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Attacking the Windmills

4 May 2022

Don Quixote mistook windmills for giants and attacked them. That actually seems rational when compared with the attacks launched by Donald Trump against wind turbines, or “windmills” in Trump-speak...

Regeneron’s Antibody Cocktail Wants to Join the Immunotherapy Revolution

16 Oct 2020

The name “Regeneron” has been in the news lately because their antibody cocktail was administered to Donald Trump when he was diagnosed with COVID-19, and there is hope that this experimental...

The Anti-Vaccine Movement in 2020

22 May 2020

What does an antivaxxer and a far-right activist have in common? If the thought of someone who opposes vaccines brings to mind tie-dye shirts and tree hugging, your answer may be “nothing.” But...

The Chlorpyrifos Controversy

7 Jun 2017

“Science not silence,” screamed the signs carried by many of the marchers in a number of American cities last Earth Day.

Milk Wars: Trump and Canada's dairy farmers

28 Apr 2017

Donald Trump recently attacked Canada’s dairy industry, calling our policies unfair. Milk supply in Canada, like poultry and eggs, is strictly regulated by supply management policies. By regulating...

Time to Change the Climate About Climate Change

20 Mar 2017

When it comes to the science of climate change, what you hear depends on who’s doing the talking

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