TISED Newsletter 

Dan Nicolau

Dan Nicolau
Contact Information
Email address: 
dan.nicolau [at] mcgill.ca
Full Member
Sustainable Industrial Processes & Manufacturing
Current research: 

Dr. Nicolau's research interests include: design and fabricate dynamic hybrid nanodevices comprising linear protein molecular motors working on semiconductor manufactured electro-mechanical devices; design and fabricate ‘smart’ micro/nano-profiled and electrically-active surfaces that combinatorially probe the response of biomolecules for micro/nano-array applications; study effective, non-denaturating technologies for immobilization of biomolecules in static and dynamic biodevices; and study intelligent-like behaviour and algorithms used by microorganisms in their survival and search strategies, probed in microfabricated structures.

Areas of interest: 

Sustainable Industrial Processes and Manufacturing

7 SDG Affordable and clean energy11 SDG Sustainable cities and communities14 SDG Life Below Water

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 14 Life Below Water
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