- Paquin V, Ferrari M, Sekhon H, Rej S. Time to Think "Meta": A Critical Viewpoint on the Risks and Benefits of Virtual Worlds for Mental Health. JMIR Serious Games. 2023 Feb 7;11:e43388. doi: 10.2196/43388. PMID: 36661284.
- Ferrari M, Pawliuk N, Pope M, MacDonald K, Boruff J, Shah J, ... & Iyer SN. (2022). A scoping review of measures used in early intervention services for psychosis. Psychiatric Services, appi-ps. doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.202100506
- Power N, Perreault M, Ferrari M, Boudreau P, & Boivin DB. (2022). Sleep of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of atypical work schedules: a scoping review. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 37(4), 358-384. doi.org/10.1177/07487304221103376
- Ferrari M, Iyer S, LeBlanc A, Roy MA, Abdel-Baki A. A Rapid-Learning Health System to Support Implementation of Early Intervention Services for Psychosis in Quebec, Canada: Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jul 19;11(7):e37346. doi: 10.2196/37346
- Ferrari M, Sabetti J, McIlwaine SV, Fazeli S, Sadati SMH, Shah JL, Archie S, Boydell KM, Lal S, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Nielsen RKL, Reynolds JA, Iyer SN. Gaming My Way to Recovery: A Systematic Scoping Review of Digital Game Interventions for Young People's Mental Health Treatment and Promotion. Front Digit Health. 2022 Apr 7;4:814248. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.814248
- Ferrari M, Fazeli S, Mitchell C, Shah J, Iyer SN. Exploring Empathy and Compassion Using Digital Narratives (the Learning to Care Project): Protocol for a Multiphase Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jan 13;11(1):e33525. doi: 10.2196/33525
- Ferrari M, McIlwaine SV, Reynolds JA, Archie S, Boydell K, Lal S, Shah JL, Henderson J, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Andersson N, Boruff J, Nielsen RKL, Iyer SN. Digital Game Interventions for Youth Mental Health Services (Gaming My Way to Recovery): Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jun 24;9(6):e13834. doi: 10.2196/13834.
- Ferrari, M. (May 2020). T245. A model 2.0 for early intervention services for psychosis: Using a learning healthcare system approach to improve evidence-based care. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46: Suppl 1, S326.
- Cowan, T, Pope, MA, MacDonald, K, Malla, A, Ferrari, M#, Iyer, SN. # (2020). Engagement in specialized early intervention services for psychosis as an interplay between personal agency and critical structures: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 103583. #Senior authors with equal contributions.
- MacDonald, K., Ferrari, M., Fainman-Adelman, N., & Iyer, S. N. (2020). Experiences of pathways to mental health services for young people and their carers: a qualitative meta-synthesis review. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-23.
- Ferrari, M., Schick, A. (February 2020; invited manuscript). Teenagers, screens and social media: A commentary on Orben’s narrative review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology; 10.1007/s00127-020-01858-0. doi:10.1007/s00127-020-01858-0.
- Ferrari, M., McIlwaine, S., Reynolds, J., Boruff, J., Aarseth, E., Alvarez, M., Anderson, N., Archie, S., Boydell, K., Henderson, J., Lal, S., Lundedal Nielsen, R.K., Shah, J., & Iyer, S. (2020). Digital Game Interventions for Youth Mental Health Services (Gaming My Way to Recovery): Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res Protoc, 9(6), e13834
- Levasseur, M.A., Ferrari, M., McIlwaine, S., & Iyer, S.N. (2018). Supporting family member caregivers of youth experiencing the journey into and out of first episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13(2), 335-341. DOI: 10.1111/eip.12771.
- Bertulies Esposito, B., Nolin, M., Iyer, S., Malla, A., Tibbo, P., Banks, N., Ferrari, M., Abdel-Baki, A. (in press). Où en sommes-nous? An overview of successes and challenges after 30 years of early intervention services for psychosis in Québec. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
- Ahmad, F., El Morr, C., Ritvo, P., Othman, N., Moineddin, R., MVC Team: Ferrari, M., Ashfaq, I., Bohr, Y., Fung, W.L.A., Hartley, L., Maule, C., Mawani, A., McKenzie, K., Williams, S. (in press). A randomized control trial of an eight-week Web-based mindfulness virtual community intervention for student’s mental health. JMIR Mental Health.
- Ferrari, M., McIlwaine, S., Jordan, G., Lal, S., Shah, J. & Iyer, S. (2019). Gaming with stigma: An analysis of mental illness messages in video games. JMIR - Journal of Mental Health, 6(5): e12418. doi: 10.2196/12418.
