students
Doctor of Philosophy - Craniofacial Health Sciences
Basem Danish
"An ethnographic study on the oral health and access to oral healthcare of Indigenous people in Montreal"
Direction: Christophe Bedos
Master of Science - Dental Sciences
Fatemeh Keshani
"A realist review of understanding how community-level oral health promotion programs for humanitarian migrants work, in which contexts, and why: initial program theories"
Direction: Mary Ellen Macdonald
Hamed Nabavi
"Mapping and quantifying plasma fibronectin matrices in whole body homeostasis"
Direction: Mari Tuulia Kaartinen
Shwetha Sherigar
"Can patients detect peri-implant mucosal inflammation? Results from a multicentre randomized trial"
Direction: Raphael de Souza
Amir Zargaran
"What makes a dental clinic inclusive for people with disabilities?"
Direction: Christophe Bedos
Swetha Balasubramani
"TMJ Examination Illustration Protocol Guide For Telemedicine based on DC/TMD examination form"
Logan - Darya Davari
"Policy options to complement the new national dental program enabling high quality care for people with disabilities and the elderly"
Ameena Nizar Beema
"Dental rehabilitation following maxillary and mandibular ablative resection and microvascular reconstructive surgery: a retrospective cross-sectional study"
Clay Smith
"Perceptions, Attitudes and Recommendations Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Prescription: A Qualitative Study Among McGill DMD Students"
Amir Zargaran, Clay Smith - Awarded in recognition of students who are in the top 10% of the class.
Graduate Students Award
Clay Smith - Outstanding MSc Dental Sciences Non-Thesis Student Award
Fatemeh Keshani - Outstanding MSc Dental Sciences Thesis Student Award
Teaching Awards
Dr. Peter Chauvin
W.W. Wood Award - Excellence in Dental Education
Dr. Julia Cohen-Lévy
Howard S. Katz Excellence in Teaching Award - Superior teaching at the undergraduate level in the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences.
Dr. Julie Drakoulakou (2020), Wendy Somerville (2021), Dr. Julia Cohen-Lévy (2022)
Dr. Ralph Silverstone Award - Excellence in Teaching