It seems that Dr. Mehmet Oz’s transformation from respected surgeon to deplorable pseudoscience advocate is complete. He recently slandered Dr. Fauci as a “petty tyrant” and then called him ...
Oxygen is critical for life and that also makes is susceptible to chicanery. If oxygen is so essential that the brain is permanently injured after just four minutes of deprivation, then surely more...
Back in the 18th century, a theatrical line that was delivered to shamelessly elicit or “trap” applause from the audience was referred to as “claptrap.” The line usually didn’t have much meaning...
There is a tool on Sayer Ji’s website that I wish I could recommend. I am sometimes asked by members of the public for a place to go to find scientific papers in order to figure...
Desperation can drive people to do desperate things. Such as investing in the “JING ORB” to try to resolve a health problem. You can’t blame anyone afflicted with a serious condition, one that...