
120 Minutes of Writing - Online May 6 to August 12, 2021

Thursday, July 15, 2021 13:30to16:00
120 Minutes of Writing - Online May 6 to August 12, 2021

Need to shake up your writing routine? Ready to try a new time management method with other motivated writers? Join us online this summer!


The session will follow a modified Pomodoro model:

  •                10 minutes: Welcome, introductions, instructions, and setting SMART writing goals
  •                30 minutes: FIRST WRITING BLOCK
  •                05 minutes: Break
  •                30 minutes: SECOND WRITING BLOCK
  •                10 minutes: Break
  •                30 minutes: THIRD WRITING BLOCK
  •                05 minutes: Break
  •                30 minutes: FOURTH WRITING BLOCK


SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, time-bound

Online Event Instructions

Complete the form below to apply for a space in either one or more sessions. The link to join online will be included in the confirmation email when you submit your registration. This form has three pages. You must click "Submit" on the third page to complete the application. The application should take approximately 3 minutes to complete.

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