Dr. Frances V. Abbott, BSc, MSc, PhD

Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Pain measurement - animal and human
Pharmacology of analgesic agents
Chronic non-specific illness

Ludmer Research and Training Building
1033 Pine Ave West
H3A 1A1
514-488-2734 / 514-688-6601

frances.abbott [at] mcgill.ca
Dr. Abbott is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, where she currently conducts research on the relationship between aches and pains and mood. She teaches an upper-level survey course, The Psychology of Pain, in the Department of Psychology.

Education & Training

Technician: McMaster University
Graduate: MSc, McGill University
Graduate: PhD, McGill University


Lehoux CP, Abbott FV. Health status, pain sensitivity, pain history and capsaicin-induced extravasation in relation to mood and headache in young women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Provisionally accepted.

Ocvirk R, Pearson Murphy BE, Franklin KBJ, Abbott FV. Antinociceptive profile of ring A-reduced progesterone metabolites in the formalin test. Pain. 2008;138:402-409.

Murphy BEP, Abbott FV, Ghadirian A-M, Allison CM, Watts C. Elevated neuroactive progesterone metabolites, particularly isopregnanolone, in women with chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2004;29:245-268.

Pukall CF, Binik YM, Khalifé S, Abbott FV. Vestibular tactile and pain thresholds in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. Pain. 2002;96:163-175.

Saddi G-M, Abbott FV. The formalin test in the mouse: A parametric analysis of scoring properties. Pain. 2000;89:53-63.

Abbott FV, Hellemans KGC. Phenacetin, acetaminophen and dipyrone: analgesic and rewarding effects. Behavioural Brain Research. 2000;112:177-186.


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