Congratulations to Dr. Rand Eid, a postdoc in Dr. Rosemary Bagot's lab, on winning the CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award! The REDI award is a new career transition award that funds researchers through the end of their postdoc and on into starting their own labs. More information on this award can be found here. Great job, Dr. Eid!
On Friday April 5th, 2024, McGill Psychology Department will host Dr. Vijay Namboodiri, who will deliver a Bindra Lecture of interest to many members of the University
Main Lecture will take place at 3:30pm. Location: 522 McIntyre Medical Building. Free admission.
Reception will follow the lecture. Everyone is welcome!
For more information about the speaker please visit our website
On Friday February 23, 2024, McGill Psychology Department will host Dr. Paul Bloom, who will deliver a Hebb Lecture of interest to many members of the University
Main Lecture will take place at 3:30pm. Location: 522 McIntyre Medical Building. Free admission.
Reception will follow the lecture. Everyone is welcome!
For more information about the speaker please visit our website
On Friday January 26, 2024, McGill Psychology Department will host Dr. Deborah Bandalos, who will deliver a Hebb Lecture of interest to many members of the University
Main Lecture will take place at 3:30pm. Location: 522 McIntyre Medical Building. Free admission.
Reception will follow the lecture. Everyone is welcome!
For more information about the speaker please visit our website
Sixteen McGill researchers have been included on the Highly Cited Researchers™ (HCRs) list, as published by Clarivate. To be included in the prestigious list, researchers must rank in the top 1 per cent worldwide for their fields and publications in the Web of Science index. In being named to this list, these investigators join a cohort of 6,849 individuals around the world who have been recognized for their academic contributions.
Work by former postdoc Dr. Alexander Demos (now Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago) and supervisor Dr. Caroline Palmer was recently published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences. The publication is titled, "Social and nonlinear dynamics unite: Musical group synchrony" and can be found here for further reading.
Work by Dr. Ross Otto and colleagues on the concept of "prediction error" was featured in The Washington Post! Check it out here, inclusive of links to the relevant journal articles.
PhD student Wenbo Yi received the Best Poster Award at the 2023 NSERC-CREATE Symposium on Complex Dynamics for his work on the effects of musical tempo and spontaneous rates on pain perception. This work was joint research with Drs. Caroline Palmer and Mathieu Roy. Congratulations, Wenbo!
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) has elected Dr. Karim Nader, PhD, to receive an award at the 16th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting. This honour is to celebrate his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of memory and cognition. Congratulations!
In the spring of 2020, Black young adults found themselves facing the most dangerous pandemic in a century and the largest civil rights protests in half a century, both of which disproportionately affected Black communities. This paper investigated whether the way Black young adults constructed their narratives regarding the events of the COVID‐19 pandemic and the BLM protests related to adjustment over time.
Public Abstract (from article)
Teens in North America are spending several hours per day on screens, and there’s growing concern over how social media may affect their mental health.