- Levasseur, MA, Ferrari, M, McIlwaine, S, & Iyer, SN. (2019). Peer-driven family support services in the context of first-episode psychosis: Participant perceptions from a Canadian early intervention programme. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 13(4), 335-341.
- Ferrari, M., Ahmad, F., Shakya, Y., Ledwos, C., & McKenzie, K. (2018). Patients’ mental health journey: A qualitative case study with Interactive Computer-Assisted Client Assessment Survey. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20:1173-1181. doi: 10.1007/s10903-017-0643-z.
- Ferrari, M., Flora, N., Anderson, K., Tuck, A., Archie, S., Kidd, S., & McKenzie, K. (2018). Gender differences in pathways to care for early psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12:355-361. doi: 10.1111/eip.12324.
- Ferrari, M. & Archie, S. (2017). Youth mental health, family practice, and knowledge translation video games about psychosis: Family physicians’ perspectives. Health & Social Care in the Community. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, 26:184-189.
- Ferrari, M., Ahmad, F., Shakya, Y., Ledwos, C., & McKenzie, K. (2016). Computer-assisted client assessment survey for mental health: Patient and health provider perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 23:16(1):516.
- Ahmad, F., Ferrari, M., Moravac, C., & Dunn S. (2017). Redefining “being a peer leader”: Qualitative findings from a community-based cervical and breast screening program. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25:630-640. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12352.
- Ahmad, F., Shakya, Y., Ginsburg, L., Lou, W., Ng, P. Rashid, M., Ferrari, M., Ledwos, C., & McKenzie, K. (2016). Burden of common mental illnesses in a sample from community health centre. Canadian Family Physician. 62(12): e758-e766.
- Flora, N., Anderson, K., Ferrari, M., Tuck, A., Archie, S., Kidd, S., Tang, T., & McKenzie, K. (2017). A comparative analysis of pathways to early intervention services and duration of untreated psychosis in two Canadian cities. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 11(6): 517-521. doi: 10.1111/eip.12326.
- Maraj, A., Anderson, K., Flora, N., Ferrari, M., Archie, S., & McKenzie, K. (2017). Symptom profiles and explanatory models of a first-episode of psychosis in African-, Caribbean-, and European-origin groups in Ontario. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 11(2):165-170. doi: 10.1111/eip.12272.
- Ferrari, M., Rice, C., & McKenzie, K. (2015). ACE pathways project: Therapeutic catharsis in digital storytelling. Psychiatric Services, 66(5):556. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.660505.
- Ferrari, M., Flora, N., Anderson, K., Tuck, A., Archie, S., Kidd, S., Tang, T., & McKenzie, K. (2015). The African, Caribbean, and European (ACE) pathways to care study: A qualitative exploration of similarities and differences between African-origin, Caribbean-origin and European-origin groups in pathways to care for psychosis. BMJ-Open, 5, e006562. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006562.
- Rice, C., Chandler, E., Harrison, E., Liddiard, K., & Ferrari, M. (2015). Project Re•vision: Disability at the edges of representation. Disability & Society, 30, 513–527. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2015.1037950.
- Ferrari, M. (2015). Understanding the feasibility of integrating the eating disorders and obesity fields: The beyond obesity and disordered eating in youth (BODY) study. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 20, 257–269. doi: 10.1007/s40519-014-0172-x.
- Anderson, K., Flora, N., Ferrari, M., Tuck, A., Archie, S., Kidd, S., Tang, T., & McKenzie, K. (2015). A comparative study of pathways to first-episode care for psychosis in three ethnic groups in Ontario: The African, Caribbean, & European (ACE) project. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 60, 223–231.
- Ferrari, M., McVey, G., & Rummens, J. A. (2013). Dialogue with immigrant mothers from Chinese and Tamil communities to explore homogenization, normalization, and objectification of their body. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(1), Art. 2. URN
- Ferrari, M. (2011). Avoiding conflicting health promotion messages between eating disorders and obesity prevention: Can systems thinking act as a mediator, and how? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(19), 39–47.
- Ferrari, M. (2010). My journey through my qualifying exam using reflexivity and resonant text: “What I know,” “how I know it,” and “how I experience it.” Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 11, 217–230.
- Ferrari, M., Tweed, S., Rummens, J. A., Skinner, H.A., & McVey, G. (2009). Health materials and strategies for the prevention of immigrants' weight-related problems. Qualitative Health Research, 19, 1259-1272.
- McVey, G., Gusella, J., Tweed S., & Ferrari, M. (2009). A controlled evaluation of web-based training for teachers and public health practitioners on the prevention of eating disorders. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 17, 1–26.