My first gray hair appeared when I was the age of twenty-three, within two months of my mom passing away. Of course, this is anecdotal evidence and should not be taken as proof that stress causes...
Black, white, and orange – the signature colours of a calico cat. Subtract the white and you’ve got tortoise shell colouring. But there is gender colour discrimination at play: calico and tortoise...
When an apple is cut in half, the exposed surface quickly turns brown. Do the same thing to an orange, and nothing happens. The noted Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was intrigued by this...
Does a mole on the nose testify to an insatiable lust in the bedroom? Strange as it may sound, some people in ancient Greece used to believe that. Moles were referred to in one early book as the...
Today I learned two things. First, that we apparently have an albino squirrel on our campus. Second, that seeing an albino squirrel before a test is good luck....
It seemed that the bilberries improved the pilots' night vision and made them more successful in dogfights. Or so the story goes... But - “Fake News!” because there is no documented evidence that...
It’s a different world today, especially if you shop for your meat at a supermarket. You select your cut, pre-packaged meat from the refrigerated case, and the butcher who prepared it may not even...
Hair naturally gets its colour from a pigment molecule called melanin. There are 2 types of melanin: eumelanin, which gives hair and skin a brown or black hue, and pheomelanin, which gives the red...
Science fiction movies are usually a little more fiction than science, but you never know where you might catch a glimmer of the real world. For instance, take the bona fide space classic: Star...