TISED Newsletter 


Can renewables become the dominant source of electricity in Canada and the USA?

Thursday, September 25, 2014 17:30to20:00
Amphithéâtre Bell (Room: C-631) at Polytechnique Montreal, CA

"Rapid innovation and growth in renewable energy", a talk by MIT's Jessika Trancik

Jessica Trancik

Renewable energy technologies have sustained high growth rates over the past 30 years [1], with solar and wind energy production growing at roughly 30% per year, due to a combination of technology cost improvement and public policy incentives. This presentation will share new research that has uncovered reasons for these unprecedented fast rates of improvement, and has probed the prospects for renewable energy to produce a significant share of global electricity. This is a critical time in the development trajectories of clean energy technologies, and in global efforts to mitigate climate change. As the data suggest, a technology transition may be within reach. Read more: Trancik, J.E., 'Back the Renewables Boom', Nature, Vol. 507, 2014, pp. 300-302. 

Location: Polytechnique in the Amphithéâtre Bell (Room: C-631)

Event hosts

This event is brought to you by the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED) at McGill University and the Institut de l’énergie Trottier (IET) at Polytechnique Montréal.


Event Poster

Poster for Sept 24 and Sept 25 MIT & CEA talks


Please vist TISED website to get more information about this joint event and about the speaker. 






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