TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2023, Sherbrooke, QC.
TIE lab members at SCAPPS 2022, Montreal, QC.
TIE lab members at ISCOS 2022, Vancouver, BC.
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2022, Ottawa, Ontario.
TIE lab at Minds in Motion Conference 2022, Montreal
TIE lab does group-watching for SCAPPS 2021, Online Conference
TIE lab members at ISCOS 2019, Nice, France
TIE lab members at the 6th Annual PATH Symposium, Montreal, Quebec
TIE lab members at SCAPPS 2019 Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia
TIE lab members at 3rd Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research, Montreal, Quebec.
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2019, Vaughan, Ontario.
TIE lab members at SCAPPS 2018, Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Shane Sweet as the keynote speaker at the 2018 Tianjin forum on Rehabilitation Medicine (2018天津康复医学综合学术论坛). His presentation was entitled 'The Power of Peers: A look at the impact of peer mentorship among adults with spinal cord injury'.
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2018, Montreal, Quebec.
TIE lab members at SCAPPS 2017, St. John's, Newfoundland
TIE lab members at NASPSPA 2017, San Diego, California.
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2017, Kingston, Ontario.
TIE Lab members at SCAPPS 2016 in Waterloo, Ontario.
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2016, Hamilton, Ontario
TIE lab mebmers at SCAPPS 2015, Edmonton, Alberta
TIE lab members at ECSEPS 2015, Ottawa, Ontario
Articles written in Moelle Epinière et Motricité’s ParaQuad Magazine:
"Les directives d'activités physiques pour les personnes ayant une lésion médullaire" by Shane Sweet.
"Les programmes d'accompagnement par les pairs destinés aux personnes lésées médullaires à travers le canada" by Robert Shaw and Shane Sweet.
- Utiliser la télésanté pour améliorer la motivation, l'activité physique et la qualité de vie chez les adultes souffrant d'une lésion de la moelle épinière. by Meredith Rocchi and Shane Sweet.
"Les conseillers en intégration sociale et conseillers pairs bénévoles de MÉMO-QC : Promouvoir des stratégies d’adaptation positives" by Meredith Rocchi and Shane Sweet.
"Ils sont là pour vous! Améliorer vos conditions de vie grâce aux conseillers en intégration et aux conseillers pairs bénévoles de MÉMO-QC" by Shane Sweet.
"Le sport et vous" by Shane Sweet and Marie-Josée Perrier.
Articles written in
- "The Power Of Peers: Should People Cope With Disabilities Alone?" by Zhiyang (George) Shi
"Access To Physical Activity Opportunities For People Living With Physical Disabilities" by Kaila Bonnell
Articles written in The Conversation:
- "After the Paralympics: New initiative to get more Canadians involved in power wheelchair sports" by Jordan Herbison and Amy Latimer-Cheung
SSHRC stroyteller:
- François Jarry: Un pair comme modèle pour redonner la confiance de bouger avec un handicap physique.
- Shannon Herrick: