Cognitive Science Orientation:
Monday, August 26, 2024
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Room: Arts 150
This orientation session is open to all new cognitive science students. This includes all U0 and U1 students who have declared, or are interested in declaring Cognitive Science as their major, and also for any returning students who have just joined the program.
Come join us for a fun and interactive session! We will go over some of the basics about the program and then have a Q&A panel of upper year students, as well as the Cognitive Science Program Director and the Program Advisor. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and chat one on one. We hope to see you there!
Orientation Materials
For help in planning your U1 courses, see video explanations below from the former Cognitive Science Program Advisor, Ryan Bouma. (Subtitles are available on each video).
New Students: All students must fulfill the Foundation program (Freshman) requirements (with the except of those admitted with a Quebec CEGEP Diploma). Please consult the BA&Sc First Year Course requirements and consult with the BA&Sc degree advisor for any questions about the Foundation program.
The videos below are intended for students that have completed some of the required first year U0 curriculum already via advanced standing or transfer credits. The videos will be helpful in understanding the different streams in cognitive science and their prerequisites. This can help a first year student to determine which of the foundation math and science courses to prioritize. In some cases a new student could start taking some of the core courses from cognitive science in first year if they have room in their schedule. It is recommended to discuss the BASC program options and your interests with the BA&Sc degree advisor first.
Overview of the Cognitive Science Interfaculty and Honours programs
U1 Cognitive Science planning - Computer Science focus
U1 Cognitive Science planning - Linguistics focus

U1 Cognitive Science planning - Psychology focus
U1 Cognitive Science planning - Neuroscience focus
Exchange, Research and Final Thoughts
Other Useful Links
Cognitive Science program calendar entry (look here for courses descriptions and prerequisites)
CEGEP transfer credit table
BASc Foundation program (Freshman)
Foundation program (Freshman) advice for students intending to study Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science program calendar entry (look here for courses descriptions and prerequisites)
Cognitive Science Major Program Checklist
Advanced Standing (AP, IB, etc) website
For more information, please contact:
Liana Hall DuMond
Cognitive Science Advisor
Faculty of Science
liana.hall [at] (email )| how to book an appointment