
GLOBAL NEWS | McGill University hopes to raise $2B with fundraising campaign

McGill University’s west field was the official launching pad for the Made by McGill campaign, where hundreds gathered under large white tents as the institution unveiled a $2-billion fundraising endeavour on Thursday.

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Published: 27 Sep 2019

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate change

“Now, there’s tons of evidence, decades of change that we’ve observed, and now we can go in and say we are confident that climate change is influencing so many of these different species,” says Jennifer Sunday, a marine biologist at McGill University.

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Published: 26 Sep 2019

BUSINESS STANDARD | Body clock study may help improve vaccine strategies

According to the researchers, including those from Douglas Research Centre of McGill University in Canada, a type of immune cells called the CD8 T cells -- which are essential to fight infections and cancers -- function very differently according to the time of day.

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Published: 26 Sep 2019

NEWSWEEK | Teabags can release billions of microplastics into your drink, study finds

Study co-author Nathalie Tufenkji, from the Brace Center for Water Resources Management at McGill University, Canada, told Newsweek: "I was sitting in a shop enjoying a cup of tea when I looked down at my cup and noticed that the teabag seemed to be made of plastic. I immediately asked myself whether it could be releasing plastic particles into the tea."

Published: 25 Sep 2019

THE STRAITS TIMES | Experts outline ways to counter foreign interference

Taylor Owen of Canada's McGill University, said that the bigger threat to national security is not the law-breaking behaviour of people but the vulnerabilities in a country's information infrastructure, which is often outsourced to private organisations.

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Published: 25 Sep 2019

CBC | Women and science suffer when medical research doesn't study females

"I've been finding sex differences for 20-25 years now in my laboratory. And sometimes we find them on purpose and other times we're working on something else entirely and there they are," said Jeff Mogil, a professor of pain studies at McGill University. "I'm convinced now that sex differences are all over pain biology — at almost every level of analysis."

Published: 24 Sep 2019

CBC | Untested legal options could give feds ways to intervene on Bill 21

"There are legal bases for challenging the law that are not touched by the notwithstanding clause at all," says Robert Leckey, dean of law at McGill University.

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Published: 23 Sep 2019

CBC | Are Quebecers hypocrites when it comes to climate change?

Jean-François Daoust, a post-doctoral fellow at McGill's Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship. Daoust, who studies voter behaviour, said it's rare to see a correlation between an issue's importance and where the votes ultimately go.

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Published: 23 Sep 2019

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY | Negative Memory Bias and Depression

Coping with depression is no easy task. Despite being one of the most widespread forms of psychiatric pathology, the simple answer is that researchers are not certain {what causes depression}. As noted above, some depressive episodes may be triggered by trauma, but other factors—including one’s neurochemistry, one’s neural architecture, and how well one’s brain responds to stress—can have an impact on how susceptible an individual is to depression.

Published: 6 Sep 2019

GLOBAL NEWS | The opposition at Montreal city hall wants to make cycling safer for children

Montreal’s opposition party, Ensemble Montreal, wants to make the streets of the city safer for children on bicycles. Opposition leader Lionel Perez said he will ask the mayor to make helmets mandatory for riders under the age of 18.

Published: 6 Sep 2019

MSN | 6 Health Benefits of Cranberries

You may associate cranberries with the holidays, but there are good reasons to consume them year-round, either frozen, dried, or in juice form. In a new study from McGill University in Canada, researchers selected bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gastroenteritis. When bacteria are treated with antibiotics they typically become resistant to its effects.

Published: 5 Sep 2019

MONTREAL GAZETTE | Montreal researchers probe muscle-loss disease in elderly

A team of Montreal researchers has devised a new set of criteria to better diagnose a disease that affects the elderly, sarcopenia, which causes loss of muscle mass. 

The improved criteria raise hopes that physicians will be able to detect the disease in people earlier, and therefore, to recommend certain types of exercise and nutrition to stem the loss of muscle mass, say scientists at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre.

Published: 4 Sep 2019

CTV | Urban agriculture gets boost in efforts to grow farming sector

Urban agriculture is getting a $750,000 boost from the province and from Montreal to help develop the farming sector. The goal is to spur innovation and growth in urban farming, agriculture and local greenhouses, ensuring the projects align with the needs in each part of town to add to the vitality of the area.

Published: 4 Sep 2019

THE GLOBE AND MAIL | Mind your Zs: schools study adding sleep to their lesson plans

Ms. Boursier, a French and ethics teacher at Montreal’s Heritage Regional High School, says she has added sleep to her lesson plans – why it’s important and how to get more of it – because a lack of sleep is hurting her students. Ms.

Published: 3 Sep 2019

MONTREAL GAZETTE | Covo Cup: McGill, Harvard to mark anniversary of historic rugby match

Sports fans may know that McGill grad James Naismith invented the game of basketball in 1891; but less known is the fact that McGill rugby also has a place in history for its significant contribution to the creation of what became American football.

Published: 3 Sep 2019


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