Ethics framework urged to manage conflicts of interest in medicine

Published on: 13 Jun 2012

Cachexia, a syndrome characterized by rapid weight loss and muscle deterioration, is a major cause of death among patients suffering from diseases like cancer, AIDS and chronic infection. Now, a newly published study by McGill University researchers shows that a low dose of Pateamine A is effective at preventing cancer-induced muscle wasting, which may lead to cachexia-fighting drugs.

Published on: 12 Jun 2012

Legal sociologist Boaventura De Sousa Santos and Early Music performer Max van Egmond recognized at convocation ceremony

Published on: 8 Jun 2012

Two McGill researchers were recently awarded large partnership grants by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). These grants are designed to foster research partnerships among the academic, private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

Published on: 7 Jun 2012

Achievements include commitment to youth and fighting anti-Semitism, leading Canadian business community’s outreach to China

Published on: 7 Jun 2012

Whether it is for research into clean energy sources, the future of wireless communication or a better understanding of the processes involved in language learning, over 160 established McGill researchers and more than 80 graduate students will benefit from support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) over the next five years.

Published on: 6 Jun 2012

Two decades of research indicate that our ecosystems are paying the price for “business as usual”

Published on: 6 Jun 2012

Carl W. Cotman, Albert D. Bensadoun and Paul Desmarais Jr. recognized at convocation ceremonies

Published on: 6 Jun 2012

Peter Milliken, Ronald Chwang and Phillip A. Sharp recognized at convocation ceremonies

Published on: 5 Jun 2012

Transformative gift from the estate of Simon Flegg will help establish postdoctoral fellowships

Published on: 5 Jun 2012

Leaders in mining and pharmacology recognized at convocation ceremony

Published on: 4 Jun 2012

Leading role in global food security recognized at Macdonald Campus ceremony

Published on: 1 Jun 2012

Galactic Science Team Leader Victoria Kaspi ensures cutting-edge NuSTAR telescope points to the most exotic objects in the Milky Way

Published on: 30 May 2012

BioFuelNet Canada – made possible by federal NCE program – will bring together industry and academics to research and develop biofuels of the future

Published on: 30 May 2012


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