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Here's How Some Diabetics Can Save their Money

5 Feb 2019

This article was first published in The Montreal Gazette.

Fingerprick Blood Sugar Tests: How They Work and Why We Still Use Them

17 Jul 2018

We are living in the future. We have robotic personal assistants, watches that replace credit cards, phones that recognize our faces, and self driving cars are just around the corner. But for all...

Can Bitter Melon Treat Type 2 Diabetes?

21 Jun 2018

What on Earth is bitter melon? Good question. I certainly didn’t know before researching this article. Let’s start with some basics.

An electrifying experience

25 Apr 2017

A diabetic patient complained of feeling a tingling in his feet and hands, which to his physician sounded like the beginnings of diabetic nerve damage. Paradoxically, though, he only got this...

Are chia seeds really that healthy or is it just nonsensical hype?

20 Mar 2017

It isn’t nonsensical hype but neither are chia seeds some sort of wonder product.

Phthalates and microwave ovens

20 Mar 2017

It always pays to read the study! It really does, because popular accounts often misinterpret what researchers actually found and end up raising undue alarm. Of course it is raising the red flag of...

Cinnamon and Health

20 Mar 2017

Just mention cinnamon, and I can smell and almost taste my mother’s apple strudel. She made it from scratch, gently pulling the pastry on a table until the dough was paper thin. The filling was...

Put a Sock in it, Dr. Oz.

20 Mar 2017

Dr. Oz is being sued. Not for dispensing silly advice about "natural" weight loss supplements. Not for shamelessly promoting "Dr.Oz's homeopathic kit." Not for having nutcase Joe Mercola on his...


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