We encourage doctors to take a few minutes halfway through the rotation to give trainees feedback. Furthermore, at the end of the rotation, each student and resident should receive personal feedback as well as the final evaluation. In the case of failure, the program director must be contacted without delay.
The assessment forms must be filled with the trainee ideally at the end of the rotation. Under exceptional circumstances, the form can be filled within 7 days after the rotation.
In regard to student assessments, it is important to underline excellent performance by giving precise comments on the evaluation form. These comments are used in the Dean’s letter. This letter is important for students because it plays a vital role in applying to a residency program.
Daily Assessment Forms
This form is useful for supervisors who are present during a given period of the monthly rotation. This will also facilitate the gathering of comments to be included in the final assessment:
Family Medicine Clerkship Daily Assessment Form
More Examples of forms (clerks and residents):
- Daily evaluation - example 2 [.pdf]
- Daily evaluation - example 3 [.pdf]
Mid-rotation feedback form (clerks only). When a supervisor would like to use the same template as the final assessment. This form does not have to be sent to McGill and is not available in the evaluation software One45.
EPA 1 Form - Physical Exam and Patient History
Review of the evaluation
A student who is dissatisfied with an assessment must request an initial review of the assessment with the local supervisor. If this does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the student may then request a Formal Review at McGill University. It is in everyone’s best interest to promptly fill the evaluations without delay to ensure that every one can remember the student and the rotation.
Assessment and Promotion Policy (more information)
Evaluation Article - Rural Education Program Newsletter June 2007