
Best Poster Prize

Polymer Chemistry, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, is pleased to sponsor two Poster Prizes of $100 CAD each.

Best Presentation Prize

Open access journal publisher PeerJ is pleased to provide the PeerJ Award for Best Presentation by an early career researcher (PhD student or PostDoc). The winner will receive a voucher for a free PeerJ paper (upon submission and acceptance through the normal peer review system worth $1095 USD) and an interview on the PeerJ site about their research. The award aims to support rigorous scientific effort by early career researchers as well as to bring continued awareness to the benefits that open access and open communication have in furthering scientific progress.

In addition to publishing research in life and environmental sciences, PeerJ has just launched five peer-reviewed chemistry journals – free to publish in 2019! The journals include ‘PeerJ Physical Chemistry’, ‘PeerJ Organic Chemistry’, ‘PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry’, ‘PeerJ Analytical Chemistry’, and ‘PeerJ Materials Science’. PeerJ feels strongly about scientific information being rapidly disseminated and freely available for all to read, and are pleased to provide new venues for chemistry research.

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