
Walking Alongside

What does it mean to 'walk alongside' each other in reconciliatory practice? It is a long path that takes slow, committed work.

Indigenous people and settler allies are finding ways to listen, learn and build understanding to improve educational experiences for all learners. In teaching practice in Quebec, walking alongside means to act on Competency 15-to highlight Indigenous knowledge, worldviews, and approaches, and to build meaningful, respectful relationships with the original peoples and territory where you live and work. Link to more resources below.

Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators and collaborators discuss what “walking alongside” means to them.


wheel for navigating "my journey" vision, relationships, movement, knowledge

A Teacher's Journey to Walk Alongside

The practice of walking alongside isn’t a journey from one point to another but rather, an ongoing cycle of learning (seeing), relating, understanding, and doing. Acknowledging injustices, truth-telling, and educating others begins with you. What does it mean to “walk alongside” in your teaching practice?

calendar flipping to next day

How Do I Begin?

stepping stone path

Walking With Care

lightbulb bright

Curriculum & Pedagogy

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