
How offshore banking costs Canada billions per year

“We have a tax system that is totally unfair and incapable of being administered in any kind of a coherent fashion,” Allison Christians, chair in tax law at McGill University, said. Toronto Star

Publié: 4 Apr 2016

David Bird’s top places to see owls in Canada

Article by David Bird, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology. DK

Publié: 4 Apr 2016

Smeagol has been discovered in Brazillian Caves

“Its name matches its biology,” says arachnid expert Christopher Buddle, referring to the fact that Smeagol spent years isolated in a cave, eventually growing into the pale, secluded Gollum. Albany Daily Star

Publié: 1 Apr 2016

Engouement pour les abeilles dans la métropole

La doctorante en biologie de l’Université McGill spécialiste de cet insecte, Gail MacInnis, nuance. «On ne sait pas s’il y a assez de plantes pour toutes les abeilles, incluant les espèces indigènes.» Journal Métro

Publié: 1 Apr 2016

L'impression 3D porteuse d’espoir pour diabétiques

Des chercheurs de l'Université Laval en collaboration avec l'Université McGill travaillent au développement d'un pancréas bioartificiel créé en partie à l'aide d'une imprimante 3D, afin de venir en aide aux patients souffrant de diabète de type 1. Radio-Canada

Publié: 31 Mar 2016

Jet lag no more: foolproof tips for your next trip

“Older people take longer to fall asleep and sleep less when jet lagged compared to younger people,” says psychology researcher Jay Olson, of the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University. Next Avenue

Publié: 31 Mar 2016

Astronomers create the first heat map of a super-Earth

Nicolas Cowan, an astronomer at McGill University who has used Spitzer data to create thermal maps of gas-giant exoplanets, is not sure the aging telescope is up to the task of investigating smaller worlds. Scientific American

Publié: 31 Mar 2016

Footage shows destruction in Syria's city of Palmyra

Rex Brynen, political science professor, said regaining control of Palmyra is a “significant victory” for Syrian forces. CTV News

Publié: 30 Mar 2016

What’s wrong with giving cold meds to your toddler?

Op-ed by Dr. Mitch Shulman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery. The Suburban

Publié: 30 Mar 2016

Justice delayed better than justice denied

Karadzic verdict: Op-ed by Payam Akhavan, professor of international law. The Globe and Mail

Publié: 30 Mar 2016

Canada is back — and desperate to be liked at the UN

Column by William Watson, professor of economics. Calgary Herald

Publié: 29 Mar 2016

Ban plastic bags? It's not so simple

Column by Joe Schwarcz, director of Office for Science & Society​. Montreal Gazette

Publié: 29 Mar 2016

Indigenous languages go under the microscope

“When I hear the language, it immediately brings me back home,” said Janine Metallic, a PhD student at McGill University. “The way we tell jokes, the way we tell stories, there’s a whole world view embedded in those words. It’s a different reflection of the world.” Montreal Gazette


Publié: 29 Mar 2016

Marie-Claire Kirkland-Casgrain

Première femme élue à l'Assemblée législative du Québec et première femme nommée juge au Québec, Claire Kirkland Casgrain (CM CQ) (BA'47, BCL'50, LLD'97) est décédée aujourd'hui à l'âge de 91 ans.

Le Premier ministre du Québec, M. Philippe Couillard, a annoncé que Mme Kirkland-Casgrain aura droit à des funérailles nationales.

Publié: 24 Mar 2016

Transcript: The downsides of power

This Is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today I am delighted to sit down with Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky.​ The Globe and Mail

Publié: 24 Mar 2016


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