McGill entrepreneurship program gets $2-million donation

Published: 18 July 2017

A McGill University program aimed at helpings students get businesses off the ground has received a $2-million donation from the foundation that helped launch the university’s first...

Charting literary greatness with Jane Austen

Published: 17 July 2017

TxtLAB, at McGill University, had mapped her novels along with those of other female 19th-century novelists “on a sliding scale of sociability vs. interiority.” Read more: New York Times

McGill grad Julie Payette to be named Canada's next Governor General

Published: 13 July 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will appoint former astronaut Julie Payette as Canada’s next governor-general, picking the prominent Quebecker for the high-profile position rather than a number of...

Detecting long-term concussion in athletes

Published: 12 July 2017

Lawyers representing both sides in concussion lawsuits against sports leagues may eventually have a new tool at their disposal: a diagnostic signature that uses artificial intelligence to detect...

Are generational stereotypes ever true? Millennials and beyond

Published: 12 July 2017

Are generational stereotypes ever true? A Millennial and a Baby Boomer discuss intergenerational prejudice and dialogue Interview with Professor Karl Moore.  Read more: Mind This Magazine

Expert: Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica

Published: 12 July 2017

"One of the biggest icebergs on record has broken away from Antarctica, scientists said on Wednesday, creating an extra hazard for ships around the continent as it breaks up." (CBC)

What would Rorschach tell you about you?

Published: 11 July 2017

“For me, what was really interesting is the way that these tests offer people a language of the self – a vocabulary or an idiom for talking about who they are and what they want, and what kinds of...

Crafting better beer

Published: 6 July 2017

Canada’s extensive malting and brewing industry could get a further boost from new insight into the science of malting.

Interest rates - Bank of Canada meeting (July 12, 2017)

Published: 11 July 2017

“For months the consensus has been that interest rates in Canada would remain stable right into 2018. Now Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz and his colleagues are dropping broad hints that the...


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