TISED Newsletter 

Laxmi Sushama

Laxmi Sushama
Contact Information
Email address: 
laxmi.sushama [at] mcgill.ca
Full Member
Civil Engineering
Sustainable Infrastructure & Urban Development
Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience
Current research: 

Dr. Sushama’s research interests include: climate change and sustainable engineering, applied hydrology, water resources engineering, regional climate modelling, urban-climate interactions, extreme weather events – their causality and impacts on infrastructure design and operation, renewable energy, cold regions processes and engineering, high-latitude land dynamics and atmosphere interactions.

Areas of interest: 

Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience

Sustainable Infrastructure and Urban Development

6 SDG Clean Water and Sanitation 9 SDG Industry, innovation, and infrastructure11 SDG Sustainable cities and communities13 SDG Climate Action15 SDG Life on Land

SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13 Climate Action
SDG 15 Life on Land
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