
A collection of marker pens of many different colours

Science Equity and Climate Committee

McGill’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion aligns with its institutional commitment to justice and fairness as well as its public responsibility as outlined in federal and provincial government legislation and policy. These principles are embedded in McGill’s strategic planning, and achieving the associated objectives requires communication and participation throughout the McGill community.

The Science Equity and Climate Committee (SECC) supports this mission by serving as a hub for communication, capacity building, and initiative development. The SECC also provides a platform for fielding and addressing concerns from Science departments and units. Through these functions, the SECC aims to support excellence within the Faculty of Science by developing programs and policies that foster a climate for working and learning in which all our students, faculty and academic and administrative staff feel included and capable of success as full participants in McGill’s academic mission.

The Science Equity and Climate Committee (SECC) focuses on addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion directly, through the development of targeted policies and support mechanisms, and also indirectly, by promoting a climate for working and learning in which all can thrive. The SECC works closely with McGill’s Strategic EDI Plan and McGill’s Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism in developing action plans at the Faculty-level and works to support the work of departmental committees.

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