Publish your research with The Canadian Journal of Public Health - Canadian Journal of Public Health flyer for Qualitative Research
3rd Biannual Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Teaching & Learning Critical Qualitative Health Methods, Nov 5 & 12, 2021.
Call for abstracts now open! Please click here for more details.
**Registration is now open!** for the 2021 Qualitative Health Research Network Conference.
Negotiating trust: exploring power, belief, truth and knowledge in health and care.
The 2021 conference will be held online on the 18th and 19th March 2021.
There will also be a total of 5 Pre-Conference Workshops in the lead up to the conference:
- Introduction to ethnography in healthcare (2nd March 2021).
- An introduction to process evaluations (3rd March 2021).
- Qualitative Longitudinal Research (10 and 11 March 2021).
- Introduction to rapid qualitative research (12th March 2021).
- Qualitative research using Quirkos and Atlas.ti (15th March 2021).
SDS@OSU Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability, April 17-20, 2021,Virtual Conference.
Call for Proposals—Due November 19, 2020.
The Society for Disability Studies (SDS) is pleased to co-conference for the 4th time with The Ohio State University’s (OSU) Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability conference in April 2021. SDS plans to schedule conference events April 17-20, 2021.
The SDS submission portal will open October 19, 2020
See the SDS website:
The AESIS Network announces ‘The Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities on Society’ Conference in Toronto, Canada 14 – 16 October 2020.
For further details please click on the following link: