Plates (3rd Edition)

Note: This section includes only the colored plates that do not appear in the 3rd Edition of the book.

Erratum: Figure 11 should have been acknowledged as follow: (Reproduced with permission from Turner, T.T. [2002]. Necessity's potion: inorganic ions and small organic molecules in the epididymal lumen. In The Epididymis: From Molecules to Clinical Practice [B. Robaire and B.T. Hinton, Eds.], pp. 131-150. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York.). Our apologies.

cell types epididymis

Fig. 4

Schematic organization of the major cell types in the epididymis as observed at the light microscope


fertilizing mouse spermatozoa segments inseminated in vivo in vitro ova sperm injection

Fig. 10

Fertilizing capacity of mouse spermatozoa from successive segments of the epididymis inseminated either in vivo or in vitro with cumulus-encased or cumulus-free ova, with intact ova, zona-free ova, after zona drilling, or subzonal sperm injection


immunohistochemically epididymis

Fig. 13

Representative examples of the checkerboard pattern of expression seen immunohistochemically along the epididymis


cox-1 Trp3 cell functions basal cells rat epididymis

Fig. 15

Schematic diagram illustrating the roles of COX-1 and Trp3 in the regulation of principal cell functions by basal cells in the rat epididymis

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