What Can You Do with a Major in Biology

Code: 4.14
Author: Astor, Bart
ISBN: 0-7645-7606-2
Year: 2004
Description: Advice on college and curriculum choices courses, internships, advanced degrees, and more. Tips to energize and expand your job search. Profiles of real graduates, their jobs, and how they got them. Eye-opening, objective information from a healthcare professional, education and outreach program manager, zookeeper, science reporter, healthcare attorney, and public health consultant. Overviews of typical salary levels, hours, and work environments. Extensive additional resources, including Web sites, professional organizations, periodicals, and more. Licensing requirements. Learn what your peers in the work world like about their jobs and what they don't. Learn about the routes they took and the mistakes they made.
Reserved: No
Location: Brown Building
Language: English
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