Listen Up: 2002-2003
Place: Room G10 of the Macdonald-Harrington Building
Time: 6:30 to 7:30 pm (unless otherwise noted)
Information: 398-6704
Coordination: Prof. Martin Bressani, Jan Schotte & Greg Hildebrand
View the poster [.pdf].
Tuesday, 24 September 2002
Mark Pimlott
Artist/Architect, London, UK
Monday, 21 October 2002
Jacques Herzog
Architect, Basel, Switzerland
Herzog and de Meuron
(in association with the CCA)
Place: Adams Auditorium
Time: 8:00 pm
Tuesday, 29 October 2002
Peter Busby
Architect, Vancouver
Recent Works
Monday, 4 November 2002
Eric Bunge & Mimi Hoang, Architects, NYC
(Sheila Baillie Lecture)
Monday, 11 November 2002
Ben Katchor
Graphic Novelist, NYC
The Great Museum Cafeterias of the Western World
(William Hobart Molson Lecture)
Tuesday, 4 February 2003
Will Alsop
Architect, London, UK
Recent Works
(Steel Structures Education Foundation)
Monday, 17 February 2003
Brigitte Shim
Architect, Toronto
No Boundaries
(Sheila Baillie Lecture)
Monday, 10 March 2003
Stephen Teeple
Architect, Toronto
Recent Work
Thursday, 3 April 2003
Anthony Vidler
Dean, Cooper Union, NYC
Block/Blob/Blur: From the Cube to the Cloud in Architecture
(co-sponsored with Art History & Communication Studies)
Mardis verts: OAQ Lecture Series, Winter 2003
Place: Room 212 of the Macdonald-Harrington Building
Time: 5:45 pm
Information: 398-6704
Coordination: Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ) in collaboration with Public Works and Government Services Canada
View the poster [.pdf].
Tuesday, 18 February 2003
Pierre M. Richard and Josée Bérubé
Architect, Public Works and Government Services Canada (Richard), Architect, Cardinal et Hardy (Bérubé)
L'Hôpital Sainte-Anne, vers un meilleur milieu de vie
(Sponsored by Gesfor Poirier Pinchin Inc.)
Tuesday, 18 March 2003
Raynald Saint-Hilaire and Joel Courchesne
Architects, Lemay et Associés
Le développement durable, une question de santé: Présentation de différents projets dont les mégahopitaux
(Sponsored by Forbo Linoleum Inc.)
Tuesday, 15 April 2003
Ron Nemeth
Architect, Zeidler Grinnell Partnership
Les projets hospitaliers de Zeidler Grinnell Partnership: Une architecture qui guérit
(Sponsored by BPC Celotex)
Tuesday, 20 May 2003
Claude Sauvageau
Le centre hospitalier Anna-Laberge: Un modèle à suivre?
(Sponsored by EMCO Building Products Ltd.)
Mardis verts: OAQ Lecture Series, Fall 2002
Place: Room 212 of the Macdonald-Harrington Building
Time: 5:45 pm
Information: 398-6704
Coordination: Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ)
View the poster [.pdf].
Tuesday, 1 October 2002
Renée Daoust
Architect and urbanist for the consortium Gauthier, Daoust, Lestage Inc., Faucher, Aubertin, Brodeur, Gauthier et Lemay et associés
Le Centre CDP Capital (Caisse de dépôt), un gratte-ciel à l'horizontale
(Sponsored by
Tuesday, 22 October 2002
Martial Desrochers and Angeline Spino
Development Director, Société de développement environmental de Rosemont (Desrochers), Architect (Spino)
Le recyclage en design architectural, ça vaut le coût: Divers projets rentables de valorisation et de réutilisation de matériaux de récupération
(Sponsored by CGC)
Tuesday, 19 November 2002
François Emond, Andy Kozina and Carl Mulvey
Architects, ékm architecture
Examples of Sustainable Architecture in Educational Projects: Arts & Science Pavilion of West Island College and Kanesatake Mohawk Immersion School
(Sponsored by Goodfellow)
Brown Bag: ASA-sponsored lecture series, Fall 2002
Place: Room 212 of the Macdonald-Harrington Building
Time: 12:30 pm
Coordination: Nicholas Hanna (VP Internal Affairs)
Monday, 21 October 2002
Wade Eide
Atelier BRAQ
Monday, 4 November 2002
Michel Lauzon
Monday, 11 November 2002
Frédéric Dubé
Lapointe + Magne
Monday, 18 November 2002
Katsuhiro Yamazaki
Atelier TAG
Monday, 25 November 2002
Gilles Saucier
Saucier + Perrotte